View Full Version : Zippity YAY! Dec 3 - Dec 9

12-04-2007, 06:50 PM
Whoopeee! A new week! Tell us about it!!!!

(sorry, still on the post 50k high! :D :D :D )

12-04-2007, 07:19 PM
Trying to get back up to speed, pun only partially intended, after a bad cold. Did my usual 4 mile route tonight but ended up speed walking a good portion of it again. Just couldn't run more than a couple blocks at a time.

Its interesting though....I find that anytime I speed walk as opposed to run I can really feel it in my legs and butt when I get home. Like my muscles are working harder walking than they are running. My stride is definitely longer when I walk - probably contributes. Anyone else experience this?

12-04-2007, 07:23 PM
Congratulations, Shirley!

12-04-2007, 07:39 PM
(sorry, still on the post 50k high! :D :D :D )


(Bowing down in awe and humility.)

12-04-2007, 07:44 PM
Yellow..you ran 50km? :cool: :eek: What a woman!

Amazing..Have you thought about doing the 90kmm Comrade Run in South Africa?


12-04-2007, 07:49 PM
Let me just say that I have met Yellow, and I always had this sense about her - like there was something hidden. Perhaps even bionic. You know? Not in a 1970's Jamie Sommers sort of way but in the 2000's Jamie Sommers reinvention, coupled with some Uma Thurman and shrunk down real good.


Seriously, kudos. Man that's WAY too far to run. Really.

12-04-2007, 07:50 PM
I really just can't get beyond this.

Didn't anyone ever tell you that running sux???

Okay. I am done.

For now.

12-04-2007, 07:52 PM
Geeeeeeze. :cool:

12-04-2007, 07:56 PM
OK, since some of you bike people actually seem interested in this whole 50k running affair, I'll write up a little adventure story report.

Let me just say this: after the Headwind Double last year, I wasn't sure I wanted to repeat the experience. After the run on Saturday I was already thinking about when I could do another 50k. Sick, I know.

Edited: The mostly full report is now over in Adventure Stories: http://forums.teamestrogen.com/showthread.php?t=20336

12-04-2007, 08:04 PM
Harrumpf !! I just figured out that you were in my neck of the woods for this run, with nary a hidey-ho. :p

(My guess is you wanted to keep a low profile on account of that rock-hard futon I stuck you on the last time you were out here :D )

12-04-2007, 08:13 PM
That's just wrong. Wrong!

I have done what, 9 doubles and a bunch of extra rides over 200 miles and NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING ever hurt as bad as even one of my marathons. Even the stupid 600k - I could WALK the next day. After any of my 4 marathons (no, I am not a fast learner) I was in PAIN - PAIN!!!. And I cannot even imagine a 50k. There is something WRONG with you.


(Well done.)

12-04-2007, 08:34 PM
A big dog interrupted what was supposed to be a 5k run. After having to walk for 5 minutes so as not to encourage the dog to chase me (it was already growling after I yelled at it) I took a shortcut for home, cutting the run short to 2 miles. :mad: I wish people would control their dogs. :mad: :mad:

12-05-2007, 07:34 AM
Now I'm inspired by Yellow's adventures!

Maybe I should go run with you in Utah sometime? Please?

Had a gentle 6 km this morning. WAAAAY overdressed for the weather (we had a few days of freezing temps and now that it's 6C I'm confused) but didn't run too fast because one of my running partners was not feeling too well, so it turned out okay. I think that if I ran in the summer I'd have to go naked, I don't understand how some of you guys do it!

Keep running!

12-05-2007, 07:41 AM
Its interesting though....I find that anytime I speed walk as opposed to run I can really feel it in my legs and butt when I get home. Like my muscles are working harder walking than they are running. My stride is definitely longer when I walk - probably contributes. Anyone else experience this?

Oh, speed walking definitely uses different muscles - I'm always sore after a hard walk whereas I'm used to running.-- I've never really paid attention, but I wouldn't be surprised if my stride is longer with harder walking than with running - that is, unless i'm sprinting which I seldom do.

I did a 2-mile easy run yesterday morning before work. Finished at the grocery store and picked up a few things there, walked 1/2 mile back home. It was cold, but it felt good - watched the sun come up.-- People who don't run or walk don't know what they're missing. ;)


12-05-2007, 09:13 AM
Oh, speed walking definitely uses different muscles - I'm always sore after a hard walk whereas I'm used to running.-- I've never really paid attention, but I wouldn't be surprised if my stride is longer with harder walking than with running - that is, unless i'm sprinting which I seldom do.

Totally true. I walk quite a bit (3 km a day or more) and last weekend I walked probably about twice that, in the snow, and my glutes were quite sore the next day.

That's also why just walking for one minute makes such a big difference while running: it changes the load on your muscles and gives the running muscles a chance to rest... before starting to run again, of course. (If you walk for too long, your running muscles just cool down and don't want to run anymore, though!)

12-05-2007, 12:34 PM
Does shoveling snow count? 200+ ft x 8-10 ft x 6 inches of snow, and in case you're wondering, it's gravel and rutted, so plowing just turns it into a sheet of ice. I only shoveled the hill, so hopefully the car will make it the rest of the way out. And back.

!@#$@#$%!@#$%@$%^ snow. !@#$@$#%@#$%^#$% reasons why I'm still in Ohio in December again.

12-05-2007, 04:59 PM
Does shoveling snow count? 200+ ft x 8-10 ft x 6 inches of snow, and in case you're wondering, it's gravel and rutted, so plowing just turns it into a sheet of ice. I only shoveled the hill, so hopefully the car will make it the rest of the way out. And back.

!@#$@#$%!@#$%@$%^ snow. !@#$@$#%@#$%^#$% reasons why I'm still in Ohio in December again.

It DOES count. Big workout.

Do we need to start a weekly thread for shoveling? :)

12-05-2007, 05:13 PM
Ooh, good idea. I need some tips being a newbie shoveler.

12-05-2007, 05:23 PM
Went for 3km walk/run #5 today. After a half km warm up, I extended the running part to 1 min run, 1 min walk. I'm going to do that all week and then go to 2 mins run, 1 min walk next week. Trying to force myself to take it slow...

12-05-2007, 06:12 PM
As the Designated Shoveler in the house, I have two bits of advice for SK:

1. Get a super lightweight but heavy duty shovel. Pay the extra money. It's worth it.
2. Shovel your neighbor's walk every now and then. One morning you'll wake up and you walk will have already been shoveled.


Ran an easy 3.5 today. Felt like normal, though I did a little slipping and sliding in the mush (the trail seemed to be about 1/3 snow covered, 1/3 mud, and 1/3 mush). I can't believe how quickly I recovered from Saturday's run.

12-05-2007, 07:14 PM
Um, you mean the neighbor that parks contrary to the CCnR's in our little roundy and compacts the snow into ice in front of the only driveway that doesn't get afternoon sun?*

I'll think about it as I'm out there dealing with said ice.:rolleyes:

My realtor is looking for a snow pusher. He has one that he really likes but we can't find one at Home Depot or Ace. He said this looks like it and the weight makes it do all the work. You don't even have to lift it, just shove.

*Let's hope we don't need a firetruck for the time being. I'm trying to be the good new neighbor, even though they've only lived there a few months longer than I and they've admitted they know they're not supposed to park there.

12-05-2007, 09:17 PM
Eh, set the neighbor's house on fire, that should get the point across.

12-06-2007, 06:21 AM
I'm going for an easy 3 mile run tonight. It's been so cold out, I just want to hibernate. Fortunately my friends are dragging me out. I'll be pushing DD in the jogger. It will be nice to have something to hang on to while I'm slipping and sliding down the roads.

12-06-2007, 06:46 AM
Eh, set the neighbor's house on fire, that should get the point across.

Plus melt the ice! :D

12-06-2007, 07:47 AM
Stayed longer in bed this morning. I *am* hibernating. It's actually my rest week so I could probably do without the 10 km run I was imagining for this morning.

It's amazing how my body TAKES the sleep it needs. Thankfully I have no fixed work schedule.

12-06-2007, 08:07 AM
Rest makes you stronger. There, takes away all the guilt now, doesn't it?

12-07-2007, 07:51 AM
Ok, so I did that 10 K this morning.

But I was running on an empty stomach or almost. My "dinner" last night was lots of cheese, a few crackers and some wine at a wine & cheese party. Needless to say, not enough carbs. I had a gel before going out this morning, and we were planning to run slow, but I definitely was not overwhelmed by energy, and my bowels started acting up on the last stretch home (a loooong hill). My core temperature was also set on "random": my hands got really warm but my body (despite being properly dressed) got cold. Oh well! there's days like that. Tomorrow will be better.

Seeing the colors over the bay, the city and the mountains as the sun was rising was totally worth it though.

Yellow: any update on your recovery?

12-07-2007, 09:07 AM
3.1 dark and rainy miles last night. Last workout before my tri on Sunday!!!

12-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Yellow: any update on your recovery?
My body felt totally recovered by about Wednesday (which really surprised me), though I think my head cold has turned into a sinus infection. I'm sure my body is not actually recovered, though, and I've been taking it really easy this week. I ran 3.5 mi on Wed and then 4 mi today and will probably run in the snow (!!! :D !!!) tomorrow afternoon. Just slow and easy. Or I might go skate skiing if the visibility is decent (supposed to snow most of tomorrow). I'll probably drop my mileage below about 32 km(20 mi)/week for a while, at least until I figure out which 50k I want to do next! :p

Oh, and SadieKate, I think you should shovel your neighbor's walk anyway. Ommmmmmm. At the very least you'll generate some good Karma and burn a few more calories (which means you can guiltlessly have another bonbon or wee glass of port).

12-07-2007, 06:47 PM
3km after work. 1 min run, 1 min walk. Feels good, especially after Knot has fixed my back, virtually!

12-07-2007, 09:12 PM
Oh, and SadieKate, I think you should shovel your neighbor's walk anyway. Ommmmmmm. At the very least you'll generate some good Karma and burn a few more calories (which means you can guiltlessly have another bonbon or wee glass of port).

O-tay! When I left this morning at O-dark stupid it was snowing but when I got back what looked like snow was just really, really thick frost. It took care of itself. Maybe I'll have some port anyway.

Speaking of O-dark stupid, I need to write up my thoughts and impressions of 6 am Boot Camp. It's part of this huge franchise, chain, something (http://www.adventurebootcamp.com/) so many of you have one near you. :rolleyes: I need to figure out how to measure my running mileage indoors without buying a pedometer which I'll never use again. We do a lot of circuit training with running - today included more than the other days this week as we were focusing on endurance.

We meet M, T, Th and Fr. After Day 2/Tues night, my quads were a bit sore. Wed, my quads were more sore and my hamstrings complained about being stretched for the first time in 2 years. But Thurs and today, back to normal. Everything is just fine. I'm actually a bit surprised that my arms and shoulders haven't been sore since I'm working with 5 lb weights. They definitely get tired during class. I've been a weight/core strengthening/stetching weenie for a couple years now due to some injuries so woo-hoo! Carrying boxes of books and furniture upstairs must be doing something.:)

I'm actually considering whether I can do a bit of trail shuffle tomorrow at the local park after my chores.

12-08-2007, 09:24 AM
Anyone runners around this morning? I went for a 3km run/walk around 3pm yesterday, can I go for another this morning (less than 24 hours apart) or should I wait until this afternoon?

I want to run today or tomorrow because I have more time on the weekends, and then 3X week (M,W,F). I am also trying to find time to do the trainer twice a week. It's a LOT easier to do it on the weekends when I'm not tired so last weekend I did a recovery ride and a TT DVD, AND I ran both days. It seemed a bit much but I felt ok, just a bit sore on Monday. If I can, I'd like to do the trainer one week day and one weekend day.

Just trying to figure out the best way to fit in my training...

12-08-2007, 10:22 AM
I've got a couple more chapters to read in a book that the library (or one of its users, to be more specific) wants back, then I'll go for a short run, maybe half an hour. It's supposed to be rest week and I'll be gentle with myself, just enjoying the beautiful sunny day and snowy-mountains view.

I often run two days in a row, I just try not to make it two *hard* days in a row. However I don't cycle at all this winter. I just don't feel like it. My legs usually get grumpy when I try to cycle and run in the same week...

12-09-2007, 04:33 AM
kelownagirl--I often run late at night and then early the next morning.My schedule is so goofy, I have to run when I can. I don't know what experts would say . . . but I do know when training for a marathon, its okay to get your mileage in by running twice in one day instead of one long run. So, I don't see a problem with running twice within 24 hours. As long as you take your rest day once or twice a week.

I did a 6 mile run yesterday morning with the running club. It was great. I really needed that support. Afterwards we went out for tea and coffee. I was so encouraged listening to everyone's achievements over the last year and goals for the new year. I'm getting excited about running again :)

12-09-2007, 07:34 AM
I'm better. I ran hill repeats with the club on tuesday (I was the slowest one however), then the usual loop with some fast bits in there on Thu (tried out my new headlights and that worked well). It was dark and lonesome but I did not get scared and there were in fact a few people out there, bikers, dog walkers and joggers.

Today I did 3x10 min fast and then a run up a looong hill at my parents. A bit over one hour in total.

I don't think I am as well trained as I could be for next sunday's race but at least I'm over the hump.

my tibialis anterior is still acting up a bit so I don't know how well the inlays are working.

SadieKate - I have a pedometer (freebie I got some time) that I will never use. You can have it.

12-09-2007, 08:54 AM
Thank you limewave. I ended being busy during the day and doing a TT on the trainer in the afternoon instead, but I'm going for a run right away this morning and then a recovery ride on the trainer this afternoon.

I think I'll run M, W, F after school, and Sun mornings. It should be enough time for rest that way. Will try to do the trainer on Saturdays and Thursdays and maybe a recovery ride on Sundays.

12-09-2007, 09:25 AM
Ended this week's running with a great 13-something km trail run this morning. One of my running partner (the one who just started running recently) is going away for the holidays Tuesday so it was our last long run together, I took her for a bit more of a ride than she had signed up for, but she was happy she ran the longest she ever had! I enjoyed it too. Whatever leaves were left on the trees are gone after last week's snow and rain, the trails look very different, much "clearer" in a strange way. It was pretty cold out, but as long as we kept moving it was great.

Now where's the food?? I'm hungry.

12-09-2007, 11:08 AM
At the end of last week I realized that I'm 16 miles from 250 miles for the year and I'm determined to get those miles in before year's end. So, I went out today for a rare weekend run. I had a great run! Everything felt good, I increased my distance and ran a great pace. :D

12-09-2007, 02:26 PM
This week has been a little off since coming home from LV and vacation. It was nice not to be locked into a training schedule .....but I find it is hard to make myself do a long run. I need another goal!! I need another run to sign up for.
Monday DH and myself did a casual hike / walk around Valley of Fire in Nevada. Tuesday was traveling hence no excercise only riding in the car. Wednesday I did core strength DVD (wow did it hurt ::eek: ), Thursday back to work, Friday xmas shopping (doesn't that count as something, okay maybe not :) , Saturday I finally ran 5.6 miles and core strength DVD and today 3.25miles and weights.

I find that when I finish a training plan and the run or bike ride is over, I am a little down and kind of depressed. Does anyone else suffer from post run/ walk depression??