View Full Version : Breaking new ground or the same old path Oct 15-21

10-15-2007, 07:56 PM
Ill start the thread. I didn't get to run today because I couldn't get out of the hospital. I was helping the boss write a plan to increase productivity and save $$$$$$. Yuck!! I did run 7 miles yesterday. I have to run tomorrow.:)

10-16-2007, 01:14 AM
After working until 4am Monday morning I got out on Monday afternoon for a run to try to wake myself up, felt not too bad so did some intervals as work is getting in the way of lunchtime runs and there was no guarantee I would get out today.

My footpod was chucking out random readings so no idea of pace or distance but did 20 minutes easy then 4 x 2 mins then 20 minutes back. Total about 6 miles. Hopefully my legs will start turning over quicker now I'm doing some speedwork as still feel a little slow.

Have brought my kit to work to try to get out for a short recovery run.

10-16-2007, 06:33 PM
I ran with the kids today. Well, I sorta ran. I walked 45 steps and ran 100. About 1 min walk and 1 min run. for 3 km. Felt ok. Shins not hurting too much. Iced hip and calf when I got back. Will do that again on Thursday. Maybe I can run an entire km next week without pain?

10-16-2007, 07:17 PM
I ran intervals on the treadmill today due to the rain. Total of 4.5 miles(1 mile warm up and 1/2 mile of cool down) . Wow I find it really hard to transition from outside to the treadmill. I am so glad to be over the "bug". Hope everyone else is recovering.

10-16-2007, 07:52 PM
Did my "basic" 5K today. Out of my front door, up the street, and then back. A bit boring, but I am doing it faster than a month ago, so that is encouraging. Did a 4.5 miler yesterday. I am wanting to move up to 5 miles, and then 6. There's an awesome 6 mile loop of off-road trails not far away that I want to run instead of walk/hike. That's now my goal. I want to do it before the snow flies and it gets slippery. If the weather cooperates, I should have the time.

Kelownagirl, hope you get your painless km soon! And thank you for all your encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. :)

Shiraz, Love your forum name. Am trying NOT to partake of your namesake but not having a lot of luck. SO many good shirazes and SO little time. :D :rolleyes:

tattie, do you ever sleep? I would be dead with your schedule. Seriously dead. You rock!


10-18-2007, 01:52 AM
tattie, do you ever sleep? I would be dead with your schedule. Seriously dead. You rock!


Working until 4am is not a regular occurence! I was up and about to make sure I didn't mess myself up too much, I could've happily slept all day but then would have been awake all night.

Its a beautiful, crisp, sunny autumn day here, hopefully work won't interfere and I can get out for a run at lunchtime - 5 miles scheduled. We recently moved sites and this one is only about a mile away from the sea front so I should be able to get down there today for some fresh sea air.

10-18-2007, 09:44 AM
I ran 3.1 miles on the treadmill. I did intervals slightly, they were .25 to .50 mile intervals but still :D I also mixed up the inclines.

I'd much rather be outside but there are times it's dark and cold and the weather doesn't accomodate my wishes. For those who go to the treadmill in the winter, how do you simulate outside running for training purposes? I know the treadmill is easier, right? So if I run 5 miles on the treadmill, it wouldn't carry over to 5 miles outside. How can I offset that?

10-18-2007, 10:00 AM
I'd much rather be outside but there are times it's dark and cold and the weather doesn't accomodate my wishes. For those who go to the treadmill in the winter, how do you simulate outside running for training purposes? I know the treadmill is easier, right? So if I run 5 miles on the treadmill, it wouldn't carry over to 5 miles outside. How can I offset that?

I've always thought the treadmill was harder than running outside. Running on a moving surface is unnatural - my feet shift around inside my shoes on the treadmill.

I'll probably run on the treadmill this evening, though. The weather looks like it won't accomodate here, either.


10-18-2007, 11:23 AM
For those who go to the treadmill in the winter, how do you simulate outside running for training purposes? I know the treadmill is easier, right? So if I run 5 miles on the treadmill, it wouldn't carry over to 5 miles outside. How can I offset that?

I've read that you should set the treadmill to have a 1% incline to better replicate outdoor running. I've read that factoid in various places during the two years I've been running but I've never tried it out as I don't do treadmill running.

10-18-2007, 12:06 PM
Got in a hilly 4 1/2 miler this morning. Nice weather, temps in the mid-60's. I wore shorts. Amazing how quickly one warms up while running. Quicker than on a bike.

Don't know about treadmills. I've never had one. I hope to continue to run outside all winter, but we'll see. I'm ok with cold, dark and snow, but ice scares me!

Does anyone belong to a running club? I am thinking of looking into the one in town here.


10-18-2007, 07:32 PM
I think life caught up with me today.......I just wanted to come home, put on comfy cloths and veg! Heated up left overs and watched Gray's Anatomy...did not run. I did run 4 miles after work last night.

Annie, wish you lived closer! I like Shiraz and all reds!

I need to run tomorrow, lift a few weights (to say I did) and having a surprize birthday party for my MOM's 66th. I can't believe how hard it is to get a mother to cooperate with plans. Mom keeps saying "she really doesn't want to go up town to the Country Kitchen ( where her party is) she would just like us to have ham sandwitches at home" . I had to lay some guilt on her and say we want to take you up town Mom.....I 'll let you know how we pull it off.:D :D

10-18-2007, 08:24 PM
I think life caught up with me today.......I just wanted to come home, put on comfy cloths and veg! Heated up left overs and watched Gray's Anatomy...did not run. I did run 4 miles after work last night.

Annie, wish you lived closer! I like Shiraz and all reds!

I need to run tomorrow, lift a few weights (to say I did) and having a surprize birthday party for my MOM's 66th. I can't believe how hard it is to get a mother to cooperate with plans. Mom keeps saying "she really doesn't want to go up town to the Country Kitchen ( where her party is) she would just like us to have ham sandwitches at home" . I had to lay some guilt on her and say we want to take you up town Mom.....I 'll let you know how we pull it off.:D :D

Hey, sometimes you just gotta veg! Give yourself a break. It's ok. :rolleyes:

Don't know if I'll run tomorrow. Maybe walk/hike instead. I have a longer bike ride planned for Saturday, so don't want to over do it.

Have fun with your Mom! That is wonderful. My mom is gone now and I am so glad I have memories of all the good times we had.

Reds? I'm having a glass of Renwood Barbera right now. Mmmmm, yummy! I highly recommend it.


10-18-2007, 08:49 PM
Went for a slow 4 miler last night. I've really slowed down a bit since my duathlon. I plan to run a 5k with some people from work next week Saturday and would like to get it done in less than 25 minutes. We'll see if that happens...I am just having trouble feeling motivated right now.

10-19-2007, 09:08 AM
First run in 2 months, so I think that qualifies as "breaking new ground".

On Tuesday my knee doctor gave me the OK to resume running. So today I headed to the gym at the pool to use their treadmill, thinking it would be easier on my body while I'm starting back up (it was my first time ever using a treadmill and I've got to say that running the treadmill is far worse that riding the trainer stand in my basement. It's mindnumbingly boring without a TV and there was no fan or air movement). I was surprised to be able to run without needing any walk breaks. While running my ankles were complaining more than my knees. Now, everything aches a bit, including my knees. I've iced them once and will need to do it again later.

Finally tally: 2 miles in 25:52. :)

roadie gal
10-20-2007, 06:47 AM
I was really angry at my bank yesterday. So I got on the treadmill to burn off some steam. (It was about 45 degrees and raining, with a 20 ph wind.) I was aiming for 11 miles. I was so angry that I did 12! That's the only good thing that came out of the day.

10-20-2007, 09:54 AM
For those on the treadmill for over an hour, I commend you! I get bored and hot.

Thanks for the treadmill responses. I do use a small incline and I try to vary it. Running on the treadmill IS more difficult for me because I'm always in fear that I'll step partially off the tread but then again I'm not graceful.

I did about 3.5 miles this morning. I need something to cover my ears! It was 45 deg out and while I was fine after I warmed up, my ears still hurt. I finished in 38 minutes but I had to walk a bit after the hills. I got so I can run up the hills (yay!) but I now have to walk for about 30 seconds after each one just to get my HR back down. The day will come when I don't have to do that, I am sure.

10-20-2007, 10:07 AM
I went for massage and again was told not to run. Ok. No more running until this is totally gone. I am going to walk instead. This sucks when I am so motivated. I am afraid of losing my enthusiasm (and fitness) if I can't work out for so long.

10-21-2007, 12:18 PM
Went for a nice 50-minute run on the Midstate Trail, on a different section than I usually run. According to my trail guide, I covered about 1.75 miles each way making my run a total of 3.5 miles. That is pretty slow, but I think a fair amount of it had to do with the number of stops/wrong-turn corrections (there were a lot of side trails) I had to make--the trail was hard to follow in places. I would estimate my actual pace was probably somewhere around 12 min/mile, which is still not exactly speed-demon territory. This makes the comments I got from passersby today rather amusing--one woman said "wow, you're awesome!" as I was running along a road trying to find the trail crossing (my reply was "well, right now I'm just trying to figure out where I"m going :-), and as I was running downhill at one point a guy remarked to his companions "wow, she's going fast!". I think I scared a group of hikers I passed on the way down that hill--I went to the left-hand edge of the trail to give them plenty of room, and proceeded to trip on a rock and then stumble over some more rocks as I tried to stay on my feet (which I was able to do, thankfully). I think they thought for sure I was going to take a rather spectacular digger, which I almost did, and I heard at least one "uh-oh" from one of the group. I then turned around and said "Yes, I did have a nice trip!" trying to make a joke out of an embarrassing situation.

roadie gal
10-21-2007, 05:54 PM
We are definitely into autumn around here! After the fridgid rain/snow (schmizzle, according to a friend of mine) 2 days ago, it was 55 sunny degrees with no wind today. So I went for a run outside.

I put on my new LOUD tights: baby blue background with a gold snakeskin pattern on them. Whew! ... and ran for 56 minutes, 5.9 miles. Lots of hills. I'm beat... but it was so nice to be outside.

A quick comment on long treadmill runs: Good running music is essential. I put 5 discs on shuffle and go. It's the only way I can stay sane.

10-22-2007, 05:41 AM
Dh did another speed run with me. It's been fun running together. He pushes me to go hard and fast for 1 mile, walk 2 blocks and repeat for 3 to 4 miles.

And got up early for a 5 mile run. I forgot how much I enjoy the early morning runs once I drag myself out of bed. Maybe I'll try to get back in the habit . . .

10-22-2007, 07:34 PM
Yesterday I finished the week with a long 11 mile run out in the country up the canyon. It was so Pretty and perfect weather. Today I started the new week with a tempo run of 7 miles. I am tired! it took the first 3 miles to start feeling better.

Roadie I can not believe you can run 12 miles on the tread mill!!!! It would be pure misery for me. Wow!! I am impressed.