09-26-2004, 06:28 PM
So, I was in New York City this past weekend and my host took me on a VERY interesting group ride.
First, I cycled down to his job on W. 71st from Inwood (W. 207th) along a pretty nifty bike path along the Hudson River. Upon meeting him, he made a few cell calls to find out where the 'group' was... somewhere around 56th and Park. Bob looked at me and said "Stay close". It's 7:00 PM... I have no lights on my bike but hey, it's NYC. No problem. Bob turned on his flicker reflector so I could see him and off we went.
A mad sprint, at that point obeying all traffic laws, to 56th and Park. Get there... no group. More cell phone calls. "Move fast", he says, "they're in Times Sqaure". Another mad sprint... I'm thinking I'm gonna die. But, I manage to stay on his wheel.
Suddenly there is whooping and shouting, sirens and whistles, helicopters overhead and 1000 cyclists in front of me. Bob turns and says "About that fitness level, Gena... you did pretty good. And welcome to Critical Mass"
It was wild. My bike handling skills got the rust shaken off real quick. We went down this street and that, I have no idea where we were. Bob told me to watch out for cyclists coming back at us; it means the police have blocked off the front end and bikes are scrambling. No sooner had he past this little tidbit to me then it got real loud behind us... official type loud. I turned and there were a bunch of scooter cops and 12-15 paddy wagons... yep, paddy wagons.
Sure as a bear poops in the woods bikes started coming back at us. I said "Bob! Now would be a great time to go to dinner!" We made a cut around a corner and sprinted for the other end of the street where we settled into "regular" ccyling the city streets mode.
And that was my first Critical Mass. And the following link will take you to the NY Times article, (I think).
First, I cycled down to his job on W. 71st from Inwood (W. 207th) along a pretty nifty bike path along the Hudson River. Upon meeting him, he made a few cell calls to find out where the 'group' was... somewhere around 56th and Park. Bob looked at me and said "Stay close". It's 7:00 PM... I have no lights on my bike but hey, it's NYC. No problem. Bob turned on his flicker reflector so I could see him and off we went.
A mad sprint, at that point obeying all traffic laws, to 56th and Park. Get there... no group. More cell phone calls. "Move fast", he says, "they're in Times Sqaure". Another mad sprint... I'm thinking I'm gonna die. But, I manage to stay on his wheel.
Suddenly there is whooping and shouting, sirens and whistles, helicopters overhead and 1000 cyclists in front of me. Bob turns and says "About that fitness level, Gena... you did pretty good. And welcome to Critical Mass"
It was wild. My bike handling skills got the rust shaken off real quick. We went down this street and that, I have no idea where we were. Bob told me to watch out for cyclists coming back at us; it means the police have blocked off the front end and bikes are scrambling. No sooner had he past this little tidbit to me then it got real loud behind us... official type loud. I turned and there were a bunch of scooter cops and 12-15 paddy wagons... yep, paddy wagons.
Sure as a bear poops in the woods bikes started coming back at us. I said "Bob! Now would be a great time to go to dinner!" We made a cut around a corner and sprinted for the other end of the street where we settled into "regular" ccyling the city streets mode.
And that was my first Critical Mass. And the following link will take you to the NY Times article, (I think).