View Full Version : Free Bridesmaid Skorts!
10-04-2007, 07:53 AM
No, not porn, I promise. Well, sorta.
Anyone remember this guy who helped me build Bubba’s wheels ( His now much wiser girlfriend made the offhand suggestion that they get married at Interbike, so the owner of my LBS got himself a DIY license to perform a marriage, and the folks from Cervelo, CyclingTV and FSA made it happen. Even Elvis and the Rat Pack made an appearance but Bubba and I were traveling that week so we missed the fun.
Nicole deBoom donated 3 “Relaxed Fit BikeGirl” ( skorts which can be yours free for the shipping cost.
Hot pink with lighter pink waist and piping – size L
Bright blue with hot pink waist and piping – size L
All black – size XL
To see how the skorts fit and flirt on the bridesmaids, you can see them in action here ( Gerard of Cervelo blogged his wedding report (
Anyhoo, post your interest on a skort here and send me a PM. If the skort doesn’t fit after you get it, all I ask is that you re-post on TE so that another TE-er can have them. Joe (the owner of Wheelworks) knows about all of you (so to speak) and asked specifically if I could post here.
10-04-2007, 08:00 AM
Hey there- how fun!
So nice of you!
I am interested in both of the size L skorts, please :)
I will fire off a pm next and I will be sure to pass them on if they don't fit right.
How nice!
10-04-2007, 08:02 AM
While I have no interest in the skorts themselves, I do have to thank you for posting a link to the wedding clip - that was great fun! :p
10-04-2007, 08:03 AM
Especially as you know "Elvas." :D
10-04-2007, 08:05 AM
Hey there- how fun!
So nice of you!
I am interested in both of the size L skorts, please :)
I will fire off a pm next and I will be sure to pass them on if they don't fit right.
How nice!flybye, would you consider only one so that others could have a chance also? If no one else pops up, I'll send you both but I'd like as many people as possible to share in the Joe and Nicole's generosity.
Thanks for understanding. Let me know which color you prefer.
10-04-2007, 08:10 AM
My first choice would be the pink.
I have used one pair of men's LG cycling shorts the entire summer and they are looking frazzled. To have even a second pair would greatly relive the pressure that I put on my LG's :)
Thanks for the links to the wedding. Looked like a very fun wedding. Please pass on a thanks for their generosity.
10-04-2007, 08:14 AM
I am interested in the XL, if it is still available...
Pedal Wench
10-04-2007, 08:17 AM
OH! I'm biking with the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk next week (we volunteer for route safety on our bikes, patrolling the course and controlling intersections for the walkers!) If the pink one is still available, this would be PERFECT!
10-04-2007, 08:22 AM
Best bridemaids..... EVER! LOL! :eek: :D :D :D
10-04-2007, 08:25 AM
Here's the list so far:
Flybye - Hot pink with lighter pink waist and piping – size L
sbctwin - All black – size XL
Pedal Wench, if you want it -- Bright blue with hot pink waist and piping – size L
Or you can armwrestle Flybye for the pink skort.
I've changed one of my requirements. Instead of paying me for shipping, everyone needs to send Pedal Wench a donation for her Breast Cancer ride.
10-04-2007, 08:29 AM
That is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!:) :p :) :p :) :p :D
10-04-2007, 08:29 AM
Especially as you know "Elvas." :D
I thought he looked familiar! :p
The pink-skorted gentleman looks familiar as well . . . do you know his name? My mind is saying Curtis or Gary . . . ??? :confused: Or, maybe he just has one of those "familiar" faces. :confused:
Pedal Wench
10-04-2007, 08:29 AM
Here's my story from last year:
and, my page:
(I'm bad about asking for donations, so I usually just write the check myself!)
I really can only use the pink one, so if it's taken, I don't need the blue one.
10-04-2007, 08:51 AM
Flybye, I've been pondering the pink vs blue issue. Since you originally wanted both of the size larges, I assume that you would be happy with the blue. That leaves the pink for Pedal's Breast Cancer event. Yawl can't argue that it's the best home for the pink skorts!
All the skorts are claimed and I'm off in a bit to do some shipping.
Don't forget to donate to Pedal's good cause.
Hmm, wonder if there is some way to let Nicole know that her skort will on parade for Breast Cancer.
10-04-2007, 09:23 AM
That was pretty interesting! I'm late here, but Flybye if you don't like the blue PM me and I'll be happy to take it off your hands;)
And I think you all should post some pix of you in your skorts when you get them - we love pix here!
Thanks SK!
While I don't care to plaster my rear in pink, that is a NICE skirt!
When I got ordained it only cost ten dollars.
10-04-2007, 09:31 AM
Flybye, I've been pondering the pink vs blue issue. Since you originally wanted both of the size larges, I assume that you would be happy with the blue. That leaves the pink for Pedal's Breast Cancer event. Yawl can't argue that it's the best home for the pink skorts!
All the skorts are claimed and I'm off in a bit to do some shipping.
Don't forget to donate to Pedal's good cause.
Hmm, wonder if there is some way to let Nicole know that her skort will on parade for Breast Cancer.
I don't argue with anything that is free unless it is my kids trying to bring home another puppy or kitten :D :eek:
Can I please have Nicole's address so that I can send her a thank-you?
Pedal's home is truly the best place for the pink shorts...........good choice.
Thanks again.
10-04-2007, 09:32 AM
That was pretty interesting! I'm late here, but Flybye if you don't like the blue PM me and I'll be happy to take it off your hands;)
And I think you all should post some pix of you in your skorts when you get them - we love pix here!
Thanks SK!
Will do that for you for sure if they don't fit.
Pedal Wench
10-04-2007, 09:34 AM
You all are truly kind and generous! i didn't realize until I watched the video just who the bridesmaids were -- the guy in pink is pretty cute! I'll send photos from the 3-Day -- it's really a great event, and if one comes through your town, come out and cheer the walkers!
I would like Nicole's email too for a Thank-You. And thanks to everyone for understanding!
Now, does anyone have a pink tutu they don't need anymore...
10-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Flybye, maybe a thank you sent via customer service?
Thanks for helping Pedal Wench fly the colors!
10-04-2007, 09:39 AM
Yeah, the bridesmaids are guys we've all grown to love from and Cervelo's ads. The guy walking the bride "down the aisle" is the head of FSA and is one of John's mentors.
10-04-2007, 12:17 PM
Just back from the post office ---
sbc and flybye, your skorts went out first class mail
Pedal, your skort went out 2-day Priority Mail
10-04-2007, 12:26 PM
--And just threw in a little extra to help Pedal Wench with her fundraising.
Pedal Wench
10-04-2007, 12:39 PM
Woohoo!!! Y'all are the best! Can't wait to post pics. My poor bike's gonna get the pink treatment too -- streamers, ribbons, pink bike horn -- can't wait!
10-04-2007, 01:40 PM
Yeah, the bridesmaids are guys we've all grown to love from and Cervelo's ads. The guy walking the bride "down the aisle" is the head of FSA and is one of John's mentors.
Well, that's one way of making sure none of the bridesmaids are prettier than the bride.
Pedal Wench
10-08-2007, 05:44 AM
They're here!!! Thank you so much!!!! They're really gonna help me 'pink-up' for the Breast Cancer 3-Day! And, more importantly, THANK YOU so much for the donations! I'm almost at my goal, and I couldn't have done it without everyone's support!
Thank you,
TE rocks!
Pedal Wench
10-16-2007, 12:45 PM
With everyone's help, I exceeded my fundraising goal!!! And, more importantly, I look marvelous on the walk!!!
I forgot to pay attention to the size of these skort before I jumped on it, but it worked out great (I'm usually a small or medium). They were PERFECT underneath a pink tutu! The tutu was somewhat sheer, so having pink underneath was just what I needed, and then it wasn't as obvious when they started sliding down to my hips...
I don't have any pictures of the total package, but so many walkers took my picture that I'm sure I'll find something online. I'll write up the report of the whole weekend when i get my energy back. I left everything I had out there on the walk.
Pedal Wench
10-13-2008, 05:20 PM
I forgot to post last year, but here's the skort from the DC 3-Day walk, and it's in the laundry so it's ready for the Atlanta 3-Day in two weeks!
Thanks again to everyone who helped last year. I'm doing two this year, and already committed to at least two next year, thinking about 3...
10-13-2008, 05:30 PM
Oh . . . um . . . wow. You don't see that outfit in Macy's.
It's mahvelous, dahling. It's so . . . YOU! :D :D :D
10-13-2008, 05:58 PM
I like the boa myself!!!
Pedal Wench
10-13-2008, 06:57 PM
What you might be missing from the photo...
Pink Keen shoes
Pink "Cancer Sucks" socks
Boa on top tube, another boa on seattube and rack
Pink feather tiara on pink helmet
Flashing pink reflective safety vest
Pink polar bottles
Yup. All in the name of Susan G. Komen.
I should add that in that outfit, at camp that night, I met and thanked Nancy Brinker. Nancy made a promise to her sister as the sister was dying of breast cancer that she would do what she could to find a cure for the disease. Her sister's name? Susan G. Komen.
In that outfit, I called my sister, a survivor, to remind her how much I love her too.
10-13-2008, 08:17 PM
Pedal Wench:
GREAT FABULOUS PHOTO! You look Mahvelous Darling!
Glad the 3-day went well. You are doing 3 next year? Hmmm... Makes me think I'm not doing enough! Congrats on yet another successful 3-day. Come and crew the San Francisco one next year -- I'll be there walking!
Here's to the WEARING OF THE PINK!!!!
Pedal Wench
10-13-2008, 08:27 PM
Oooh. San Fran? Nice route? Scenery? I could be into that in a heartbeat!!!
I just did DC last week, and Atlanta on Oct 24-26. Woohoo!!!
I'm gonna look into San Fran. How fun to meet a TE'er on the 3-Day!
I thought I looked marvelous too!!!
10-13-2008, 08:47 PM
Ah... and now I know The Rest of the Story.
Excellent. :D
10-15-2008, 08:20 AM
I looked at the photos from SF -- it just looks so beautiful! And I met a guy on the Seattle walk who did SF as well as almost all the rest (he does about 10 BC events a year). He said it's his favorite route.
And, well, you can't beat the idea of a couple days in Napa in the fall to follow! (Think barrel tasting! :p )
BTW: Just came across this from the Pink Wing gals... I'm thinking you may be the perfect person to wear this!
Are those pink keens she's wearing?:D
Pedal Wench
10-15-2008, 08:58 AM
Oh!!! That pin is perfect!!! Thanks for posting!
Yeah, SF is looking better and better. I'll look into their bike crew requirements.
Pedal Wench
10-15-2008, 10:25 AM
SF dates are too close to DC -- it would be too hard to get my bike shipped back to ATL and then up to DC.
So, I signed up for Denver. This is their first year there, and I don't know if they plan on including bikes in Route Safety. But, I volunteered to help get them up and running. Why do I get myself into this stuff????
10-16-2008, 10:41 AM
Enjoy Denver -- should be fun doing the first.
Maybe we'll run into each other at one of these some day! I'll be last in in the walk line and you'll be bringing up the rear!
10-16-2008, 11:07 AM
Pedal wench, do post about the crew for DC again next year. I toyed with signing up to join in this year but ended up not doing it because I was leaving a few days later for Paris. It was a trip planned quickly because my sister, in treatment for lung cancer, was on a 'drug holiday' and feeling so good she wanted to go and eat and drink her way around Paris with me and our other sister.
But my one sister and I both think that helping out with our bikes next year would be a lot of fun, so I hope you remind the board about it and I hope my schedule permits.
Love the pic!!
10-16-2008, 11:09 AM
Pedalwench: Why don't you have your bike shipped from SF directly to DC? Does it have to go through ATL?
Pedal Wench
10-16-2008, 11:15 AM
But my one sister and I both think that helping out with our bikes next year would be a lot of fun, so I hope you remind the board about it and I hope my schedule permits.
Ooh! My first double quote, after 4 years!
You can sign up NOW! They won't assign you to route safety right away, but if they use a first come/first served approach, you'll want to be on the list early. I'm signed up. Lemme know your names so when we get assignments going, I can make sure you're on the list.
Pedalwench: Why don't you have your bike shipped from SF directly to DC? Does it have to go through ATL?
I don't really know how I'll be getting to DC. So, if I don't have a car (this year, tagged along with a Moto crew member) I wouldn't be able to pick up my bike from wherever I shipped it to. I'm cool with Denver. SF the year after! (Yup, it's that addicting!)
Pedal Wench
04-01-2009, 09:35 AM
Ooh! My first double quote, after 4 years!
You can sign up NOW! They won't assign you to route safety right away, but if they use a first come/first served approach, you'll want to be on the list early. I'm signed up. Lemme know your names so when we get assignments going, I can make sure you're on the list.
I don't really know how I'll be getting to DC. So, if I don't have a car (this year, tagged along with a Moto crew member) I wouldn't be able to pick up my bike from wherever I shipped it to. I'm cool with Denver. SF the year after! (Yup, it's that addicting!)
Possegal - did you sign up? Let me know and I'll put in a good word with the crew captain!
04-01-2009, 09:28 PM
Ha... just read this thread again. Well, we decided to stay in Seattle for the 3-Day this year, instead of going to San Francisco. Wasn't going to work out for a member who was going on a huge trip during that time. Bummer. But, turning out to be a good thing -- we are having trouble with fund raising this year (as is everyone else, I'm sure), so adding travel funds to that would have been tough!
Good luck to you all!
Pedal Wench
04-02-2009, 06:23 AM
Ha - something just happened that only you would understand. A commercial for Planet Earth just came on the TV,and they're using the music from our closing ceremonies (Sigur Ros) and I instantly get goosebumps...
I'm officially in for Denver, DC and Atlanta! But, post up when you get your page open - I don't have to meet a minimum, so I would rather make sure you get to walk and meet your fundraising goals.
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