View Full Version : Let's hear it ladies! Run report Nov 4-10th

11-07-2007, 09:38 AM
Okay I need your motivational reports! I am planning the LV 1/2 and need to get it going again. Sunday I ran on the thread mill and did speed work, nothing Monday or Tuesday. I need to do my long today. Hope everyone has a great week of running. Take in the last nice days before the snow falls. Our weather is due to change in the next few days.

11-07-2007, 10:02 AM
I did 7 miles on Sunday and 2 miles this morning. It was cold this morning -- or colder than it's been in months - mid 30's. No big events for me until spring. Lots of cross training in the gym over the winter, but I'll still run a few times a week - outside as much as I can, kicking through the leaves -- :)

Good luck on the half mary! Vegas sounds like a great place for that.


11-07-2007, 12:01 PM
Three for me on Monday, three today, and probably three on Friday. Looking forward to something longer on Saturday, when we have more time. Also considering a spring half. Shiraz, when is LV?


(Never mind -- I saw your other post.)

roadie gal
11-07-2007, 12:54 PM
Went out for a trail run yesterday IN SHORTS AND A SHORT SLEEVED SHIRT. Is this November??? I went for 1 1/2 hours, maybe 8-8.5 miles.

11-07-2007, 01:48 PM
I'm going to start running again soon....honest.:p

11-07-2007, 03:33 PM
No running for me for a few weeks. I just came from the sports med doc..I have an "itis" in my left knee. I can swim, bike and do the eliptical, but he asked me to hold off on running.

11-07-2007, 04:38 PM
First run in two weeks for me due to traveling and a cold. I did 3 miles on the treadmill (plus .5 mile walking). Felt great to get moving again!


11-07-2007, 05:31 PM
I did 5 miles yesterday and got a bit whiney by mile 4. Other than that, it was great :D

I did nothing today, I had felt like I was coming down with a semi-cold last night so I took it easy. I feel better now, I plan on 2.5 miles tomorrow.

As a sidenote, we're going to NY on saturday and will be coming back weds. Saturday and weds are travel days and while we'll be doing a LOT of walking, I won't be riding or swimming. Does anyone bring their run shoes when they travel? I love it, it is such a portable sport!

11-07-2007, 05:32 PM
I ran my long run. I ran 11 slow miles and the last 2 were pretty sloppy. I am hoping my next long run will be better.:) The weather was perfect and I soaked in the sun!!

11-07-2007, 06:07 PM
I took two months off to rehab my knees. I just started running again two weeks ago. Did a week of drudgery on a treadmill and then headed outside last week. I'm up to running 2.5 miles at a 9:30 pace and I'm ready for my next distance increase tomorrow to 2.75 miles.

11-07-2007, 08:04 PM
Winding up to wind down when the snow actually starts in earnest (which is hasn't yet, which is making me anxious :o ).

My last set of 20/10 went very well. But then I walked quite a bit, and enjoyed the scenery, and stopped and chatted with a couple of friends for a while. 22/10 this weekend. Trying to find a course where it's easy to stash water and not have to run up too many mountains :rolleyes: . I did get a cool new running hydration pack (http://www.nathansports.com/our_products/hydration_nutrition/intensity.html), which I love, so the water thing isn't as big of a deal anymore. But the terrain bidness....

11-07-2007, 11:27 PM
Last week I ran Wed (10K), Thu (6), Sat (4?) and Sun (4?) - no significant shin pain.

This week I did 30 min on Tue, and a long run today, planning to do two short ones on the weekend - next Tuesday I will have my running analyzed at an orthopedist. See what he says. Then I'm hoping that I can handle 4 runs a week.

I have my heart set on a half mary in early March....

11-08-2007, 05:26 AM
My last set of 20/10 went very well. But then I walked quite a bit, and enjoyed the scenery, and stopped and chatted with a couple of friends for a while. 22/10 this weekend.

What are "20/10" and "22/10"?

11-08-2007, 05:31 AM
Does anyone bring their run shoes when they travel? I love it, it is such a portable sport!

I did when we moved my son to college for the first time. Of course, the college town had some great running paths - plus it helped me keep my sanity at such an emotional time.

Yes, it's very portable - and I'll do it again sometime!


11-08-2007, 05:51 AM
I ran this morning but it wasn't my best effort. I just felt off. I increased my distance from Monday, struggling through 2.75 miles.

11-08-2007, 06:01 AM
Did my second Lake District trail race on Saturday - harder work than the last one even though it was shorter with no massive climb (but lots and lots of steep undulations which hurt more). It started off with a half hour trip on the Ullswater steamer to the race start which was nice but I was absolutely freezing in running kit and a thin jacket :eek: as there was no kit transfer . We basically ran round the shores of Ullswater back to the pier in Glenridding. Straight off uphill, then lots of very technical running on narrow paths and just when you thought it was getting easier yet more climbs. I loved it, the views down Ullswater were gorgeous when I could look at them but hard, hard work. It was "only" 12.5 k but it took 1.27 for me to drag myself round.

I've done no running so far this week as I'm giving my legs a break but I'm heading off down to one of the local running clubs tonight to join in their training session to see what's what. I'm getting really bored running on my own and hope joining a club will push me on a bit. Just got to hope they are not all whippets!

11-08-2007, 03:48 PM
Finally got out for a run this week. I've been so unmotivated. Thank you to my running friends who emailed me repeatedly today telling me that I was going to run with them. And I did. And it felt great. :) Five miles around the neighborhood at a nice slow pace so we could gab the whole way.

roadie gal
11-09-2007, 06:50 AM
I got on the treadmill yesterday. I was tired from having worked the graveyard shift the night before. Since I didn't know how far I would be able to go it was easier to get on the treadmill than to get halfway to somewhere and then to have to walk home.

I managed to do 6 miles. I don't think I would have done that outside.

11-09-2007, 07:08 AM
I think I'm going to e-mail my coach today and let him know that I'm ready to start. I don't feel ready to start mentally but physically I am. :p

11-09-2007, 08:56 AM
3.5 miles on Sunday and 2.5 last night. Today is bike day (yay!).

11-09-2007, 12:26 PM
Froglegs, where do you live? My whole family lives in Arroyo Grande or thereabouts. And yah, I grew up there. I don't get back there much but Delta now flies direct to SLO from Salt Lake so my primary excuse no longer exists! :p

Tattie, sounds like your race was awesome. Running around the shores and then to the pier sounds lovely! Though I'm sure I would've had my own personal whinefest on the cold ferry ride!

11-09-2007, 03:19 PM
I live in Orcutt :)

11-11-2007, 09:55 AM
Had planned to do 5 with my running buddy yesterday, but she was sick, so I was all alone. I did the five at 9:30 average pace and felt great! The cooler weather is definitely welcome.


11-11-2007, 02:38 PM
Have been running nearly every day (a new thing for me) and cycling none. I'll get back on the bike when the sun is back in the sky.

I was looking at cyclists passing by and telling myself: how can you go for a 3-hour bike ride? until I remembered that I used to think, when sitting on my bike, passing runners: how can you just go for a 45-minute run?

I'm a bit confused. But enjoying running. So I'll keep doing that.

11-11-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm a bit confused. But enjoying running. So I'll keep doing that.


I go through phases, sometimes years long, with my different activities. You'll return to cycling sooner or later. I haven't found the Rulebook that says I have to do one or the other. I'm more into running now than anything, but I know that at some point I'll phase back into cycling a little more. Spice o' life!

And who knows what else life will bring you??!! Enjoy it all!

11-11-2007, 05:00 PM
Well, in my running world, I'm thanking circumstances that be right about now...

I was going to go run the Stinson Beach (California) 50k yesterday (Saturday) with a friend, but she had to bail and I didn't want to train and travel by myself, so I opted out in favor of the Woodside 50k Dec 1.

The Stinson Beach 50k was cancelled Friday afternoon at 4:30 due to the oil spill (the Park Service cancelled the event). We would have already been on a plane or even on the ground.

I'm hoping this is a good omen for the Dec 1 event. I ran 24 Friday and mtn biked 15 Saturday (instead of running 10...:p ) and feel astoundingly good. I think the extra 2 weeks of training will end up being a bonus. :)