View Full Version : Climbing Club February

02-18-2008, 06:03 PM
Hi everyone! Seems that Climbing Club kinda went by the wayside, but I want to revive it!

My goal for February is a paltry 6500', but in my defense, there is a ton of sand and gravel on most of my regular hills right now. (That, and I'm a weeny :p)

Anyhow, I have about 3500' on the month as of now, and am shooting for another 3000' on one more weekend ride before February ends. The way it is going, it is looking like that will mean 4 repeats of the same road. :rolleyes:

Anyone else want to play? :)

02-18-2008, 07:18 PM
it's kind of late in February to start a february challenge, isn't it?
I got 1800 feet on Saturday, so if i do chilly hilly, i'll be getting close... but weather isn't supposed to be too good this weekend.

02-18-2008, 07:55 PM
I guess I never considered Climbing Club to be a challenge thread. Just a place to state one's goals, get support & encouragement, and report back.

I have at least one more long ride (well, long for this time of year for me), and I wanted to set a climbing goal for the month to make sure I get it in.

I got 1800 feet on Saturday, so if i do chilly hilly, i'll be getting close

Close to what? What is your goal?

02-19-2008, 08:04 AM
Hi everyone! Seems that Climbing Club kinda went by the wayside, but I want to revive it!

My goal for February is a paltry 6500', but in my defense, there is a ton of sand and gravel on most of my regular hills right now. (That, and I'm a weeny :p)

Anyhow, I have about 3500' on the month as of now, and am shooting for another 3000' on one more weekend ride before February ends. The way it is going, it is looking like that will mean 4 repeats of the same road. :rolleyes:

Anyone else want to play? :)

Oooh, I'll play! But, Starfish, your 'paltry' 6500' isn't as paltry as my 5300'! I am just aiming for a mile of climbing for the month because of all the grit and sand on the roads still. I am a bit over three thousand right now, so I have a bit to go.

02-19-2008, 08:41 AM
I'm sitting this one out until I get back to Ohio. Around here a "hard climb" is a 60-foot-tall bridge :rolleyes:

02-19-2008, 09:08 AM
Well, I signed up for the Mt Shasta Summit Super Century (http://www.shastasummitcentury.com/) so I guess I'd best be crackin' the whip. :D

I'll be staying where the lunch stop is located - the Mt. Shasta Resort - which might not be such a great idea, motivation wise. ;)

02-19-2008, 10:39 AM
Well, I signed up for the Mt Shasta Summit Super Century (http://www.shastasummitcentury.com/) so I guess I'd best be crackin' the whip. :D

I'll be staying where the lunch stop is located - the Mt. Shasta Resort - which might not be such a great idea, motivation wise. ;)

Oh, fun! I think I'm going to stay at the same hotel as last year...I guess I better get it booked. It was over in Weed about 6 miles away, but I really enjoyed my stay. I'm going to go down a few days early...maybe we can do a TE dinner the night before, or something.

02-19-2008, 10:42 AM
oh, Star, sorry; if i do Chilly Hilly, i'd get close to 6500 feet.
not looking likely though.

02-19-2008, 12:36 PM
Oh, fun! I think I'm going to stay at the same hotel as last year...I guess I better get it booked. It was over in Weed about 6 miles away, but I really enjoyed my stay. I'm going to go down a few days early...maybe we can do a TE dinner the night before, or something.

You bet !!

My husband Lee & I are staying in a cabin (excuuuse me, a "chalet" :rolleyes: ) at the Mt. Shasta Resort. It has a small kitchen, a living room and a nice deck to hang out on. And it's only about 3 miles to the start of the ride so we'll just ride our bikes over.

Lee is doing the metric. I told him I'd be signing up for the Super Century and he just smiled and said "have fun, dear."

We could have an after-ride celebration on our deck. I can see us now, conked out on the deck chairs. :D

Maybe before the ride would be a better idea ...

02-19-2008, 12:54 PM
We could have an after-ride celebration on our deck. I can see us now, conked out on the deck chairs. :D

That sounds like a nice place to stay. :) Having done the century last year, I know exactly where that is, and it is an easy ride to the start line. The post-ride get together sounds good...but I have to say that last year, after the century, there was a little chatting there at the end with a couple of SK's friends from Sacramento...and then I more or less collapsed into an epsom salt bath, then face planted into bed. :D :eek: :D

Who knows? Maybe with MP's incredible coaching this year, I will be ready to party all night after the ride. But, since I'm also signed up for the Super, I have my doubts. :rolleyes: :p

(PS: I think I'm going to do some camping this year, and then get a room for a day or two before the ride, and the day after.)

02-19-2008, 01:13 PM
We're thinking about Shasta also. We have some child care issues to sort out. (This is NOT a ride for the tandem. :rolleyes: )

No climbing for me this month - except hiking! :D

02-19-2008, 01:15 PM
We're thinking about Shasta also.

Yay! Keeping fingers crossed. This will be fun! :)

PS: Been trying to talk GLC into it, too. You listening, GLC?

02-19-2008, 01:38 PM
Hee hee, you can hijack your own thread ? :cool:

02-23-2008, 06:43 PM
Well, 5217' for me this month.

I know the month isn't over, but I'm starting a recovery week, and I doubt there will be any outside rides between now and the 29th. I fell a little short of my goal, but I am OK with this, given the sandy, mucky state of our roads (especially the ones that climb at all).

I will have to think about a goal number for March, and will look forward to hearing the February totals and March goals of all the rest of you! :)

02-23-2008, 06:55 PM
I've got 8300 feet of climbing so far. Goals... what are those. I'm SO short of my mileage goal this month. I'm at like 120 miles and I was supposed to get 535. :o I guess I should be glad they were climbing miles.

Well... March is a new month. I'm going to need like 1000 miles in March to get back on track. Climbing - lots. I won't get more specific now. :) 'Cause hey, I haven't been able to attain a goal yet.


02-23-2008, 07:07 PM
I got in about 8000 ft. this month

Most of it was on this ride:


It took me over some climbs I hadn't done before - Bear Creek Rd (aka The 3 Bears - Papa and Momma Bear are pretty apparent, but Baby Bear, I'm still not sure of its whereabouts) heading north, followed by Pig Farm Hill at mile 58, which as the name implies is quite the stinker :p

By the time I reached my car at mile 94 I was kind of whupped and couldn't get up the gumption to loop around an extra six miles for a full century.

Oh yeah, and there was the ride from my house to Palo Alto for the ToC prologue and back. I told Kim it would be about 100 feet of climbing, so she was irate when it in fact turned out to be a bit over 200 ft each way - I neglected to factor in a couple of freeway overpasses. :D

02-24-2008, 07:30 AM
Jo - that ride you did looks great!

I am so eager to get back on the bike!! But I have to try not to fall into the trap I fell into last year coming back from the PEs. I think I really overdid it too soon (my Spring mileage progression month to month went 0, 317, 172, 580 :eek:, 672), and that's part of what led to the evil butt thetans - and a general late summer burn out. So I will try not to do that again. :o Live and learn. :cool:

At least given what it looks like out there today I will be REALLY happy to be indoors. :D

02-24-2008, 10:03 AM
That was a really fun ride, made more so by the fine weather and especially the company - we had a great turnout of guys from bikejournal (gw_12, tenbrooks, LOS) and bikeforums (taxi, allain, s&sb, bostic). Glenn was so sweet, he rode back with LOS & I over the Bears. This guy who does repeats of Sierra Road at lunchtime :rolleyes: was perfectly happy just hanging back & chatting with us slowpokes. (Of course then he fired up the afterburners at about the last 30 miles and took much of the group on a time trial back to the start :D )

I might do this route again next Sunday, or at least the hillier parts of it. Depends on the timing of our volunteer shift is for the rescheduled SF 300K the day before. My route conveniently passes by lots of BART stations.

But I have to try not to fall into the trap I fell into last year coming back from the PEs. I think I really overdid it too soon (my Spring mileage progression month to month went 0, 317, 172, 580 :eek:, 672), and that's part of what led to the evil butt thetans - and a general late summer burn out. So I will try not to do that again. :o Live and learn. :cool: I hear ya! After my fall burnout I'm being a lot more careful as well. I'm basically gearing up towards the Mt. Hamilton Challenge at the end of April, with my major goal being Mt. Shasta in August. The RUSA R-12 would be nice but I don't want to burn myself out in the process.

02-24-2008, 10:39 AM
Glen's truly a gent!

You will love the MH Challenge. That was my first ever 200k in 2005, used it (plus WCC 200k) as prep for Davis, which was my first ever double. Oh those were the days! Anyway, I will never forget seeing David (Dagaus) at the MH C rest stop last year while I was doing DMD and envying him his CIVILIZED ride! :rolleyes:

For the MH C - resist the urge to pack everything in those bags they take to the rest stops for you. I really packed WAY too much stuff. Though it is in the middle of no where, so it helps to be prepared with some extra Paydays. :D

02-24-2008, 10:45 AM
so do you all have gps units? if not, how do you calculate your elevation change?

02-24-2008, 10:47 AM
GPS with barometric correction. I used to just have a barometric altimeter, which worked fine.

I think most people have barometric and/or GPS. (Our friend Glen has both. :cool: )

02-24-2008, 11:14 AM
I have a CicloSport CM436M computer with a pretty good barometric altimeter. It downloads to my computer and makes nice graphs to boot.

Naturally it's not make anymore. :rolleyes:

02-24-2008, 01:37 PM
Gosh, I need to make my way to CA to do some riding. The winter back here in the mountains has been heavy on the snow this year. Every weekend it seems like there is a snow storm that is dumping 10-20 inches. Great for the backcountry skiing, not so great for the biking. My back has also been bothering me which has kept me away from some of the hills.

02-24-2008, 01:56 PM
Yeah, you would have loved to be here this weekend. :D