View Full Version : So what's in your bottle?

02-08-2005, 01:16 PM
We know what's in your pack, but what's in your bottle?

I like Cytomax Tropical Fruit with a splash of Crystal Light Pink Lemonade. We've converted many people to our tart and refreshing cocktail. Goes down good in the summer! :D

We just bought a can of the new Cytomax Pink Lemonade flavor but haven't tried it yet.

02-08-2005, 02:14 PM
Somebody (CorsairMac?) suggested Emergen-C awhile back. It has lots of good vitamins & other stuff. I've been using that and I really like it! It gives me a bit of a lift, but doesn't send me crashing down. I use it for spin classes, short rides and when I lift weights.

For really long rides, I'll combine Cytomax with some vanilla protein powder. The protein powder evens out the Cytomax. There has been some recent research that protein helps both endurance and recovery.

02-08-2005, 02:21 PM
1 Gatorade, 1 H2O

02-08-2005, 02:37 PM
Gatorade lemon lime flavor - premixed.

On long rides I'll bring along a Red Bull (or two.) I've had good luck freezing them. I've only had 3 or so blow up in the freezer.


02-08-2005, 02:50 PM
I've only had 3 or so blow up in the freezer.

I'm not going anywhere near your freezer -not without a bomb squad!

02-08-2005, 03:10 PM
Blow up is really a misnomer. They actually just kind of ooze out of the can. A mess to clean up, but a small price to pay to have a cold Red Bull in the middle of a long ride on a hot day.


02-08-2005, 04:15 PM
If I'm not on a long tour, then I usually have one bottle of water and one bottle of Gatorade on my bike - favorite flavors are Strawberry Kiwi, or Gatorade Ice Strawberry or Watermelon.

If I'm on a tour, or even on a long day ride, then I wear a Camelbak filled with water and carry 2 bottles of Gatorade on the bike. And if I'm touring in an area where there is little or no access to water or stores, then I usually throw a couple of extra bottles of both water and Gatorade in my trailer or panniers, whichever I happen to be using. Running out of liquid on a long ride is definitely a bad idea!

02-08-2005, 04:37 PM
For a ride in the heat and over two hours, the bottle is Gatorade with lots of ice, which melts and becomes about a 50/50 solution. For shorter rides, just water. Some places we mountain bike, I carry an extra water bottle for emergencies-mine or anyone in need.

02-08-2005, 04:59 PM
For anything over 25 miles, I'll wear my hydration pack. Otherwise I don't drink enough. I keep diluted Gatorade in my Polar bottle, it's the only think my stomach can handle.

02-08-2005, 06:56 PM
If I'm on a long day ride, or it's hot I wear a Camelbak filled with water and 2 bottles of Gatorade on the bike. Very hot and or long ride I'll put an extra water bottle in a rear jersey pocket to refill the camelbak. I like Cytomax but Gatorade is less expensive and works, any flavor that matches my jersey...I spill a lot. :rolleyes: :cool:

02-08-2005, 07:47 PM
Just water - only ride for an hour or two at a time and I don't like a lot of sports drinks, especially that "sports water" stuff (tastse like water with vinegar in it to me). Not a big fan of the windolene-blue flavour either, which is a shame because I usually wear a blue top when out for a bike ride. ;)

02-09-2005, 04:19 AM
I usually carry one bottle of water and one bottle of a sports drink. I used to mainly drink gatorade although I've recently started drinking the Powerbar Endurance drink.

02-09-2005, 04:28 AM
I've been thinking about trying Sustained Energy. In general I prefer to drink my calories rather than eat them.


02-09-2005, 01:06 PM
Alacar (read Emergen-C) makes a replacement drink called Electro-Lyte which is sugar-free, mixes with water, has a very light taste and is very easy on the stomache. I either carry 2 bottles of that or put that in a CamelBack. Depends on what I'm doing and what the temp is that day!

02-09-2005, 01:38 PM
one camelbak bladder with water, one camelbak bladder with very lightly mixed (about 1/3 strength) lemon lime gatorade (I'm not very fond of the orange mix and the blue, although great in the bottle is nasty in the mix!!). on every mountain bike ride - varying degrees of fullness depending on ride length. on the road bike, it's one bottle of each.
varieties of sports drink mixes out here in the stix are limited, but my lbs can get cytomax, so I'm thinking of giving that a try. based on the above fuss-***-ness of flavours, can you recommend which flavour I should look for?
oh, yeah, and I tried accelerade once instead of gatorade. :eek: wow! was that ever bad!!


02-09-2005, 02:29 PM
LBTC -- I really like the Cytomax Tropical Punch mixed with Crystal Light Pink Lemonade (or yellow). We don't use the Cytomax full strength and the Crystal Light makes it very tasty and refreshing. You wouldn't know that you're drinking electrolytes. Cytomax gets good reviews for digestibility and helping with altitude sickness.

Our riding group had a large can of Accelerade that kept getting passed from one member to the next. Sort of a white elephant. Not sure who had to guts to finally throw it out. Who knows, it may be travelling the continent one scoop at a time.

I'll post a review on the new Pink Lemonade from Cytomax after this weekend. Maybe the Crystal Light cocktail will become obsolete.

02-10-2005, 05:14 AM
oh, yeah, and I tried accelerade once instead of gatorade. :eek: wow! was that ever bad!!
Yeah, a lot of the roadies I ride with drink accelerade and rave about the benefits so I decided to give it a try. Just couldn't handle the taste... even tried it a couple of times to see if I'd get used to it. Nope, never could.

Last fall, one of the riders told me to give the new Powerbar drinks a try. They taste much better to me than accelerade/endurox although I can't say I notice much difference in hydration/performance over gatorade. Maybe I'll notice a difference when spring comes and I'm riding more.

02-10-2005, 10:51 AM
I ought to clarify

accelerade as pre-ride drink is fine. not the best tasting, but it does seem to help with fueling and muscle strength, isn't terrible to drink and I feel better post-ride if I've used the pre-ride drink.
DURING a ride, accelerade is horrible. thick and icky and blech. considering the gatorade I drink during a ride is seriously watered down, I think that's understandble, though. heh

I tried endurox after kickboxing last night. went down easily, I maintained good energy and I didn't have to eat snacks later (I was day-dreaming about popcorn with butter and hot sauce, but realized by 9:30 that I didn't need it so I went to bed! yay!)

I plan to give cytomax a try, but I'm afraid I'll probably have to leave out the cut with crystal lite. I don't tolerate aspartame very well (can you say heart palpitations and shortness of breath?)....oh, and turns out I don't tolerate sucralose well either (can you say massive migraine? ouch!)

what is it with these darned bodies we were issued? mine's defective on several levels! If this was a toaster I would have taken it back within 30 days!! hahahahahaha


02-11-2005, 09:14 AM
water WITH ice in both my polar water bottles!!!!!!!!!!

i have taken gatorade in a propel bottle that i put in my handlebar bag on 3 rides.. the first one was a local 68 miles ride.. had to make sure i liked gatorade and to be sure it didn't give me any tummy problems...

all the rest of my local long (60ish mile) rides i just take water w/ice!

02-12-2005, 10:01 PM
Grape Cytomax mixed with Sustained Energy for longer rides. Sustained Energy doesn't upset my stomach like bars or other food. Sometimes I mix in some Hammer Gel if it's a really long ride. Works so well, I started using my cycling drinks for soccer, too! I tried Amino-Vital, but it didn't work for me. Maybe not enough calories.

02-15-2005, 03:02 AM
I just peeked at the bottom of one of my bottles the other day :eek: - ugh. Does anybody else run their bottles through the dishwasher? Hot soapy water did not cut it. I put in a pinch of bleach & that got rid of the stains. I have polar bottles - a few years old.

02-15-2005, 01:31 PM
I use the same kind of bleach they use for cleaning baby bottles. Does the job pretty well, although BF & I felt a bit self conscious as we found ourselves in the Baby section of our local supermarket. We joked that we hoped no one spotted us, or we'd be the butt of ' So, when's it due? ' jokes. :)

02-15-2005, 01:40 PM
Just look at them and smile Hugely and tell them its due when the two of you have enough money to buy next years model!! That outta keep them guessing!

02-23-2005, 06:17 AM
just water and iced tea "Kazbegi" which is populat in my country..it helps..I also like MOuntain Dew...but water is the best for killing your thirsty! :p

02-23-2005, 11:44 AM
Hey SadieKate... how was the pink lemonade Cytomax?

02-24-2005, 06:06 AM
Hello again,

Have you ever heard about Georgian miniral water "Borjomi" ? I just wonder :) thanks

02-24-2005, 07:11 AM
Lee & I bought a single-serving envelope of the pink lemonade Cytomax to give it a try, and we both had the same experince - the first swig tasted fine initally, but in less than a minute we each experienced a metallic aftertaste. bleah :p

We're sticking with the orange Cytomax for now, it tastes kind of like Tang (which may be a minus for some).

02-24-2005, 01:00 PM
Keep those bottles clean by washing with dishwashing liquid and a bottle brush, rinsing, then putting in a few drops of bleach, fill with water, let sit overnight. In the morning, empty and rinse three times...ta da! Sparkling.

02-26-2005, 05:32 AM
How about Red Bull? It comes in a sugar free variety. I might try it tomorrow. I use it in the morning when I'm weight lifting because I need the extra nudge. Today I already have my bike loaded up & am using Hydra-fuel (Twin Lab product.) Had my oatmeal and am waiting for the temp to warm up a bit. Then, I'm outta here. :D

02-26-2005, 09:03 AM
I sometimes bring a Red Bull with me (but not in my bottle) or buy one at a convenience store mid-ride. That "extra nudge" is great, and they're really refreshing on a hot day.

02-26-2005, 11:09 AM
mmmmmmmm red bull. right in the camelbak...cut with some water....
forget the sugar free....those sugar substitutes are way worse for ya!!
I take hydroxycut. everyday. usually one whole capsule each morning (it says not to exceed 9 so I think I"m safe!)

up here in Canada mountain dew doesn't have caffeine. In the states last summer I had a real mountain dew and then a red bull and I'd had my hydroxycut. needless to say, shopping was an entertaining experience for my friend and my husband.....hahahahaha



02-26-2005, 03:52 PM
I tried my first Clif Shot today - one of the caffeine varieties! wheeeeee......after the first few minutes I was feeling pretty grand, after 10 mins I was thinking maybe I should take on that 1/2 centuary today, after 15 mins I was thinking 1/2 centuary is just waaaay to small a ride! Needless to say the logic kicked in and I settled for a metric 1/2 centuary! but I Gotta get me more of those! :D

02-26-2005, 05:45 PM
Polar bottles go through the dishwasher beautifully, even the tops.

I just peeked at the bottom of one of my bottles the other day :eek: - ugh. Does anybody else run their bottles through the dishwasher? Hot soapy water did not cut it. I put in a pinch of bleach & that got rid of the stains. I have polar bottles - a few years old.

02-27-2005, 04:52 PM
This is IT. Half a can of Monster Energy, a small scoop of HydroFuel, fill up the bottle and look out world! I blasted through my ride today, up hills, into headwinds, the whole thing. Only had to slow down when my legs were screaming "Get off me!!" Stairs, tomorrow, ought to be really fun (not!). I think I'll do an easy spinning class before work.

You can probably substitute Red Bull for Monster Energy. The best thing was - I didn't get an energy crash. And I'm very sensitive to sugar and caffeine.

Bike Goddess
03-24-2005, 06:00 PM
Hey all you SF Bay Area and Sacto women- did you know that Cytomax is made in MY HOME TOWN?? That's right lil ol Benicia, CA. :D :D :D

I rode past the factory (smell that stuff cookin' Yum, Yum)twice today. If anyone is around on weekday (generally a Tuesday for me) and wants to come to Benicia (great food and great women cyclists :) :) )let me know- We can go directly to the factory and get the stuff at a big discount. Besides, can you imagine a bunch of women cyclists riding up to the front door and invading that male chauv. space? The thought delights my mind!

Go to my name and you'll find all the info about me. ;)

03-24-2005, 06:42 PM
Here in hotter than hello California I like to freeze a bottle of grape gatoraide the night before, by the time I need it on the trail it's perfect! My favorite of all time canned drinks is Adrenaline Rush -tastes great, doesn't drop you like a rock. I've tried almost all of them ( my husband likes to buy them and try them out on me.) The rest taste like barf to me! Anyway just my 2 cents. :cool:

03-24-2005, 07:09 PM
:eek: :D

Sorry, I've had a rough day......

03-24-2005, 07:20 PM
That's OK Snap... I can't put my favorite(s) in my bike bottle. Or can I?

Can you get a DUI on a bike? Hmmmmm... Never mind. I didn't really just think that. :eek:

03-24-2005, 08:50 PM
Just water in my camelbak. On long rides I'll take breaks for small snacks.

03-25-2005, 06:47 AM
Can you get a DUI on a bike? Hmmmmm... Never mind. I didn't really just think that. :eek:

Actually yes you can - there was just an article yesterday in cyclingnews about someone getting arrested here in the States for "cycling under the influence". Apparently the guy was drunk and out riding his bike! :eek:

03-25-2005, 07:01 AM
I helped out on the very first session of the Academy a few weeks ago with a nasty hangover and 3 hours of sleep :eek:

I won't be doing that again anytime soon :rolleyes:

jo "role model" bob

03-25-2005, 07:06 AM
I think you've lost your "Mother Hen" status for a little while. :D

03-25-2005, 07:09 AM
I helped out on the very first session of the Academy a few weeks ago with a nasty hangover and 3 hours of sleep :eek:

I won't be doing that again anytime soon :rolleyes:

jo "role model" bob

which part: the hangover/3 hrs sleep?.....or the helping out the session of Academy? :p

Corsair "still thinks jobob is a role model" Mac

along with: SadieKate, Snapdragon, Spazzdog, Trek, Sarahfixnit, AG, Dogmama, Slinkedog, MM, LBTC, Melody, aka_Kim, Veronica (and the cashmere jersey) ok...pretty much the whole TE board!

03-25-2005, 07:43 AM
Jobob, in order to keep your status as Role Model, we'll need to hear all the juicy details concerning how you came by that hangover and lack of sleep. We're adults here, spare nothing, we can take it. ;)

03-25-2005, 07:49 AM
Hear! Hear! I second Kim's motion of spill all.


03-25-2005, 09:05 AM
I take the Fifth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

(no, wizeguys, not of scotch....yeesh)

03-25-2005, 01:59 PM
sounds like you already did...that's why we want the details!

04-01-2005, 02:31 PM
I'm new to trying out the sports drinks. Just got to riding long enough for it to start to matter! But in the interests of hydration, I tried out this stuff called "Glaceux" or whatever, "vitamin water" - glugging it down about halfway through my hour-and-a-half ride today. It tasted all right - and I sure felt better and better hydrated than when I was using my "stop at the occasional drinking fountain for a sip" method. I actually had to stop to pee during the ride! Which I thought was a good sign. I should mention that before I left I did have my usual home-concocted smoothie of yogurt, fruit, and (yech!) powdered wheat grass.
So after I got off my bike my stomach started really bothering me and then, uh, other parts started really bothering me. So my question is: what is the easiest to digest sports drink? And also, is it really necessary to drink them at all, even on a long ride? Could I instead drink a lot of water and maybe eat a couple of bananas?

04-01-2005, 05:28 PM
I got two huge cans of Accelerade last weekend at Performance because I had a coupon for buy one, get the second for 1 cent. I didn't read the posts here, and I am glad I didn't, because I tried the Blue Raspberry (new flavor), and I liked it a lot! I watered it down a bit, though. One scoop was supposed to make 12 oz, but I used my Polar bottle (22 oz I think?), and it was just the right level of taste, not too strong at all.

Normally I go with homemade Kool-Aid (we buy the plain lemonade stuff where you add your own sugar, add sugar and salt) - or GatorAid when I buy sports drinks on the road. I love GatorAid!


04-01-2005, 06:12 PM
So my question is: what is the easiest to digest sports drink? And also, is it really necessary to drink them at all, even on a long ride? Could I instead drink a lot of water and maybe eat a couple of bananas?

The nice thing about sports drinks is that they hit your system immediately. Bananas aren't quite as quick, but are still excellent for a snack. Experiment around with what you like.

Many of us water down the powdered variety because they are so strong. I, myself, am currently hooked on Monster Energy or Red Bull (about 1/2 can) mixed lightly with Ultra Fuel. I keep one "energy bottle" and two water bottles on board. I also carry a Clif bar for longer rides and a tin of Gu in my bike bag just in case I start to bonk.

04-01-2005, 07:14 PM
Isn't Red Bull loaded with caffeine? I notice a lot of people mention it as a good drink for during a ride - I'm just concerned I'll get jittery and then drop like a hot rock.

04-01-2005, 08:41 PM
caffeine good


04-02-2005, 03:21 AM
Isn't Red Bull loaded with caffeine? I notice a lot of people mention it as a good drink for during a ride - I'm just concerned I'll get jittery and then drop like a hot rock.

It does have caffeine and other herbs, but it doesn't drop you. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine and sugar - and for some reason this combination doesn't leave me dragging. I usually grab a swig before a big hill and the effect is immediate.

04-02-2005, 11:08 AM
You ladies have convinced me to give red bull a try. It goes on my next grocery list. Come to think of it, I used to know a lady who gulped down a red bull every time before she went to the gym.

04-03-2005, 09:25 PM
It does have caffeine and other herbs, but it doesn't drop you. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine and sugar - and for some reason this combination doesn't leave me dragging. I usually grab a swig before a big hill and the effect is immediate.
What type of sensitivity Jo? (if I mayb be so bold as to ask) I also have problems with sugar so would be curious if our issues are similar!

04-16-2005, 07:15 PM
My husband tried to make me drink Accelerade all last year and now I know why -- he was just trying to get rid of it!

Now we both carry one bottle of water and one bottle of Gatorade, but since there are plenty of water stops on our bike trail he usually also carries a little plastic bottle of extra Gatorade mix and we replenish as needed. Red Bull scares me ... the one time I tried one of those caffeinated goo packets, I got the shakes about ten minutes later and he had to come back and get me with the car. (I am kind of a delicate flower about caffeine and sugar, though.)