View Full Version : Running Nov 11-17

roadie gal
11-12-2007, 04:04 PM
It was in the 30's all day so I got on the treadmill. Today's music was old disco from the 70's and 80's. Ahhh... Patti LaBelle, The BeeGees, Donna Summer... It was like time travelling. Hot nights in smokey bars... dark dance floors filled with dancers... the pounding beat and the swirling lights... getting very close and personal to "Love to Love You"... Ummm... never mind...

There's nothing like time travel... I made it 10 miles.:D

11-12-2007, 04:21 PM
EEEEEEEKKKKK!! 10 miles on a treadmill with disco music. I can't think of worse torture!

I haven't heard back from my coach yet. So that means I don't have to start running just now.....right?

11-12-2007, 06:22 PM
Treadmill it is....................made it 8 miles of tempo work out. I love the 70 and 80's. Boston and the Bee Gee's reminds me of high school dances!! Mr Shiraz had a John Travolta suit that looked so good on the dance floor!:D :D

11-12-2007, 08:53 PM
4 hilly miles on the road, sans soundtrack. :)

11-13-2007, 01:51 AM
2x 2 minutes video analysis of my running today. 3D Foot scan too.
Turns out I have the typical foot problem that leads to shin splints, so inlays it is, let's see how these will fix me.

I've been running 4x/week for 2 weeks without significant pain, but then again I skirted around the speed units. A long run was in order though, no pain...

Had a nice experience on a ramp that leads to my parents house, I felt much stronger than I used to. So all the training is working out in some way...

11-13-2007, 04:08 AM
Finally dragged my sorry *ss out for a run yesterday. September's injury dragged into reasons turned into excuses and it had been way, way too long. So for now it was just get out there and do it, no intervals, no real "training" in mind. Having this thread up here was a big motivator!!!

It was one of those warm fall days anticipating rain, 65 degrees, cloudy and humid. Four laps of our 1-mile track, semi-resilient surface, through trees and landscaping. Slow, but it felt good. Just what I needed for a warm-up before teaching my advanced-beginner strength class.

I'm finally going to do that Daytona 5K this year.

11-13-2007, 04:20 AM
Went for a 5 miler last night and felt great. Finally! If you've read some of my other posts over the summer you know I had been struggling with fatigue and then was diagnosed with hypothyroid. Now that I'm being treated, I'm getting my energy back. YAY!

11-13-2007, 06:10 AM
Three for me yesterday and probably three tomorrow. One running buddy is recovering from the NYC marathon and the other has a cold, so we won't be setting any speed or distance records this week.


11-13-2007, 07:06 AM
What do you mean, going on the threadmill because it's in the 30s! That's the best time for running!

It was 4C this morning. Chilly but oh so refreshing. (And wakes you up in no time!) Just went for a short run with my DRP (dear running partner) at 7 am. We were rewarded with a beautiful glow on the top of the nearby mountains on the way back, I feel privileged.

I'm at 725 km running this year. Somehow I had failed to realize that running kilometers, like cycling ones, added up. Now I can have a goal: running 850 km in 2007! Ain't that fun....

Keep running ladies!

11-13-2007, 08:11 AM
I did 5 mi. on the treadmill Sunday. It was nice outside, albeit very windy - upper 60's temp. But there was too darned much on t.v.! :D That'll put me inside sometimes, I admit. Compared to several years ago, though, when I used to blow off my workouts to watch the tube, it's an improvement. It was also good to work on my pacing.

Back outside tomorrow for 2-3 miles.


11-14-2007, 02:30 AM
Not quite four on the fitness track again yesterday. Moderate intervals this time, three minutes push, three minutes recovery. Can't remember the last time I ran two days in a row, but it was too nice of a day to stay at the gym after my beginner classes, and no time in my schedule to ride.

11-14-2007, 03:29 AM
10x400 m Americaine on the track last night (I suck compared to our IM/Marathoners). Got my HR up to 190 on the last one :cool:

I'm pain-free today but am looking forward to trying those insoles. Coach said they sure "fixed him".

11-14-2007, 07:52 AM
I was still in bed at about 6:45 this morning when I smelled the aroma of fresh croissants baking in our collective kitchen (I live in a residential college). I did not feel like running but I knew I had to get out of bed, run a bit and then get one of those awesome buttery things!

It took me a while but I crawled out of bed and into my warm tights (3C this morning). I just went out for 20 minutes but wow! what a 20 minutes! I did a loop with a LONG (1 k) and rather steep (5% - for running, that's steep to me) hill. The hill is on a main commuting route for cyclists and there was one coming on a road bike, on the road, just as I was starting up the hill. I just took off, telling myself that I hoped she would not pass me before the next corner. Well she never passed me, nor even came close, as I finished a good 20 meters ahead of her. Obviously, I was the only one racing, but it was fun anyway, and I finished in less than 20 minutes, so that I could get to my croissant faster. :)

11-14-2007, 05:31 PM
Did my long slow run today ..12.25 inside.. on the dreadmill. it went pretty good considering it was on a treadmill. I had to get the run in before the grandbabies came. I had to get off and take a few minutes after 5 miles but than I finished.

I didn't get a run in Monday or Tuesday, probably will not get a run in Thursday so my week is:

Sunday 8 miles tempo
Wednesday 12.25 SLR
I better get some miles Friday and Sat and it better be outside!!

I am about 2 weeks from LV 1/2 marathon Dec 2. Hope my long runs improve.

11-15-2007, 03:46 AM
I ran twice on the treadmill this week both about 2 miles. I ran 3m once outside, I believe on Sunday? Which was a GORGEOUS day. One of those days where it feels like you could run forever. I debating on what to do today. I need to get my car to the shop and thinking about putting my bike on the back so I can ride to work and then home, then to the car. But I also want to run today... so I think I will do both. I can run 4 this afternoon.

11-15-2007, 11:19 AM
I'm doing a trail run tonight. It's going to be really, really, cold and really, really, dark. I'll be testing out my new headlamp. I'm going with two other women so we should be fairly safe. I'm hoping to get in 4 miles, but one of the ladies is pretty slow and does not do well on the trails (so I'm not sure why she wants to try night trail running . . . ?). Anyways, should be fun :)

11-15-2007, 04:49 PM
Ran just half an hour with my running partners today. One of them just picked up running this September after recently quitting smoking, and she's signed up for a race on Sunday (I volunteer so I'm not racing that one), so I said she should set the pace and destination. She took us down to the beach, which meant we'd have to come back up that mighty hill. For the first time, she ran all the way up the nearly 2-km hill. I was quite proud of her.

And I like that I've been running almost every day for a while. I'm becoming weirder...

11-16-2007, 05:48 AM
The night trail run was really amazing. We were truly alone in the woods. It was very cold and windy last night, we also got our first real snowfall. I kept hearing creepy sounds and was sure a family of bears was waiting to pounce on us, but my friends assured me it was just the trees moaning.

After about a mile we came to a lake and then ran on some rolling sand dunes with tall dune grass. We ended up walking a good portion of this because it was so challenging. After what seemed an eternity of sand dunes, we finally arrived at Lake Michigan. We turned off our headlamps so we could better enjoy the view.

The trail then curved back into the woods and we headed back. It was really fun. Can't wait to do it again.

11-16-2007, 06:26 AM
The night trail run was really amazing.

Thanks for the story! It does sound amazing! I have about a hundred miles of trails right by my place, but I'm not sure I'd go there at night. Perhaps I should go with a small group.

I should at least go running on the beach at night, it's so peaceful...

Thanks for the beautiful images that formed in my head!

11-16-2007, 07:19 AM
I ran 3 miles yesterday. I think that's the first time in about 2 months.:o

11-16-2007, 12:45 PM
I am starting back next week. I am anxious to put into practice what I learned at the running clinic!

11-16-2007, 03:17 PM
I am going to start again as soon as I get rid of this never-ending cold and have a bit of energy return.

11-16-2007, 05:48 PM
Limewave, seems like I've been doing lots of trail running in the dark the last few weeks! And if I can't run on the trail I'd rather run on the treadmill than on the pavement... my legs just can't handle that any more. I think I see the same fox every time I'm out there. I'm really looking forward to running in the snow on the trails in the dark!

I had a little, pretty minor bug of some sort this week that resulted in my legs just feeling really achey. I wasn't going to run at all today (my "scheduled" long run day), but woke up feeling better, so I went for it. A lot slower than normal and I walked a lot more than normal, but still managed to get in a pretty good run (about an hour shorter than I wanted it to be). My legs are pretty beat, though, so I'm not doing the companion long run tomorrow. I don't know that it matters at this stage anyway...so I guess I'm now officially in the taper (which means that I only run about 35 miles next week instead of 50-55 like I have been :rolleyes: ).

And about the time RNRG , Kelownagirl , and Wahine get back up to speed, I'll be skiing more and running less (I hope, if winter ever gets here) :D

PRAY FOR SNOW!!!! http://smileys.on-my-web.com/repository/Nature/snowman-040.gif

11-17-2007, 01:58 AM
This is the start of my favorite time of year to run. Cold temps, no ticks. Much better around these parts.

I have some form work to do, and I am actually looking forward to that too.

11-17-2007, 08:53 AM
How come people give their ride distance to the 100th of a mile... and round their runs to the nearest mile? You'd think it'd be the other way around :D .

With a very iffy weather forecast, our group ride was on again-off again, and by the time they finally decided it was on again, it was too late for me to get to the meeting point. So another run for me instead today, I'm just not that into riding alone.

4.08, plus warmup and cooldown. Ran from home, which meant hard asphalt. Chi Running definitely is helping with that, but my technique is far from perfect yet. Short, steep hills, 45 degrees and cloudy.

11-17-2007, 09:16 AM
Any thoughts about running on an indoor track? I was hoping to start in a week or two but someone has warned me about being careful because the corners are fairly sharp turns and can do damage to knees etc.

11-17-2007, 10:09 AM
Any thoughts about running on an indoor track? I was hoping to start in a week or two but someone has warned me about being careful because the corners are fairly sharp turns and can do damage to knees etc.

It really depends on how the track is built. I ran on one at my old university and it was pretty nice. Only about 200 m though, but really soft and even. The corners were pretty similar to those of a regular track, I think... (You might want to make sure you run clockwise and counter-clockwise to even out the effort on your joints...)

11-17-2007, 11:14 AM
Oooh what have I been up to this week (checks training log on Fetch..). Um actually been a smidge lazy this week,I reckon it was an attack of the CBAs after the effort of my trail race. I got out for 5 on Sunday,just checking out some tracks near me. I did a set of intervals on Monday: about 1.5 Mile warm up then 8 x 90 seconds then easy run back to work, of course I set off far too fast for the first couple and suffered for the rest though I'm pleased to report I did all 8 though I so wanted to wimp out after 5. Had a fantastic MTB night ride on Wednesday then went down to the running club on Thursday for a surprisingly quick club run.

There were a lot more people out this week and I joined the easy group however there were a few guys in the group so we set off at quite a clip,however the two guys in front were a completely blind runner and his guide for the evening (he was so amazing to watch, if it hadn't been for the "leash" attaching him to the other runner I swear I would've thought he could see perfectly well)! There was also a lovely chap who was talking to me for a while but was struggling a bit as he was getting back into it after an illness but then he told me he was 65!!! He was a bit of an awesome runner in his youth by all accounts. A great and very enjoyable run, I was quite humbled to join them. :D

I had a recovery run on Friday of four miles and I stuck to an easy pace (yay me) and I've just come in from a hard 25 mile MTB ride, my longest for ages. I was riding really well until the last descent when I decided to go A over T over the bars. I have a few bruises but not too bad really however the worst bit was the fact I effectively "stabbed" myself in the chest with the end of my handlebar :eek: Its a bit sore now so I've got to hope it heals up in time for my road 10K on Saturday 24th - typical! Will be taking ibuprofen and covering myself in arnica cream for the next couple of days methinks.

11-17-2007, 03:47 PM
Ran another 3 miles today. I'm officially out of shape.

11-17-2007, 04:14 PM
I'll bet your "out of shape" is my "elite athlete". :rolleyes: :D :D :D

11-17-2007, 07:16 PM
I'll bet your "out of shape" is my "elite athlete". :rolleyes: :D :D :D

Ditto!! 3 miles is a "long" run for me. :D


11-17-2007, 10:58 PM
Tell that to my tight hips.:eek:

11-18-2007, 12:24 AM
I ran 5.5K with my new insoles yesterday. They felt like a pair of socks forgotten in the shoes (arch support). My outside feet (metatarsals) hurt. I think I get that with stiff soles, and the insoles are rather stiff.

I felt bad anyway, what with a wine tasting the night before....

will try a few short runs this week.

11-19-2007, 06:15 AM
Did a brutal trail run yesterday afternoon. Lots of sand dunes. I had to walk several of them. Two of the sand dunes were straight up and I had to use my hands to climb up them. My quads are killing me. Then, to top it off, I took a wrong turn and had to run an extra two miles. Today will be a rest day.