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03-06-2005, 01:46 PM
Hello to all!
I hope to gain alot of knowledge here. I am new to cycling but very excited.
My husband got started about a year ago, so I have learned some from him too. I just got my new bike yesterday. Fitted and set for a new adventure. I got a Bianchi SL3 and it is sooo beautiful, satin flat sunshine yellow fading to orange. I enjoyed the ride more then I knew I would.
It did not take long to have my first lil 'crash from being new with the Shimano clipless pedals at a stop and pushing off incident. The bike was fine, but I bruised and scraped my knee a bit, but got back up and went some more. Only did a couple of miles yesterday. Today, I went out with husband and friend and did about 15 miles with a few hills to boot. Stayed at as moderate as possible, and did good concidering my butt was not callused enough.

I have been changing things in my life for the positive and besides getting into cycling, I have been eating (at a nearly) 100% live raw food for 30 plus days, and found more energy and an added benefit of losing 12 pouds with just changing this aspect alone. Learning the benefits of juicing, and soon to grow wheatgrass and juice it for optimal energy.
To see my raw food journals and another support site I joined: http://www.rawfoodtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2346

Hope they work ok, let me know if you have problems.

I just ordered my first order of clothing with TE-teamestrogen, hoping that the delivery is quick, so anxious for my jersey, shorts and sport top, etc.

Looking forward to meeting and learning about everyone and our common desire for fun in cycling.

03-06-2005, 01:59 PM
Hi Autumn! Welcome to the forum from another newbie :D


03-06-2005, 02:14 PM
Thanks for the first welcome! Smiles!

03-06-2005, 02:15 PM

03-06-2005, 02:28 PM
I need help. The bike is great but I'm having a horrible time clipping out especially with my right foot. New bike is a Specialized Dolce Comp, it's beautiful and hopefully I won't keep falling and tear it up too much. This whole thing with my foot not coming off the pedal is a bit intense. Several crashes. Had the speedplay road pedals, what a disaster-went to spd clips this is better but...
Have been back to the bike shop, I feel like I live there. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

03-06-2005, 02:37 PM
Tension to be adjusted possibly.
Are you not trying to take them off shortly before you intend to stop?
Give yourself time to get off before you know you have to stop.
As far as emergency stops, that is a hard one any way.
But keep going to the shop till they get it right.

03-06-2005, 05:04 PM
I sometimes have a harder time with my right foot than my left foot aswell. I think it's because by the time i've leant the bike a little bit to the left (in anticipation of resting my left foot on the ground), my ankle twisty motion for my right foot isn't quite at the right angle - due to the angle of the bike (did that make any sense?). Anyways, I've got the tension of my right pedal backed off a bit more now, so it's a lot easier to come undone. Only problem with having uneven tension on the two pedals is that when i bunnyhop, my right foot sometimes comes right off the pedal!

Also, not too sure whether it's possible with the type of SPDs you're using, but you could try angling the cleat in your shoe a little bit towards the direction that you go to unclip - that way, it takes less of a turny ankle movement to unclip. :)

03-07-2005, 01:47 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of biking, the forum, and a whole new group of friends!!


this link is my post about my first crash using clipless. Now I can't imagine trying to bike without them! Just keep working with them, it Will get better!

If you get a chance and have some time to kill, theres a post called "getting to know you" on the open forum. Gives you a chance to meet us and if you're so inclined, tell us about you!

Welcome and enjoy!

03-07-2005, 02:25 PM
Welcome to the forum! Your Bianchi is gorgeous - love the color! I'm going to be looking at Bianchi this weekend in my search for a new road bike. I'm sure you will love riding, and this forum is a great place to get info and answers to your questions.

03-08-2005, 12:49 AM
Thank you for welcoming me. I feel that cycling is going to give me what I have been searching for soo long!
Freedom, health and happiness, what else could a girl want?!

03-08-2005, 09:39 AM
I need help. The bike is great but I'm having a horrible time clipping out especially with my right foot. New bike is a Specialized Dolce Comp, it's beautiful and hopefully I won't keep falling and tear it up too much. This whole thing with my foot not coming off the pedal is a bit intense. Several crashes. Had the speedplay road pedals, what a disaster-went to spd clips this is better but...
Have been back to the bike shop, I feel like I live there. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

congratulations of your new Dolce Comp, as I purchased the same in Nov. and love it. After getting use to the bike I put on the spd pedals and practiced clipping in and out on my trainer. In case you did not know the beauty of these pedals can be adusted, looser or tighter. I had my husband adjust them until they were where I could clip out as quick as possible. When I can anticipate a stop up ahead I clip out my right foot and pedal to the point with my toe.

03-08-2005, 10:50 AM
thank you jo-n-ny....you took the post right out of my fingertips. heehee

I practiced on my trainer with my first spds....worked like a charm, and I learned to adjust them myself (except for the blonde time....righty tighty lefty loosey - just remember that! When I got my new candy sl pedals I practiced on the trainer with them, too. haven't had a problem. that extra practice without the need to hold myself up really made all the difference in the world!
