View Full Version : Take a Kid Mountain Biking

10-03-2007, 06:02 AM
My mountain bike club is sponsoring "Take a Kid Mountain Biking" this Saturday at South Seatac (no not on the runway!) But a great area of woods and trails that local mountain bikers ride. It's great for novice to intermediate riders. But we are having a bunch of kids who never get the chance to ride bikes out and we need people to lead rides and help. It will be a lot of fun and I know the kids (big and little) will have FUN!

If you think you would like to help or just want to splash through the mud with the kids . . . check it out:

Take a Kid Mountain Biking (http://www.bbtc.org/recreation/calendar.php?event_id=5858)

East Hill
10-04-2007, 12:00 PM
I am going to have to check that out soon! I did not know it was there, and it would be so easy for me to get to.

Now, if they started the show at 6.30 am I'd be there--but 10.00 am is getting close to bedtime :( .

East Hill

10-05-2007, 05:44 AM
East Hill . . . I am really excited about tomorrow! We have 30 kids signed up and we also have about 30 volunteers too. Enough adults so that we can pair up maybe 2 - 4 adults per 6-8 kids maybe? I'll find out more tomorrow. Even though the weather is rain it's still on! I think it will be fun.

Here's what tomorrow's schedule looks like:

Set Up 9am
Registration 9:30-10:30
Rides 10:30-12
BBQ 12
Jump Show 1
Raffle 2pm
Clean Up 2:30pm

I will try and post a report tomorrow night.

East Hill
10-05-2007, 07:34 AM
It does look like fun, and I will have to check out that area for riding. I like riding around Lake Youngs Reservoir, but I would like to expand the options!

Enjoy yourselves, and I hope you get a good turnout :) .

East Hill

East Hill
10-08-2007, 05:00 AM
So how did it go? Got photos?

East Hill

10-09-2007, 05:51 AM
Here are a few pictures I took of my group of kids on Saturday. We had 36 signed up. We broke them into groups of 6-8 per 3-4 adults. It was FUN! The kids had a great time and the grown ups too! :D







Plus I shot a short video of the kids flying down this one hill. They loved it!

No fear!

Video on my blog page (http://cycling-addict.blogspot.com/)

Sue :D

East Hill
10-09-2007, 06:27 PM
I enjoyed your video, especially of the one young 'un who not only went flying down the hill, but was PEDALLING on her way down!

I will definitely have to go check out this park!

East Hill

10-10-2007, 06:14 AM
East Hill,

It's a great trail for beginners to intermediate riders. When Joe and I used to lead beginner rides for our mountain bike club we usually took them to South SeaTac. It's a great place for winter riding as the sandy soil stays relatively mud free, usually!

Here's more information and directions:

South SeaTac Trails (http://www.bbtc.org/wiki/index.php?title=Trail:South_SeaTac)

The next time Joe and I go I'll give you a holler!


East Hill
10-10-2007, 11:14 AM
Whether or not I'll be awake is always a good question, but I'd love to know when you next go just in case I can join you.

I just realised that I can get there by riding along 200th from Military Road, so perhaps I will check that way in the next couple of weeks (I just realised that I have a really busy next couple of weeks :eek: ). Still, there's always time for a ride!

East Hill

10-10-2007, 02:41 PM
Yes, I do know busy. In fact busy will be my middle name for the next few months! This weekend Joe and I will be out of town and it seems there's always something going on through December! My mountain bike friends have also been nagging me to ride with them. I had been strictly road riding all summer long because of events I had signed up to do. Sigh I must find a happy balance. But anyway when Joe and I do go out to SeaTac again to mountain bike I will definitely send you a message. And if you're free great!

I didn't know you had a mountain bike too East Hill?! Awesome!


10-12-2007, 02:04 PM
Looks like you all had a great time, the photographs said it all. I bet it's something those kids will be talking about for a long while.

BTW.........I love your new avatar.


10-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Thanks ClockworkOrange . . . I love my new avatar too. I found her surfing the other day and noticed she was on a bike . . . my kind of gal! She just needs a helmet! :p

East Hill
10-12-2007, 11:35 PM
Haha, you know me! Not only do I have a mountain bike, it's an old school rigid steel frame Fuji Thrill (from 1985 if I've got it dated correctly) :D .

I've managed to get it going about 30 mph down some of the hills at Lake Youngs Reservoir, too!

East Hill

10-13-2007, 04:55 AM
Wow oh wow! 30 mph on your 85 fuji thrill! That's awesome!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend of cycling. I am on my way to Cheney to visit my son this weekend at college. Leaving in about 30 minutes! Enjoy the sunshine. The weather is supposed to be nice according the weather report!