View Full Version : Menstrual Cycles

08-20-2002, 11:45 AM
Sorry to bring up such a personal issue, but I was curious if anyone else feels like their energy is noticeably lower during their menstrual cycle. I have been involved in strenuous activity before, but have never experienced such an energy shortage. If so, do you have any suggestions for me? Since I am fairly new on the bike, I haven't discovered the best way to alleviate this. Thank you.

08-20-2002, 01:49 PM
definitely relate - just really hard actually get out there, I just don't want to do ANYTHING ...

what I've noticed helping me is the old tried & true: eat better!
some things I particularly watch for are
1) cut down on sweets (I have a terrible sweet tooth!) including soda and the like,
2) avoid salty things too close, and
3) make sure to drink enough milk / calcium - if I aim for 3 glasses a day, I'll get two! (sometimes is reg milk, other times it's Silk Choc Soy Milk, which is calcium fortified!)
4) try to each an "iron-rich" food every day (I'm not real good on this one, and I can tell!) like spinach, raisins, wheat germ, etc. ( not much of a meat eater either) eating these with something high in Vit C and NOT with something high in calcium mean more of the available iron can be absorbed. For example, I'll make a tossed salad with fresh spinach, drained mandarin oranges, broccoli pieces, a little leftover chicken, sprinkle on the wheat germ & raspberry vinaigrette and then have iced tea or water instead of milk.

i've found these all make a difference, especially the milk and the iron. not sure why....

08-20-2002, 03:28 PM
Thank you so much, ayermail2. I will definately give that a try, keeping my fingers crossed. My boyfriend doesn't understand what I go through...lol. Thanks again and I will let you know how it goes.

Special K

08-21-2002, 06:05 PM
I go through lots more water, which seems to help with the energy level. May be a mind over matter thing, but I kind of look at it like "watering everything down". It especailly helps with cramps. I try for a lot of fish ( tuna for lunches and a good salmon for dinner) that seems to be better for energy than red meats, and white meats tend to make me sluggish during that time too.
hope this helps!:)

09-09-2002, 05:12 PM
Hi SpecialK,
One other thing you may want to consider is a recovery drink for after your ride. I thought they were crap for a long time - then I finally tried one and it makes all the difference in the world. I bring this up because I will actually drink a watered down version during a ride to keep my energy levels up. I use Endurox orange. Another suggestion - are you eating anything during your ride - you might want to try GU, if you haven't tried any before I would recommend the vanilla or chocolate (they taste like frosting, yumm). Make sure you follow them with lots of water and take one package about every 45minutes to an hour. Good luck!

09-10-2002, 10:59 PM
Thanks girls. I actually felt okay this month, but I will definately keep all of your advice in mind. I appreciate the replies.

Thanks again!

10-14-2002, 06:13 AM
huh :D i cheat on the menstrul thing. i'm on depo-provera for the fact that i don't get my period at all, very handy when psycho biker :).... just a thought...