View Full Version : Running Week - December 10th - 16th 2007
Wow I am realizing this is the third-to-last week of 2007. Already...
Had a relatively gentle 6 km this morning. It was really dark when I started at 7:15, so depressing. The good news is that after next week it will start to get better again.
Legs were kinda heavy, but fine. I had to run alone, my partners seemingly having fallen victim to late-night, end-of-term grading frenzy. :(
On my next run I will go past my 850 km objective for the year (really recently set, I must admit). One of the girls I run with asked me what I do as a reward, and... well, I hadn't thought of that. I am just happy to make it there. I think new shoes are in order, though, so that will have to be the reward! Suggestions?
Have a good week ladies!
12-11-2007, 06:09 PM
Grog, new shoes at a minimum! How about some really nice running sox too??!! And a cute new running hat! And... :D
I had no idea how far I'd run this year and didn't have any sort of goal mileage/kilometerage (is that a word?) but just looked at my journal. I've still cycled more this year, but not by much! :p I definitely was more focused on running. Right now I'm at about 1800 km running (which is 1119 mi). Seems like a whole lot more than that, though! I don't know if that will change in 2008 or not. I'm a more comfortable runner than I am cyclist, I think.
I'm due some new road/dreadmill shoes. Ran 5 on the dreadmill this evening and could really tell that these shoes are done. Guess I'll be shopping for some new shoes too!
12-11-2007, 06:13 PM
I didn't get to run today.:( Too much work.
Maybe tomorrow.
Great job on all your mileage ladies!!
12-11-2007, 08:23 PM
4 miles, nice and slow, with my dog. But other people and THEIR dogs... I swear...:mad: :mad: :mad:
12-11-2007, 08:29 PM
Bitter cold, snow and ice forced me to join the rec center tonight. I'd never ever run on a treadmill before....and now I know why. It felt great to have gotten in a good workout after several day absence, but indoor exercise just isn't my thing.
Oh and my shins were killing me after 30min on the treadmill. Any ideas? I've not had shin pain for over 20 years, since high school track!
12-11-2007, 08:30 PM
I jsut started reading Chi Running. Anyone tried it? Thoughts?
Right now I'm at about 1800 km running (which is 1119 mi). Seems like a whole lot more than that, though! I don't know if that will change in 2008 or not. I'm a more comfortable runner than I am cyclist, I think.
Oh my! That IS a lot of mileage, if you keep going like that you'll hit 2000 by the end of 2007! :D
(Round numbers and what they do to us.)
Congrats Yellow!
I am surprised that I'm so comfortable running, and so disinterested in cycling right now. But the weather is aligned with that. (Or my feelings are aligned with the weather?) So whatever...
I will go shoe shopping, and will point the running belt I'm interested in to my Dear, Sweet Life Partner. So that way he'll take care of the reward!
12-16-2007, 12:46 PM
Two weeks of awful weather back in Ohio - (did get in a few gym workouts), two days travel, two days of crushing on-the-couch depression after the autumn I've been through, finally dragged myself out for a run today. It turned into a beautiful day in Florida after storms this morning. 4.58 and I wasn't too awfully slow (compared to my normal snail's pace anyway ;) ), which was a surprise.
Got the new shoes! Mizuno Wave Riders 10, pretty cool shoes. Lighter, less cushioned than the Asics I had, but very nice, really.
TE was down so I went running! :D I did a few intervals yesterday afternoon and this morning I went for 16 km for the first time in a while. It was a lot of fun. Vancouver is really windy right now but in the trails of the nearby forests it was just wonderful!
Hope you had great runs or walks this weekend!
12-16-2007, 05:19 PM
8.5 miles today. My feet hurt. 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks :eek:
12-16-2007, 06:12 PM
My calves/shins were feeling a little better for the past few days so I went out for an easy 3 km walk/run today. Went back to 1 min run/ 1 min walk. Shins started hurting so walked even more in between.
Tomorrow's my 1-1/2 hour gait analysis appt so looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
12-16-2007, 07:34 PM
Got the new shoes!
I got some new ones also, for running on the TM, and they are definitely going to take some getting used to. They are so much softer than trail shoes, and they are HOT! Ai! I think I'm so used to the stiffness of trail shoes that my feet don't know what to do with these new softies. I got the Nike Bowerman Air Zoom Vomero. Not cheap, but they were the only "road" shoe I liked.
But...I was fortunate enough to squeeze in a lovely 10 mile trail run on packed snow yesteday. :) Hubby and I XC skied this afternoon, so I skipped running. Such a pretty day.
I LOVE winter! :D :D :D
12-19-2007, 09:18 AM
On Sunday, boyfriend and I repeated the race that was "my first" a year ago: 8.6 km in 4 rounds, with a hill on each.
The goal was to either get the same time but feel better, or be a little faster even.
It was freezing, but dry, and as soon as we were off, the cold was not noticeable anymore. I did feel better - last year on round 3 I got lactic acid in my legs already, started getting side stitches and energy dropping off, me thinking why is boyfriend speeding up, and him thinking why is she slowing down - a big sufferfest on round 4.
This year was fine. Heart rate was high - around 170 in round one and then up to 188 and such, in the end I averaged 182, one bpm higher than last year.
I managed to turn it up one gear (awright, maybe only 1/10th of one gear) on the last 1K or so, and lo and behold, at 47:34 - minus 40 seconds to last year. Or so I thunk.
Turns out I remembered my time from last year as 48:15 when it was really 47:15.
But the feeling better part of it is worth those 19 seconds. Coulda lost them any time in the "traffic jam" -
A total of about 8000 had signed up for our distance. They start them in waves of well, about 2000 I guess. There was trouble passing folks.
So the training has paid off - even though I could not do all of the plan.
12-24-2007, 02:21 PM
i actually ran a 5 mi race in baltimore last saturday - the celtic solstice 5 miler. i haven't been doing a lot of running lately, and by lately i mean the last 8 or so years since my knee injury. :) my niece talked me into signing up for this and it was a classic - well this seemed like a good idea 6 months ago. it was very cold, but at least dry. my goal was to run the whole way and do it under an hour. i did it in 55 minutes and ran the whole time. kinda fun actually. now maybe i need to find another race to plan for, just maybe not when it's so cold.
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