View Full Version : Berkshire County (MA) AIDS Walk 8/18/07

08-07-2007, 04:52 PM
If you happen to be in western Mass on Saturday, August 18th, please consider joining us for the 4th annual Berkshire County AIDS Walk & Rally. The walk takes place in Pittsfield. Registration starts at 9 with step off at 10 a.m. from the Common. It's a much easier walk than previous years to accommodate the physical abilities of almost all participants. There will be light refreshments after the walk as well as massage :D .

All money raised goes to providing assistance to those infected/affected by HIV/AIDS in our area. Last year we provided assistance to prevent peoples' utilities from being cut off, paid back rent to prevent eviction, provided grocery vouchers and transportation vouchers (taxis & bus passes) so people could get to appointments. We also had a holiday party for the children of clients with Santa as our special guest. This year we hope to do all of that as well as step up our prevention education and outreach services (our diagnosed numbers are rising and we are probably the least populated area of the state :eek: )

We'd love to have you walk with us. Keep your fingers crossed for decent weather!