View Full Version : A clean record goes down the tubes.
10-13-2007, 05:37 PM
Need to vent...
I've lived and biked in Maryland now for 5 years. An occasional honk from a car. A rare yell of "get off the road!" But generally, 5 incident free years. I've been lucky.
Until today.
DH did the N2 ride this a.m. I chose to sleep in, do some chores around the house, and head out on our "French Countryside" route at a decadant 10 a.m.-ish start.
I was just 2 miles from the end, cruising through the neighborhood across Randolph Road from ours, when a great big old Caddilac came at me from the opposite direction. I hear a yell "YEAH!" and I see something round and green coming at me.....about the size of a racquetball. POW! Something REALLY hard hit me in the forearm! That bas-tard punk-@ss THREW something at me. And he HIT me! And it hurts like HELL!! :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:
I stop....they continue. I start cursing like a sailor. I think that @sswipe just broke my freakin' arm!!!
Stop. Breathe. Move the fingers. Move the elbow. Arm throbbing, but not broken. As near as I can figure, it was an apple, a rock, or (more likely) a black walnut seed husk....those great big green things you see on the road at this time of year. DAM that hurt.
I start riding home, bawling like a little girl.
I've been icing it all day. Prescription strength ibuprofen is a WONDERFUL thing. But I don't think I will ride tomorrow....the thought of 40 miles of pavement pounding on a roadbike, all reflected through my forearm, does not sit very well with me right now, I don't care HOW much vibration carbon absorbs. The swelling is there. I think the ice will have kept the bruising at bay. But, it hurts to move and twist the arm. Not so bad now, but all day, it's been a pain.
Geez. How can people be so randomly awful??
It reminds me of the time in Massachusetts when I was out on my bike and I got shot by some punk with a pellet gun.
People suck.
10-13-2007, 05:45 PM
Aw Regina,
That really stinks. I am so sorry that happened to you! My DH has gotten into some close calls with drivers, but I never have personally. It sucks especially that it caused you physical pain and an injury that you now have to recover from. How downright mean! :mad: Karma's a b*tch, tho...they'll get theirs someday.
10-13-2007, 05:51 PM
OH, Regina.....I am SO SORRY to hear this. What a horrible thing to have happen and right near your home, too. This world is certainly full of perverted psychopaths. And, I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything else to call someone who deliberately hurls something at a cyclist and drives on without knowing or caring if they killed the person, which could certainly have happened. Words escape me............
I think you definitely need to take it easy tomorrow and keep up the ice tonight for swelling. I'm afraid you're still going to bruise pretty badly from the sound of it. You're one heck of a trooper -- I'd STILL be bawling like a little girl!
Here's where one can only hope karma comes into play for that a**hat who did that. Here's my best wishes for a speedy recovery but I hope the butterfly lady hurries and sends the healing butterflies. :)
10-13-2007, 05:51 PM
Thanks, Emily.
I've been thinking about karma a lot today.
I'm a big believer in bike-karma. My friend, Art, and I have had many discussions about it as we stop on the side of the road to help out a fellow cyclist in need. Do unto others as you would have done unto you, right?
Golden rule, regardless of creed, I think.
So....what did I do wrong? How have I wronged someone?
I hearby apologize to all of you. If I said something that hurt or offended you, I apologize. I regret that you mistook what I have said, because it was NEVER my intention to hurt anyone.
10-13-2007, 05:55 PM
If I said something that hurt or offended you, I apologize. I regret that you mistook what I have said, because it was NEVER my intention to hurt anyone.
I think you're off the hook. Sometimes crud happens to good people.
Hope the arm feels better soon.
10-13-2007, 06:22 PM
Regina - Take a rest tomorrow. Very sad to hear of your experience today.
10-13-2007, 06:24 PM
I agree with V. Sometimes it's not your karma at work, it's the other person's. If it were me, I'd have been bawling as much for the fact that people like that exist, as for the physical pain.
It sounds as if you handled it very well, though, taking the time to breathe and check yourself out. I'm so glad that the ignoramus didn't bean you in the head or knock you off your bike! Definitely take it easy tomorrow, and let us know how you're feeling after you get some rest.
10-14-2007, 05:27 AM
I'm so glad that the ignoramus didn't bean you in the head or knock you off your bike!
DH mentioned that. Said "You're lucky he didn't hit you in the face. No. HE'S lucky he didn't hit you in the face."
10-14-2007, 08:41 AM
Doesn't pay to get too theological about gratuitous violence.
Try arnica (homeopathic for bruising)
Hope you are feeling much better today
10-14-2007, 09:44 AM
Oh Regina, So "riled" on your behalf...
I'm with Margo - lots of arnica, apllied regularly - its a great thing. If you think the bruising is deep, then maybe some drops or pillules as well so it can work from the inside as well.
10-14-2007, 10:26 AM
Hopefully that @ss will get his down the road. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Take care of yourself and respect your feelings. :(
10-14-2007, 05:24 PM
Man that sucks. A friend of mine got a bottle thrown at him recently. I've been getting yelled at and buzzed on a regular basis too. People in this area aren't so nice.
Regina - that just sucks. :( I hope your arm is feeling better now.
10-16-2007, 02:17 AM
Wow, Regina, sorry that happened to you. Sometimes people can be such idiots.
10-16-2007, 05:41 AM
Wow - I'm sorry to hear about that - how's the arm now? Hopefully better. Be careful out there.
About a month ago, I was riding with a coworker on MacArthur Blvd (we work right there) at the Irish Inn heading towards the circle at Goldsboro Rd - I was pulling, he was drafting me - and from a car coming in the opposite direction a bottle was thrown at us. And I'm not talking about tossed - it was thrown as hard as he could throw it. Luckily it went just behind me and just in front of my friend. It could have been a really bad situation since there were cars behind us and others coming in the opposite direction. It happened so fast that we couldn't get the license plate from the car since we couldn't stop b/c there was all that traffic around us. It's scary to think people would want to cause that kind of harm on another person - especially completely unprovoked like that.
10-25-2007, 01:00 PM
Geez Regina. Hope it heels up quick. Even if you didn't get the number plate report it. Report the description of the car and get your Doctor to document the injury and forward it as well.
If these bastards have done it once they'll do it again. If they've got a description of a previous incident, maybe they'll never get him on that charge, But it could help the next case... If you know what I mean.
Yeah. Report the bastard!
10-25-2007, 05:49 PM
It's scary to think people would want to cause that kind of harm on another person - especially completely unprovoked like that.
Ain't that the truth!!! :(
Makes me want to shout out.."What is WRONG with you people????"
But, thanks for the concern.
Arm is fine now, thanks.
Glad your guy was a bad shot, JMcG. :rolleyes:
I thought of reporting it - but didn't. It seemed so weird to tell the police, "yeah...some kid through a walnut at me."
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