View Full Version : Any Nike+ iPod owners?

02-13-2008, 01:02 PM
Hey all,

I did a search before posting this but had no luck so I thought I would go ahead and ask ... Do any of you own the Nike+ iPod system? It's that chip that goes in your shoe and the transponder that goes on the bottom of your iPod? Just curious. I've used mine since Christmas and absolutely love it. The website lets you track all kinds of information and you can set personal goals and join world wide challenges. It's actually really neat. Anyway, just curious if anyone else was using it. I thought we might join a challenge together or something.

02-13-2008, 06:54 PM
Hi! I have been using it for about a year. I didn't buy the shoes, but have the ipod and nike-plus, and got a neat little leather thing to stick it in on my shoelaces. Love it, Love it, Love it! I would love to do a TE challenge! Would be fun to see us all logged on one chart. I'm in!!! Just tell me when.

02-13-2008, 07:16 PM
Sweet! Let's see how many more people respond to this thread and then maybe we'll get a challenge going just to keep us all motivated! :D

02-26-2008, 07:50 PM
I'm in if you guys decide to set up a challenge. Been using mine since Jan. Was sticking it in my shoe, but I finally needed new shoes and was lucky that the "correct" pair also happened to be a nike+ pair! Woo Hoo!

02-27-2008, 04:27 AM
Have one and use it all the time. I'm up for a challenge - anything to keep me focused on my workouts right now, winter is dragging on and on and on - well, you get the idea

02-27-2008, 04:44 AM
Great! This is good. I'll shoot out a couple of options and you guys let me know which one you want. When I get it set up I'll let you know.

1. Most miles in 30 days
2. Most miles in 60 days
3. First person to 50 miles
4. First person to 100 miles

Any other sugguestions?

02-27-2008, 11:05 AM

02-27-2008, 08:02 PM
How about most miles in 30 days? or 60 days?
I'll be in! I won't win, but it's always helpful to join a challenge.

02-28-2008, 04:33 AM
How about most miles in 30 days? or 60 days?
I'll be in! I won't win, but it's always helpful to join a challenge.
I agree 100% about challenges being helpful. And that's the whole reason I want to do this. It's not about who is actually going to win, but about having something to keep yourself motivated! Okay, I think I will set up a challenge for "The most miles in 30 days." If we all like it we can do another for the next 30 days. Since March has 31 days I might have the challenge start March 1st and go for 31 days. If all goes well we'll start another challenge for April or something like that. Sound okay?

02-28-2008, 04:57 AM
Alright guys, I set up the challenge. It starts March 1st. Woo Hoo. This should be a blast! If your name is different on the Nike site, let us know who you are when you sign up. Let's rock 'n roll!


02-28-2008, 09:35 AM
I'm all registered! Can I count today's?! Kidding. Looking forward to it!

02-29-2008, 04:01 PM
Oooo makes me want to run tomorrow, but I have a swimming lesson for my Tri training.

Although, I have to walk there and back so I'll get to include those miles!


02-29-2008, 04:39 PM
Oooo makes me want to run tomorrow, but I have a swimming lesson for my Tri training.

Although, I have to walk there and back so I'll get to include those miles!

I know! I am leaving town at 7:00 am tomorrow morning and won't be back until Sunday night so I won't get a run in until Monday evening! That's okay, I always get giddy about starting challenges. I did complete a goal I had set today though! I was so excited. It was the first goal I had set for myself and I made it ... 100 miles in 8 weeks. :D

Alright ladies, I'm excited!

03-01-2008, 05:48 PM
Just wondering if most minutes in 30 days would be better since everyone runs/jogs at a different pace and therefore doesnt' cover the same mileage but is putting in the training? either way, I'm in - a challenge definitely keeps me motivated.

03-02-2008, 06:40 AM
Hi! I have been using it for about a year. I didn't buy the shoes, but have the ipod and nike-plus, and got a neat little leather thing to stick it in on my shoelaces.

I was looking at the Nike+ ipod on the REI site, and it says that the "sensor will only work in enabled Nike+ shoes". So that's not true?

03-02-2008, 10:16 AM
I was looking at the Nike+ ipod on the REI site, and it says that the "sensor will only work in enabled Nike+ shoes". So that's not true?

You can buy holders that attach to other shoes. Here is one http://www.amazon.com/Sport-Sensor-Nike-iPod-Kit/dp/B000ID6DTG/ref=pd_bbs_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1204485360&sr=8-3
But there are others

03-02-2008, 05:35 PM
Just wondering if most minutes in 30 days would be better since everyone runs/jogs at a different pace and therefore doesnt' cover the same mileage but is putting in the training? either way, I'm in - a challenge definitely keeps me motivated.

Hi brok! Please do join us! Your idea is a great one. Is that even an option for challenges though? I honestly don't know. I'll dig a little deeper though and maybe we can do that one for next month if it's possible! Yeah!

03-02-2008, 05:37 PM
I was looking at the Nike+ ipod on the REI site, and it says that the "sensor will only work in enabled Nike+ shoes". So that's not true?No, that is not true. As brok mentioned, you can put it in a holder or something similar. You should get the set-up! It's awesome!

03-02-2008, 05:45 PM
I'm hoping to buy this with my refund. :) So I would be interested in joining next month. Though a time one would work better for me, as I don't cover a lot of mileage! But the challenge aspect is still very helpful in keeping me honest.

03-02-2008, 11:33 PM
""I was looking at the Nike+ ipod on the REI site, and it says that the "sensor will only work in enabled Nike+ shoes". So that's not true?""

I bought the same one referenced above through Amazon. It works GREAT. Before that (lol) I was duct taping it to my shoe tongue. Didn't work QUITE as well, but was generally effective enough! They LIE.. don't have to buy the shoes. I even read somewhere the directions someone posted to cut out a spot under the insoles of your shoes and put it in there. I'm not that brave!:p

03-03-2008, 03:25 AM
Forgot to tell you all - my Nike ID is RoadRunner5
Thanks AKA Brok

03-03-2008, 05:08 AM
I'm hoping to buy this with my refund. :) So I would be interested in joining next month. Though a time one would work better for me, as I don't cover a lot of mileage! But the challenge aspect is still very helpful in keeping me honest.
That would be great! I will look into the "time challenge" for next month for sure. The more participants the merrier for sure! Here we go!

03-03-2008, 03:33 PM
Diving - I just stuck mine under the top of my shoe for the first month and a half and it worked fine but those "pouches" are a little better. You definately don't need the shoes.

I needed shoes anyway and I just lucked out because the Nike+ ones happened to be the best fit running shoe I tried on and cheaper then the other pair I was considering so I went with the Nike+. Nice to not have to worry about where my chip is now.

Tiffany - 100 miles in 8 weeks that's awesome!

As far as what type of challenge for the next one... I'm fine with whatever. It doesn't have to be distance. I don't run that far either I'm still doing a learn walk/run, but I also walk a lot so my miles tend to be higher then other beginners.

03-05-2008, 06:25 PM
Way to go everyone! We're off to a GREAT start!

03-10-2008, 01:26 PM
I've finally made my purchase, now I just have to get things up and running. Which I can't do likely until tomorrow. Which seems to be giving me permission to be lazy today. ;) ha ha ha. Can't wait to start playing with my new toy!

03-10-2008, 04:27 PM
That's awesome! It is a breeze to work so you'll have it going in no time. Now all you need to do is come join our challenge. We mainly use it for motivation and to help keep each other going! Come play with us!!!

03-10-2008, 06:51 PM
Yeay Poss! Come join us!

03-15-2008, 12:52 PM
Well, I bit. I bought a new iPod (been looking for an excuse to get one) and the Nike+ sensor and the shoe pouch mentioned above. Today I went out for a walk, and it was fun having all the data in front of me. Haven't figured out the uploading business, and I don't know if I will, but this thing is cool!

03-18-2008, 06:10 PM
I think now that I am running a bit longer miles, I am suspecting that the milage on my nikeplus is a bit off... and unfortunately in the wrong direction! I'd say that when it says 6 miles, I say about 5.5 to 5.75. I'll have to play with the thing and see if I can get it closer. Funny -- I didn't have to calibrate my first sensor at all. But I had to get a new one recently, and this is where the trouble began. Has anyone calibrated theirs? Easy to do? I'll have to dig out the instructions. Hate that!:(

Tiffany: Where have you been? Hope all is okay. Just haven't seen any miles under your posting.... maybe my viewer thing not working?

04-01-2008, 07:12 PM
I think now that I am running a bit longer miles, I am suspecting that the milage on my nikeplus is a bit off... and unfortunately in the wrong direction! I'd say that when it says 6 miles, I say about 5.5 to 5.75. I'll have to play with the thing and see if I can get it closer. Funny -- I didn't have to calibrate my first sensor at all. But I had to get a new one recently, and this is where the trouble began. Has anyone calibrated theirs? Easy to do? I'll have to dig out the instructions. Hate that!:(

Tiffany: Where have you been? Hope all is okay. Just haven't seen any miles under your posting.... maybe my viewer thing not working?
Hey Jes, thanks for thinking of me. Things got a little crazy in my world for a bit. After my 5k on March 22nd I had a family situation that kept me from running for a little bit. I ran today though for the first time since then and it felt great. I'm going to try to keep as many miles under my belt as possible as we get into cycling season and all. I'm sure you ladies know how that goes. I'm so sorry I fell off the challenge near the end. Do you guys want to do it again? I can start the challenge tomorrow (4/2)!!! Let me know!

04-01-2008, 07:17 PM
Tiff: Hope all is better. Good to hear you got out today! I wish I had. I needed it, but tomorrow is a new day.
YES for me on the challenge. I like seeing how everyone is doing. We got smoked last month! That's okay -- I almost doubled my milage from the previous month, so I'm fairly happy with that.

I managed to calibrate the nike-+ to be a lot more accurate from what I can tell, so I'm good to go -- and rest assured, no padding the miles on this months' challenge for me! I was getting an extra 1/4 to 1/2 mile over every 5 or 6 miles from what I could tell. I liked that better, but will live with the truth!:D

Let's RUN!

04-02-2008, 06:48 AM
Alright ladies. I've started a new challenge. Here's the link ...


I will start a new thread as well. For the 4 of you who were in the challenge last month, I've sent you an invitation so all you should have to do is log in and accept the challenge!

04-02-2008, 09:31 AM
Thanks, Tiffany for setting it up again.
I'm in!