View Full Version : Assault on Mount Mitchell

03-11-2005, 03:42 AM
I just wanted to tell anyone who's interested about the "Assault on Mount Mitchell - Assault on Marion" ride that is upcoming on May 20th. To learn everything about it go to:
It's in North Carolina. Total climb is 12000 feet! That's why I'm only doing the Marion ride. That's "only" 72 miles and 4500 feet. Nearly all of the climbing is squeezed into the last 25 miles.
Check it out!

03-11-2005, 05:18 AM
That's "only" 72 miles and 4500 feet. Nearly all of the climbing is squeezed into the last 25 miles. yow ! :eek:

Looks like something Veronica & SadieKate & akaKim & Yellow & the other freakishly strong N. California hill climbers would enjoy.

- jo "yeah I wish" bob

06-06-2005, 10:47 AM
Hey Doc...How was the ride?
You pm'd me about Asheville rides...What a beautiful part of the country! The hills were definitely bigger than here in Florida...hehe :p But I seemed to have handled them well. Going back in June/July for a week...hopefully we will be able to bring both "steeds" (the mtbike & the roadie) and get to attack some more of those mountians!
Last time we tackled Bent Creek, Tsali, & Kitzuma...great riding! This time I want to do Slick Rock.
We were dropped off by our bus at the top of Mt Mitchell and rode 5 miles down to Heartbreak Ridge (??) trailhead...what a site...30 mountain bikers going 40mph down the BRP :eek: Maybe next year we'll attack Mt Mitchell going up :D

Too many mountains...so little time!

06-06-2005, 11:14 AM
Major Bummer. :( The day before the ride: cool and sunny. The day after the ride: cool and sunny. The day of the ride? Heavy thunderstorms which lasted for at least the first 5 hours of the ride. So, being that I have young children and don't really want to crash and die on a mountain, I wimped out. 5 hours of hell (which is what I call riding in pouring rain) coupled with a real risk of serious injury just isn't my style. Maybe I'll see you there next year!

I'm glad you enjoyed asheville. Some really great riding up there.

06-06-2005, 12:53 PM
No Worries! I don't blame you for thinking of your kids...I think I would have wim...uh...bowed out gracefully as well ;)
I had my very first road ride this last Saturday on my brand new road bike...in the rain :( Not a good welcome to the road world! Fell on my a$$ trying to go around the corner while breaking :mad: But I am not discouraged...just a really interesting perfect purple circle on my tush :D I did 45 miles at an average of 16mph...not a bad start (MTBing has made me strong and resiliant I guess)
Nothing says you can't do next year!
BTW...I saw tons of cyclist on Town Mountain Road...are you familiar? Looks like quite a feat...a challenge my fiance and I are looking into while we are there again. Are you near the area?

06-16-2005, 05:27 AM
Hey, Bouncybouncy, there's an annual mountain bike ride UP Mt. Mitchell. This year it's July 31:

And Doc, believe it or not, 5 hours in the rain is not as bad as it sounds. Once you're wet, it doesn't really matter anymore (as long as there is no lightning). You just can't draft because of the dirt and water being spewed up into your face. Three of my girlfriends did the Marion ride, and another girlfriend and I did Mitchell. I have to admit, things were a bit 'dodgy' at the start, with that many riders on wet roads, but our group was very lucky, no accidents, no flats. The good thing about the rain was that it never got hot.

Sorry it didn't work out for you, but I hope you'll give it a whirl next year.

06-16-2005, 05:33 AM
Profavelo I am very impressed. You should be incredibly proud of yourself! I crossed that ugly 40 year mark this year and I really worry about injury.

I am planning to do "blood sweat and gears" on the 25th. Anyone else? I am doing the metric century, not whole century. Weather permitting LOL.

06-17-2005, 07:45 AM
profŕvélo..."#@ #%#^%$& ^$%% $^#&(&" I am jinxed with "I was there last week" syndrome :mad: I am always in the wrong state! That looks like fun!!! We will be entertaining at home (SoFla) while that is happening, bummer! Like everything else going on in NC..."maybe next year!"

My bosses are looking to move up there soon and my fiancee and I are looking at coming after the wedding in Feburary (unless he gets a job sooner...not soon enough for me)...putting all these great rides on my wish list! Is there a site I can go to to look up more rides that may be going on while we are there (it is sparadic...I never know when)

...and good luck on the Blood, sweat, & Gears :D

06-17-2005, 09:56 AM
There are a large number of riding clubs where you can find out about stuff. Tarheelcyclists is one. But I get most of my info from my LBS. The owner, Ilan, is a great guy and he sends out an email once/week with info about rides all over the place in north and south carolina. You can email him and ask if he'll add you onto his list:

06-17-2005, 10:39 AM
Thanks Doc!!! I am still a newbie, expecially to road, and it is raining and lightning down here so much lately we have not been able to ride...I think I am going out of my mind! I will be there for a week (leaving a week from today) I hope you guys have good weather for us!!! I will try to leave this stuff down here! ;)

06-18-2005, 02:52 AM
PLEASE leave the lightening in Florida!!
Here is another good website to find NC rides:

03-02-2006, 06:07 AM
I'm signed up for Mitchell, but I'll have to see how much training I get in...I'm trying to finish a dissertation. I'll at least do Marion. Mitchell is already full--you have to have ridden Marion or Mitchell the previous year in order to get an 'invitation'--but Marion is wide open. Anybody else planning to do one or the other? They're on Saturday, May 20th.


03-02-2006, 06:13 AM
My dh and I are training for Marion. Most of the guys we ride with are either doing Mitchell or Marion. Those of us doing Marion are toying with the idea of being "Team Fig Newton". (owing to our current figures in our "serious cycling clothes". :D )


03-02-2006, 06:38 AM
i am getting butterflies just thinking about it!!!! i have had this ride in mind for a year now and here it is already time to register!!!! :eek:

my (NOW I CAN SAY...) DH and i are discussing this...we have been on a non-riding hiatus for tooo long now and our flabby florida legs are barely getting us through Wim...uh...i mean Bent Creek :p We finally have upgraded our wardrobe to winter cycling status but still no decent hill climbing cranks:( Trying desparately to get back into the groove of cycling but we keep ending up at Home Depot or Lowes in search of a tool or two to update our new house....but anyway...I digress.............

Question: how do you get back to your car in Spartenburg???

03-02-2006, 07:48 AM
I have signed up for marion. Mitchell sold out in under 2 hours and I missed it. The weather has GOT to be better this year!
When you sign up you are given the option to pay for a bus ticket down the mountain from marion park.

03-02-2006, 09:23 AM
Those of us who are cheapskates, and who have the time, arrange to leave a car at the finish campground in Marion. Be sure to check the hours of the campground; when my girfriends went to leave a car last year, it had closed for the evening.

My DH had a bad experience with the bus his first year, back before I was really riding. He got a bus back to Spartanburg, but then had to wait for several hours for his bike (they transport those separately).

03-02-2006, 03:17 PM
At least the Assault on Marion part? I am thinking about it for next year, but since I am not a strong climber...Is it pure torture, or is it sort of do-able if you are very stubborn? Consider I live in FL where hill training is difficult to come by.


03-06-2006, 06:07 PM
is totally doable if you are very stubborn. It has one bad hill in it, called Bill's Hill, and you'll hear everyone dreading it. It's pretty steep, but it's very short; it's over before you know it. And I seem to remember an ugly little hill as you get into the town of Marion, at the end of your 70 miles. Other than that, it's Upstate South Carolina sort of rolling.

05-19-2006, 05:46 AM

hey you girls...doc, prof, nanci, carrieanne...(did i miss anyone?) any of you doing the assault??? marion or mitchell??? i was all set to sign up for the marion (you have to ride the prior year on either in order to do the mitchell...limited space and park service rules) but i wiped out in a creek 2 days ago and busted soft tissue in my hand so riding is out for a couple of weeks i am afraid :( (it was actually a silly little fall that involved a very wet & bark-less log and a rider with a bit too much ego and not enough sense to get off and walk....needless to say i was sitting waist deep in a fridged stream cusing myself out for hurting myself at the begining of the season!!! seems to be just quite a bruise but movement is all there...just not feasable to put pressure on it for 73 miles...ah well...i can still put on the running shoes for now :) i am just thankfull it was not any worse!!!)

anyway...if anyone is going let me know!!!! i am going to be stopping at various rest stops along the marion route to cheer on hubby and his buddy (who is riding all the way to the top) so if i see any of you and can ring the cowbell to you too!!!!

happy riding!!!

05-19-2006, 06:15 AM
New job is taking *all* my time. Not much time for riding, which means no training - which would not be pretty on that ride!

May be headed up your way over Memorial Day weekend, though, for some *very* casual riding:D :D

Good luck and happy weather thoughts to all who are going!!

05-19-2006, 08:33 AM
I'll be there!
Black and silver giant TCR
Red short sleeve jersey (if it's warm)
dark blue shorts.
That's Me!

Get bettter soon!!!

05-22-2006, 04:07 AM
well doc? how was it?

hubby opted out...he is not neccesarily a fair-weather rider but the low temp (he is a florida boy remember!) 73 miles in cold rain was just in his cards that day!

...and besides, i am not one to test lightnings fate!!!

our buddy did beat his personal best by 5 minutes:D (his 5th time doing the mitchell ride)

ah well...i feel sunshine for next years ride...ooooooooommmmm!!!!!!

05-22-2006, 04:23 AM
I know this was for Doc, but I'll chime in and announce that dh completed Marion. I opted out - just wasn't ready - and SAG'ed for dh and friends. There was rain and lightning at the start again this year, so the guys delayed their start 30 minutes. By then the storms had passed and they just had to deal with a few rain drops and wet roads ( the worst part of rain, in my opinion).

DH says he will SAG for me next year. :rolleyes:

05-22-2006, 05:19 AM
It was FABULOUS. I posted in the open topic section, but I am happy to repeat myself. Rain stopped after 20 minutes and the rest was 4 hours of pedalling bliss.
I doubt I'll ever be able to do mitchell. I rode with 4 guys and we made a great team. All for one and one for all. Pacelines, mechanical difficulties, you name it. I was the weak link, but... We averaged 16.5mph for the entire ride to marion.

I am signed up for BLood Sweat and Gears and can't wait!