View Full Version : Review: Fizik bar tape

01-01-2008, 06:27 PM
I bought this stuff because my LBS recommended it, and because the sparkly deep gray looked fab-o with my black bike. http://www.fizik.it/catalog_accessories.aspx?subid=bar_tape_microtex_darkgrey

I've only ridden a little bit on it, but it seems fine. The perforations make it look extra sexy. The tape is pretty thin, which is actually more comfortable grip-wise on my mustache bar than the almost-too-thick cork Cinelli tape I had on previously. (cushion-wise will have to see after a longer ride)

Wrapping wasn't too bad. It isn't as forgiving as Samson or Cinelli, so I did end up saying a few bad words and re-wrapping a few spots. Cutting it needs to be done carefully, because the white fluffy backing shreds and sticks out and looks like an old sprung mattress. (I used a razor knife around my barcons, and said a few more bad words.)

The feel is a bit slick, like slightly greasy fake leather. I'm assuming it will roughen up a bit as I ride more.

Over all I'd give it a B+. It does look very nice.

01-01-2008, 07:52 PM
I love it. I've had the same roll on my cyclocross bike for 3 seasons. it doesn't get dirty, even racing in rain and mud and sand! I can imagine it lasting forever.

Mr. SR500
01-02-2008, 09:23 AM
Best wrap I've used. Fairly cheap, looks good, washable, lasts a long time, many colors available. It's great tape. Maybe a hair more difficult to wrap than cork, but I use it on all my bikes. Very pleased.

01-03-2008, 03:07 PM
I go padding by my bike with her new bars and Fizik tape every time I head into the kitchen for more juice or Excedrin. She looks so good!

What good is a sick day from work if you are too sick to ride, anyway?

(that really is some fine looking tape)

01-04-2008, 07:37 AM
I just took some Fizik tape off of my bike because the edges were rolling up a little, so it didn't have the smooth, clean look that I prefer (I'm pretty anal about bar tap, though). It did perform really well, though. I think bare hands on that stuff grip better than gloves on anything else!

01-05-2008, 07:49 AM
I like this tape too. I have it on my roadbike and it just doesn't seem to have any tendency to hold dirt. Only drawback (and this doesn't bother me much but it might bother others) is that even with the Fizik bar gel underneath, it's less cushy than the Bianchi cork tape that came on my Bianchi. In spite of this though, I'm seriously considering getting some celeste colored Fizik tape, because despite frequent washing I just can't seem to keep the cork tape clean.

01-17-2008, 07:14 AM
In spite of this though, I'm seriously considering getting some celeste colored Fizik tape, because despite frequent washing I just can't seem to keep the cork tape clean.

Liza - I've had white cork tape on my bike for a couple years. I know it doesn't inhibit the tape from getting dirtier or dirt quicker but I just use shampoo on a washcloth with warm/hot water. I wrap the washcloth around the bar all the way and twist back and forth all around the bars. It cleans them perfectly and at least gets it back to brand-spanking-new white to start from again.