View Full Version : Brooklyn Ride!!!
09-13-2007, 09:55 AM
Instead of hijacking someone else's thread...
Who would like to get together this weekend for a few laps (or perhaps several)? If the weather holds I'd love to meet a few of you and put some faces to names!
Any takers?
09-13-2007, 12:33 PM
We are off to long Island for my best friend's wedding (isn't that a movie title?) tomorrow.
Definitely would love to meet up in our park. Warning - I am still pretty pokey, but I am good at following fast people!
I freelance and can go during the week, or weekends too.
Definitely need ride partners who will help me push myself -- gotta get those legs to spin faster...
I just got the road bike in March, and have put almost 2000 miles on it -- not bad for 48 year old non athlete (well, former non athlete).
PS I live on Court St. near west 9 St.
09-13-2007, 01:37 PM
Pokey? Nah!
The great thing about riding with people I find is that you miraculously go a little faster, without any additional perceived effort, because of it. You can be chatting away and realize you're putting out better numbers on your power meter, your cadence feels easy at 90+, and you're zoooooming. I have yet to be made pokier! (And I certainly have pokey days, too!)
Anyone else? If not, DH and I will go to Nyack this weekend and I'll try to drum up business for a Park ride *next* weekend!
Lisa (the other one)
ps, live on Dean St. near 5th Ave
09-13-2007, 02:49 PM
Hi! This weekend I'll be around, but next weekend probably up riding in CT. We should definitely do this sometime, though. If you wind up not going to Nyack on either day, let me know!
Based on Bklynmom's thread, seems she and I are about the same, and I'm guessing that Chickwithbrains is faster.
I live on 4th Street between 6th and 7th Aves. Just a couple blocks from the 3rd street park entrance.
Bklynmom, I'm impressed by your mileage! I started cycling in April. I put 500 miles on my flatbar bike, then switched to a road bike and have put 350 miles on her...
Ha ha... you're both Lisas? I'm Rachel. If I were a Lisa too, that would definitely be weird. ;)
09-13-2007, 04:50 PM
I think a Lisa trifecta would be pretty awesome!!!
I don't think I'm faster than either of you -- I only got my first road bike about a year ago and did my first sprint length tri last summer on a heavy steel mountain bike! I'm trying to get faster but I have a hard time with high cadence and my @)(*@#!! front derailleur was never switched out when I went from a triple to a double front chainring -- meaning I futz with gearing a lot right before the hill. (Yes, I know, it's time to get that fixed.) I can't keep up with DH to save my life.
I blame the whole cycling interest on DH, but in the end, you know what? It's pretty cool. And fun. Let's try for next weekend!
09-14-2007, 05:52 AM
hey, Brooklyn folks, check out the Westchester Cycling Club's Golden Apple ride on Sunday. Start/finish point is at a Metro North station. I did it a few years ago and it's a gorgeous ride.
09-14-2007, 07:14 AM
Hi again! My DH got me into it too, and I can't keep up with him by a long shot!
Next weekend, I'll be the one out of town, but let's update this thread with our attempts to get together so that any other NYers that happen upon the board can join us... Hope to meet you guys soon!
09-17-2007, 06:40 AM
I can do weekends, but I like to do most of my long or intense rides during the week if I'm not working.
Anyone ride in Brooklyn during the week?
I am definitely up for a Saturday ride this weekend - anyone else?
Lisa of Carroll Gardens
09-18-2007, 08:45 AM
I'm definitely not around on Saturday... *maybe* Sunday. But, I work from home and ride a lot on weekdays too. Let's try to get together.
I'd love to know what both Lisa's look like on their bikes so I can keep an eye out for you. I find myself wondering all the time now!
Here's me:
09-18-2007, 09:04 AM
Hopefully, here is my photo.
I usually go around 9 AM. just send ma an e-mail - I'll send the info to you directly. It would be great to find another daytime rider!
09-18-2007, 09:59 AM
email on the way! :D
09-19-2007, 08:07 AM
I'm all for Sunday!!!n (And later today, but I'm waiting around for the UPS guy.)
I work Sat night, but if anyone's around for a ride in the afternoon.... otherwise, look for a dark graphite gray specialized allez elite and a rider with a black and pink helmet when you're out and about!!!
09-21-2007, 04:45 AM
ChickWithBrains... I've definitely seen you in the park. I like the darkly colored bike!
I'm going to CT this afternoon, and DH and I are undecided about whether to come home tomorrow or Sunday. If I get back tomorrow I'll PM you other Brooklyn gals to see if anybody is up for a ride on Sunday.
09-21-2007, 08:29 AM
I might be able to do Sunday too, depends on the family.
We had a fun weekday ride Wednesday!
The weather has been so nice I am having trouble taking the day off, which I'm supposed to do after interval day.
Lisa P.
09-24-2007, 10:22 AM
Didn't make it back until last night. Had some good riding in CT. We'll have to try for next weekend!
09-24-2007, 01:16 PM
CT sounds nice - good weather Sunday.
This Wednesday I am thinking of doing a longer ride -- 40 miles - maybe to Central park or the Rockaways, if either of you are interested. I would like to make it a quick ride if possible - I am trying to keep my speed up over longer distances.
Definitely interested in a weekend ride in our park:)
Lisa P.
09-24-2007, 01:52 PM
Wednesday I have a dentist appointment. :(
I'm gonna have to make a goal of "Fast by 35" or something... I rode 40 miles in hilly CT this weekend, and while I was somewhat proud that I was able to do it at all, I was truly bummed out by my pokiness. :o
09-27-2007, 01:11 PM
I so want to meet up with you ladies for a jaunt! Maybe this coming week?
This weekend has me in Montauk for a sprint length tri... otherwise you'd see me in the park! Any mid/late week days good for y'all?
09-27-2007, 02:39 PM
Ooh! Good luck in the tri!
Almost every day except Wednesday can work for a ride for me. I'm a piano teacher, so there are gaps in my schedule every day. How about you propose two or three possible times, and we can all try to find something that works.
Today I did two laps at an average speed of 16.3. That was the fastest I've done yet. Tomorrow or Saturday I want to try sustaining that speed for four laps.
09-27-2007, 03:17 PM
Great average speed Rachel - impressive :)
Today I did hill repeats in a heavy gear in central park - trying to work on building power.
I could do a ride in PP next Thursday morning (Oct. 4th can you believe it!) - will that work for you two?
09-28-2007, 10:42 AM
I so want to meet up with you ladies for a jaunt! Maybe this coming week?
This weekend has me in Montauk for a sprint length tri... otherwise you'd see me in the park! Any mid/late week days good for y'all?
If you see a bunch of cyclists going into Montauk, chances are it is the Massapqua Park Bike Club riding thier Ancient Mariner. This is tomorrow, Saturday. We are riding from Massapequa Park to Montauk taking the 7:30pm train back. This will be my second century, but more of a social ride :)
~ JoAnn
09-28-2007, 11:03 AM
I could do Thursday morning for sure. I might have a student at 11:30, but definitely free until then.
10-02-2007, 04:56 PM
Thursday works for me too.
I can drop off my son at school and head to the park around 9AM.
Weather looks good too:).
Lisa P.
10-03-2007, 05:20 AM
Sounds great! Can you come down at meet me at the 3rd Street entrance? I'll be there at 9...
Chick, where are you? Can you make it then?
10-03-2007, 06:25 AM
See you at 9 AM tomorrow at 3 Rd st.- hope to see chick too:).
I have some cool new strenth building thing I should do - basically you go around the park in a progressively harder gear. I can do it after we ride, or we can do it together. I am trying to do more focused rides.
Today is intervals as soon as the sun comes out!
Yesterday I had a great ride with Felix, and I rode with an injured pro rider and learned lots of good stuff.
Lisa P.
10-03-2007, 06:53 AM
Cool! I'll try the progressive gears thing with you... I need to get stronger!
10-03-2007, 01:40 PM
I'm here!!
Grrroooaaannn!!! I think I can get my lazy butt out of bed by 9... :p
Got back from the tri, then had to work long hours the last few days. But I am TOTALLY there!!! 3rd street entrance it is. I'll be there with bells on!
10-03-2007, 02:09 PM
Hooray! See you both there... 9am tomorrow.
10-04-2007, 06:54 AM
Let's do it again, ladies!!! Thanks for the great ride.
10-04-2007, 09:19 AM
Woo-hoo! That was fun indeed...
10-04-2007, 04:40 PM
How cool to meet on-line then ride together. CWB kept us moving fast - great ride!
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