View Full Version : Konnichiwa!

08-25-2002, 02:32 AM
Hello all estro riders!

I just just joined this forum today and I think it is just the greatest thing since, uhhhhhhh, sliced sashimi! I am a Canadian girl toughing it out in the wilds of Japan. I bought my TREK 7200FX hybrid in March and the land of the rising sun ain't been the same since! I ride trail on the weekend and commute (about 12km roundtrip) everyday. I get the weirdest looks cuz I think I'm the only person in the country who wears a helmet when they ride! I've also been dabbling a bit in TRI these days, too, although it costs a fortune to get into a swimming pool here. I just wanted to give a big whassup to everyone on this list and on the off chance that there are any other ladies tearing it up in Japan, let's hook up!!! Would love to hear from some Canuk gals too, to take that edge off the homesickness and hear what's up on the dirt of my home turf!

Was wondering if anyone has any good suggestion for fuel on the trail that's not of the PowerBar variety. Energy bars are pretty scarce here. Homemade alternatives?????


08-25-2002, 05:45 AM
fig newtons, pop tarts. Most of the moutnainbiker guys I know SWEAR by poptarts. Gross I know but what the heck.

penny s

08-31-2002, 07:42 PM
Oh please please Liv, there MUST be some incredibly strange japanese version of gorp you can turn us on to. Don't the locals have some mix of sorba noodles and gummy Hello Kitty stuff? Fig newtons are the standard, but shouldn't you be trying seaweed cookies just to be culturaly well rounded? ;)
I'll bet it's pop tarts with beer- I so know the guys that swear by that.

Miss Liz

09-01-2002, 03:36 PM
don't know if you can get this stuff there or not, but here's a recipe to try.....


09-05-2002, 08:34 PM

the recipe looks great, I will have to try it out.

domo arigato 8-)


09-06-2002, 05:07 PM
here's another recipe you could try:


10-08-2002, 07:55 AM
:) hum... in HK i like eating rice balls, and the fried doughs that translate roughly to:
"cow tongue" and "oil fried ghost"
if you like coconut they have a coconut filled breadie thing too...
"chicken rice bread"
:P like i said... rough translations from the cantonese...