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So who's gonna be there and what ride are you doing?
How will we know who's who?
Me- 25 miles and a spanking new AV jersey
09-26-2007, 02:54 PM
Me: Nope. Gonna take in the Ed Sanders Memorial 'cross race at Lilypons instead, then maybe head up to Gettysburg for a ride. Hope you ladies have fun, though (whoever's going, that is)!
09-26-2007, 02:59 PM
Ah, the memories. :rolleyes: I started biking again last year and that was my first ever organized ride. I had been riding about a month and I think I did the 32 mile route. :confused: Hmm, not sure. Anyway, it was also my first ride clipless. I did a 0mph fall up a steep hill. I was just happy there were no witnesses. :o It is surprisingly hilly, even the shorter routes. The countryside is very pretty though. Make sure you get there early and get moving with the pack. The after-ride food didn't last very long. They didn't mark the route very well last year but they did have the Baltimore Cycling Club women out in force to help out. Very nice to talk to. :) I wish I had fenders back then because the roads didn't dry out till later in the day. There is a nice restaurant at the entrance to the park that has some good food if you need a bite before heading home. Too bad I live in OR now or I'd definitely see you there. Have fun!! :D
Daggone you, Tam! You are making me rethink this :eek: I'd love to do what you're doing (and it's closer too).
i wonder if Janice could get my t-shirt for me:p
09-26-2007, 03:39 PM
I'm still on the fence on this one. It's a 3 hour drive for me so I'm not liking getting up at 3am and driving 3 hrs to ride a bike when I can sleep in and do it at home for free. On the other hand, the local kayak concession is sponsoring a Pedal/Paddle for Cancer that day, and that should be a lot of fun too. I can donate the $ I didn't spend on gas. There's a 50/50 chance I'll be there and of course I'll be sporting my new favorite jersey as well. :)
PS Now if only my sister would invite me to stay at her house - that would put me 2 hours closer and I could sleep till 5:30. LOL Such a deal.
09-26-2007, 06:49 PM
Daggone you, Tam! You are making me rethink this :eek: I'd love to do what you're doing (and it's closer too).
i wonder if Janice could get my t-shirt for me:p
I'll be there, doing the 25 mile ride. Not sure what I'm wearing. I'd be happy to pick up your t-shirt, Zen, but it would be more fun to ride.
Yeah, I'll be there. We should organize a Gettysburg Ride, though.
09-27-2007, 01:09 AM
I'm registered for the 46-mile hill crank. Not sure I'll make it up there, though, as the weekend looks to be busy.
09-27-2007, 05:31 AM
I'm still rehabbing the knees and I'm not ready for any outside riding, especially hills! Yesterday I was able to bike on the trainer stand pain free, so I'm definitely improving. I should be ready for the DC Monument Tour II ride.
09-27-2007, 10:31 AM
Um, how hilly is hilly?
The 25 mile ride seems like a waste of gas, since I'd ride a lot longer than that here. But if there are monster hills on the 47 and 62, that won't be much fun either. I get uncomfortable over 13% or so. I can do steeper, but it's not that fun.
I don't know about the max grade % but I doubt there are any that steep. There's more to the event than just the ride and besides that it's nice to have a change of scenery once in a while.
09-27-2007, 06:48 PM
It's challenging, lets just say that. It won't kill you but it will test you. There are some very steep ones there but they only last so long... :p They had a lot of cool stuff before and after last year and this year sounds like it's going to be even better. The horse farms are abundant out that way. Take your camera. Have a blast. I think you will like the ride.
09-28-2007, 08:26 AM
I've spent most of my life on horse farms. I don't think I need pictures, but someone may have to stop me from stopping to ask the residents of the pretty farms if they need a trainer ;).
I can handle 48 miles of Charlottesville terrain well. I don't think Bmore is more hilly, is it?
One of my teammates is a big Trek WSD fan. Maybe I'll see if I can get her to make the drive with me.
Is there any on-site registration? (I tried to click on the flyer on the website but nothing happened).
09-28-2007, 08:33 AM
oops. nevermind. they updated the site.
09-30-2007, 12:01 PM
Had a nice ride this morning. It was a bit chilly in the beginning, but I was glad I didn't wear long sleeves or long pants because it warmed up very quickly.
This ride is hilly! 25 miles was plenty, and the friend I rode with hadn't ridden much this year, so it was more than plenty for her.
The scenery was beautiful and they provided a nice lunch and some decent schwag (multitool, water bottle, t-shirt), so I think this is a ride worth doing again.
We saw Zen just as we were finishing (she had a primo parking spot) so that was fun, too.
09-30-2007, 02:36 PM
Sort of sorry I missed it. It would have been fun to meet Zen and see Janice again. Tried to get a motel room but there was nothing to be had withing 50 miles and under $200. Besides it was just too nice a day yesterday and today to spend 6 hours in a car. I got in 28 miles yesterday, and today I did a Pedal & Paddle for Cancer. The ride was only about 9 miles, with a terrific tailwind for much of it. For a change no body passed me. (I'm usually at the back of the pack...) The kayak run was about 5 miles and I saw an eagle, and a few egrets, and a great blue heron. But I see them almost every day, still I always enjoy the sightings. But golly, I haven't done much kayaking this year, I really felt it. :(
Next year I will go to Shegotbike for sure.
09-30-2007, 02:37 PM
Glad you had a good ride! My teammate and I decided that it was too far to drive too early in the morning. We also had a male teammate wanting to go for a ride today, so we took a route out to Poolesville and back. Apparently, there was some race going on out there, because people kept thinking we were in it! ..including some cop directing traffic who was really confused (we were on the wrong road for the race) haha.
09-30-2007, 03:02 PM
Wow, and kayak event?? Way cool.
You know.. a few of us DC-area TE'ers are kayakers (flat and protected water).
Glad SheGotBike went well. Any pix??
A good time was had by all!
I cheated.
Instead of turning left and doing a loop, I turned right where the loop finished. Took off six miles. It was a good workout. I took a sit-down fall at mile 3.5
I did take a primo spot. As I was heading out I realized I had forgotten my water bottles so I parked my bike and brought the jeep up there:p
I also got a shirt from the PT clinic because I asked for it. The guy said he could hook me up cause he knew the owner, then winked and got me a shirt.Too bad it doesn't have his phone number on it;) He was a hottie.
It was a long way to go for a short ride but I enjoyed meeting and riding with women of so many different levels. I will do it again and I will take many many more photos.
Not enough porta-pots, though.
I was directed to go stand next to the "pretty pink bikes" :p
That's candy corn in my handlebar bag.
I finally got to taste Nutella. And it is good.
I think these are nice kits
09-30-2007, 08:12 PM
Heh. I did that route last year and after I was done, I realized there was a loop at the end. I was determined to remember for this year's ride so I could take advantage of it if I was dying. Of course, I A: now live in OR and B: obviously forgot all about it or I would have mentioned it. Sorry. :o It is a bit of a challenge no matter what route you take and every year it's going to get bigger and better as more women come out to give it a try. A few of those hills are nothing to sneeze at. It's a nice workout. :D
10-01-2007, 02:10 AM
You must have been right behind us at the rest stop! We rode most of the first part of the ride trading places with the woman with the fancy-painted Waterford with mustache bars. They were still at the rest stop when we left.
Thanks to those of you who came to She Got Bike - I had so much fun - even though I was gritting my teeth in pain (and I wasn't even riding :) )
Anyway --- question for you ladies - next year we decided to make a change to the routes and our ride leader philosophy. We are going to have one much easier ride (for those really, really new to the sport) AND...
Now that we are picking up a lot more momentum (almost 500 women came - woooo hoooooo!!!!!) we are going to have Ride Mentors instead of ride leaders at a 1 mentor per 10 rider ratio.
We want mentors who are willing to pre-ride the courses as a group and can also really support our riders - see if they are in too hard of gear, make suggestions, etc.
I think a lot of you would be PERFECT as Ride Mentors. I know it's early, but we always start planning for the next year 12 months in advance :)
Would any of you be interested? We have a fantastic elite racer, Janet Olney, who is going to run the Ride Mentor program and offer instruction to our Mentors to help them be even more AMAZING than they already are. Janet is a Cat 2 racer and a certified cycling coach and can help you be able to offer help like "hey, your seat is too low" etc.
Besides getting to come for free and mentor incredible women, you'd also be able to connect with Janet and ride with her a couple of times pre-event - which is truly a great opportunity.
Anyway, I know this sounds like a sales pitch (okay, it is), but I am so impressed by the women on this forum - your compassion, passion and just downright good-woman-ness ----- anyone interested?
Let me know if you'd like to consider it - we won't consider you committed until sometime next year - I just want to feel it out with you.
Susan O.
10-07-2007, 11:49 AM
Next year I will go to Shegotbike for sure.
I don't know why I didn't think of it this year, but you're welcome to stay with me the night before (and after) SheGotBike next year if you want. Not sure how far out of the way it would be for you; I'm about an hour away from the ride venue, just off the DC beltway.
10-07-2007, 12:19 PM
Anyway, I know this sounds like a sales pitch (okay, it is), but I am so impressed by the women on this forum - your compassion, passion and just downright good-woman-ness ----- anyone interested?
Let me know if you'd like to consider it - we won't consider you committed until sometime next year - I just want to feel it out with you.
Susan O.
You know, this is very interesting. I'm nowhere near confident enough to be considered a mentor to anyone, and I'm slow as molasses, yet at SheGotBike I was clearly a more experienced rider than many who were participating, at least in the 25 mile ride. I think it is great how women dig their bikes out of the garage and just do it, and I think it's a great idea to have a shorter ride next year.
So I'd say no, I am probably not mentor material, but I hope you find others who are willing.
I'm slow as molasses, yet at SheGotBike I was clearly a more experienced rider than many who were participating, at least in the 25 mile ride. I think it is great how women dig their bikes out of the garage and just do it, and I think it's a great idea to have a shorter ride next year.
I agree, I was really impressed with those women. I think the draw was having friends who were interested or the fact that it was a non-intimidating all women's event. Also that it wasn't entirely cycling focused, it was kind of a mind-body-spirit kind of thing.
Something happened during my ride that has really stuck with me.
We were grinding up yet another hill toward the end of the ride and as I was passing one woman who looked like she might be in a bit of trouble. I suggested she take a rest and walk the hill. While i was putting my bike back on the rack I saw her ride into the parking lot and cheered and applauded her. She thanked me for my help on the hill. I didn't do anything! Fixing a flat would be doing something;)
I guess she really needed that rest.
This is my first year of riding and my skills need a LOT of work. Everything I've learned has been from here and TITS but I'd possibly be interested in mentoring.
Whip, where were you?
I'd possibly be interested in mentoring.
Whip, where were you?
YEAH!!!! Yes, can you send me a personal email to and I will put you on the list. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I wish I had asked you guys to find me and say hi - I would have liked to meet you in person. I launched the rides and then spent the rest of the day talking to our riders and exhibitors, plus making announcements about sponsors and raffles, etc. Getting people to activities, etc. It's so much fun! I just love putting this event on.
Anyone else for Ride Mentors -just let me know! I'm sure I'll be asking again.
Do you know the woman in my photo with the pink BBC jersey?
10-07-2007, 05:04 PM
I don't know why I didn't think of it this year, but you're welcome to stay with me the night before (and after) SheGotBike next year if you want. Not sure how far out of the way it would be for you; I'm about an hour away from the ride venue, just off the DC beltway.
Thanks for the offer. I can normally stay at my sister's but she was out of town that weekend, and I did have several fun things to choose from here that weekend. But next year I will plan ahead a little better and make plans to do that. Sounds like I missed a really good time.
Do you know the woman in my photo with the pink BBC jersey?
It's Sue McQuiston - one of my spectacular ex-teammates. Do you want me to put you in touch with her?
I just thought she might like the photo, you can direct her here or to me.
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