View Full Version : Cooper River Bridge Run Chas. SC

02-22-2005, 05:47 AM
I anyone going to do this run this year????? I haven't done it before, I lived in Charleston for many years - none of them were my running years tho! I was hoping to find someone who could pick up my packet for me :D as I won't be down early enough to pick it up, assuming I can make it, I have to ask B/F this evening if he can go.

03-03-2006, 12:27 PM
I did it four years ago, on the old bridge. I was there this weekend, and realized that the new bridge is a bit steeper than the old one, but I remember there were so many people that we were packed like sardines, and I was hardly aware that we were going uphill! I don't think we're doing it this year, though, so I can't help you out -- sorry! If the plans change I'll let you know.