View Full Version : Chin Dented by Medicine Ball

09-29-2004, 03:07 PM
A woman in her mid thirties yesterday was diagnosed with missing lower ab muscles after her medicine ball rolled down her legs, across her stomach and struck her in the chin.

Apparently the woman, who has some freakishly strong legs, was attempting to develop some core strength by holding the medicine ball between her ankles as she raised her feet up off the floor and lowered them back down again. She completed her first set just fine, but shortly into her second set, she lost control of the medicine ball as it was lifted into the air. Gravity caused the ball to roll down her body and she was so astonished she was not able to keep the ball from hitting her in the chin. Her cat could be heard laughing miles away as this event unfolded. Fortunately the only casualties were the remaining reps in the set and the woman's pride.

It has been determined that the woman certainly needs to do those lower ab exercises as it pains her to laugh today.

09-29-2004, 05:04 PM

If the cat had a experienced a similar incident, surely she would have pretended that she meant to do that! ;)