View Full Version : I got the Runs! July 10th-16th

07-09-2007, 05:07 AM
The good kind, of course.

Ran 6.2 miles the other day, without stopping. Don't know my time but I felt like my speed was pretty good. I just decided to go out and run, around some neighborhoods I knew. i was hoping it would be 5-6 miles but the fact was that when I got back I still felt pretty fresh so I was worried it would only be about 4. Drove the route with my car and it turned out to be a freaking 10K! Whoo! What a good start to the week!


07-09-2007, 06:11 AM

sorry, could not resist.

10 k?? That's pretty good. Keep up the good work.

07-09-2007, 09:57 AM
Today is the 9th on my calendar. Why is our running week starting on Tuesday and where do I post today's run? ;)

Today was my second run since spraining my ankle (2.32 miles @ 10:16 pace). I'm really dismayed by how much my running has suffered from the forced time off. I increased my distance and improved my pace since Thursday, but I've got basically 4 more runs before the triathlon and I don't know if I'll be able to get my distance back up to 3.1 and pace back down near 9 minutes. :mad: :(

**note to self: injuries suck; don't do that again!

07-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Today is the 9th on my calendar. Why is our running week starting on Tuesday and where do I post today's run? ;)

MDHS...that's probably my fault. I goofed on the title last week (it should have ended on the 8th) but I couldn't correct it. So I think this is the right thread (unless we're moving our week to beginning on Tuesday)!

Today was my second run since spraining my ankle (2.32 miles @ 10:16 pace). I'm really dismayed by how much my running has suffered from the forced time off.

Injuries do suck. But don't let your head get the better of you about your ankle! It is what it is, and I know that you will be just fine in your tri. You need to believe that too. And you'll have that little helper adrenalin going for you on tri day. :D Do what you can, and don't set yourself back (says the woman who nursed a bad ankle for months because she wouldn't back off).

Due to infernos in Idaho and Utah, our air is verrrrry smoky and bad. Add to that the heat (yesterday was the first day below 100 in several days...it was only 97!), and...well...you can guess what that's doing to my running. I did get out this am for a 6.3-miler, up high (though I wasn't out of the smoke :( ). Hopefully it will start to clear out in the next couple of days, though I will still have to run in the am due to the temps.

07-09-2007, 03:13 PM
Since I'm just starting to keep track because my running is more than my walking, I did 3 miles today! I thought I was going slower because I was sore from a ride yesterday and it hurt. It was also hot. I don't normally sweat but it was running off my face :D

Suffice it to say I thought I was going slower and I ended up finishing about 5 minutes before I normally do! I am not a runner but it is getting not as bad.

07-09-2007, 06:59 PM
*Shudders* Yea... uuummm... the title of this thread hits too close to home. I missed my race on Sunday... due to... uuumm... not wanting to live in a Port-O-John. Thank goodness I stayed home too... apparently there were NOT ENOUGH Port-O-John's at the race! :eek:

Anyhoo... I wish some of you ladies lived near me. I am running my first 10 miler tomorrow. I know I can make it, but company would be appreciated. I can't seen to loop anyone I know into doing it with me.

A friend will be riding the path though, so he's going to make sure I don't get abducted. :rolleyes:

07-09-2007, 07:01 PM
Today is the 9th on my calendar. Why is our running week starting on Tuesday and where do I post today's run? ;)

Today was my second run since spraining my ankle (2.32 miles @ 10:16 pace). I'm really dismayed by how much my running has suffered from the forced time off. I increased my distance and improved my pace since Thursday, but I've got basically 4 more runs before the triathlon and I don't know if I'll be able to get my distance back up to 3.1 and pace back down near 9 minutes. :mad: :(

**note to self: injuries suck; don't do that again!

Well, they say you can take a week off and after that your fitness levels start to suffer.

Although, I would kill for a 10:16 minute mile! But that is besides the point.

Injuries do suck. I'm so paranoid of getting one because I know 1 injury, even a simply one, takes you out of the game for weeks or months.

07-09-2007, 07:42 PM
I am not a runner but it is getting not as bad.
My friend, you go out and you run, therefore you are a runner! Sorry, you can't hide it! It's really not THAT bad. Say it out loud:

I am a runner! :D

And it only gets better!

07-09-2007, 08:57 PM
I'm supposed to run intervals tomorrow but it's going to be crazy hot. Hmmmmmm, maybe a water run is in order.

and I agree with Yellow, you run and therefore your are a runner. Don't worry, acceptance is the first step to healing.

07-10-2007, 03:42 AM
Hi Guys,
Well it is crazy hot here in NJ, as it is in many places across the nation right now. So that being the case I went out to run at 5:15 this morning. It was already 79 degrees. And HUMID. I did 4.3 miles in 40 mins. Not as fast as I would have liked, but a steady pace.

I was a bit worried because I had a small crash on my mt bike on Saturday and my foot did not unclip as I went down and I really wrenched my lower ankle. It really hurt. I had a hard time finishing the ride. But I iced, iced and then iced some more. I spent all day Sunday with it up with some...ICE, and by Sunday night it was pretty good. It felt fine during the run this morning.

So all things considered, not a bad run.....

07-10-2007, 05:24 AM
Hi Guys,
Well it is crazy hot here in NJ, as it is in many places across the nation right now. So that being the case I went out to run at 5:15 this morning. It was already 79 degrees. And HUMID. I did 4.3 miles in 40 mins. Not as fast as I would have liked, but a steady pace.

I was a bit worried because I had a small crash on my mt bike on Saturday and my foot did not unclip as I went down and I really wrenched my lower ankle. It really hurt. I had a hard time finishing the ride. But I iced, iced and then iced some more. I spent all day Sunday with it up with some...ICE, and by Sunday night it was pretty good. It felt fine during the run this morning.

So all things considered, not a bad run.....

Texas... hot is 95 degrees and humid. I would kill for 79. Of course, it's 80 right now. I'm running tonight in about 90 degree weather. I figured it's good training for my HIM since I'll be running in the afternoon when I do that in October.

Gosh, sorry to hear about your ankle! That's the worst. It sounds like it's OK???? I hope so.

07-10-2007, 08:29 AM

That is hot here too. It was 97 yesterday. Don't know what it is right now, but with the humidity, they were expecting a heat index over 105. It was 80 degrees at 5:15 this morning!

The funny thing is that the ocean is still really cold. We went to the beach yesteray and the ocean temp was just 57 degrees. I knew something was up when we came over the dunes and nobody was in the water. Cold for July.

And my ankle seems ok post run, thanks.

07-10-2007, 08:53 AM
Hah, sorry on the date error! Turns out I was looking at my mini-desk calendar, without glasses. Apparently I saw the JU in June and thought it read July. Woopsy.

No runs for me since that last, I'm super busy at work today and probably won't get a chance to run unless I go after the climbing gym. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow...


07-10-2007, 10:07 AM

That is hot here too. It was 97 yesterday. Don't know what it is right now, but with the humidity, they were expecting a heat index over 105. It was 80 degrees at 5:15 this morning!

The funny thing is that the ocean is still really cold. We went to the beach yesteray and the ocean temp was just 57 degrees. I knew something was up when we came over the dunes and nobody was in the water. Cold for July.

And my ankle seems ok post run, thanks.

Yea, the rest of the country is having a heat wave... and Dallas is having a "it won't stop raining every single day of the week" wave. UGH!

Our tri last weekend turned duathlon... because the lake had TOO MUCH WATER in it. :( Well, that at the local city had pumped raw sewage into the lake due to flooding in the area.

My tri coming up this weekend seems like a go... thus far. The lake we are due to swim in is only 4 feet above average.

07-10-2007, 01:35 PM
I will swim with the fishes and the jellies, in cold water, in brackish water, in cedar water...but I draw the line at sewage. Nope, not doin' it.

07-10-2007, 05:31 PM
I will swim with the fishes and the jellies, in cold water, in brackish water, in cedar water...but I draw the line at sewage. Nope, not doin' it.

OK, what the heck is cedar water? :confused: Is that an eastern thang?

100F here after work so I decided to go swim in our pppppool. Lots of p there. That's what I thought when I looked over at the very shallow end and saw all the mommies and babies. **must not think about it** **that's what chlorine is for**

Running tomorrow am, like you RNRG, at 5:30.

07-10-2007, 07:57 PM
I ran with the deer, quail, wild turkey and bunnies at 6 am today. Interval run. Total about 6 miles. It got really hot here today too. Hence the early morning workout.

I may have found a running coach that's willing to trade analysis time for PT. We'll see.

07-11-2007, 01:31 AM
Had a test run on Monday and things are still not quite right, however, after my massage/therapy session on Friday I now actually know what is wrong.....my left vastus medialis was not fully contracting on Friday and is very weak, the right is better but still quite weak. The downhill running stressed the poor things out completely. I've been tasked with doing squats with a ball between my knees and single leg squats in front of a mirror making sure my knee goes where it is supposed to. I did body pump on Sunday night as they have lots of squats and split squats and I concentrated hard on making sure my knees were tracking correctly, my VMO was pretty fatigued on Monday when I ran which is why its a bit grumpy. I've also got to do some bore (sorry core) stability stuff as well.

I have an MTB weekend this weekend so am not doing any more running and have decided not to cycle tonight but do my exercises instead as I think I'll get more benefit from them. I did a two hour road flat road ride on Saturday and my knee seemed fine so hopefully it'll cope with the weekend even though there will be a lot of climbing.

07-11-2007, 03:26 AM
Tattie- I had VMO problems in the past, the squays worked for me.

Cedar water is the color of iced tea because of the tanin from the cedar trees. People think it is dirty because of the color, but that is not the case. It is really common here in the Pine Barrens. I will take a picture next time I am running at my local park.

07-11-2007, 04:48 AM
Tattie- I had VMO problems in the past, the squays worked for me.

That's good to know, thanks. They hurt though, I can't believe how pathetic my single leg strength appears to be.

07-11-2007, 06:54 AM
2.7 miles @ 9:34 pace.

My third run since the ankle sprain. I'm feeling stronger each time out. My endurance/distance is increasing, my pace is improving, and the ankle feels OK during the run. Friday I go to 3.1 miles! 11 days to my first ever Tri!

Tri Girl
07-11-2007, 09:07 AM
I can't wait to start contributing to this thread regularly. Running 3 days a week, but slow and not easily. Still nursing my knee due to VMO muscle patheticness (undervelopment in the left knee only- weird) and major fallen arches. I feel your pain, tattie. I do body pump, too, but doc told me not to do squats and lunges, so I have to leave class to do alternate quad/hammy work during those songs.

Today I ran in the middle of the day (in prep for my HIM later this summer). After my du on Sunday and severely dehydrating on the bike and second run due to no heat training (well- we didn't have any heat in June b/c of all the rain- highly unusual). I will run in the middle of the day as much as possible to acclimate to the heat. Only 4 miles with run/walk intervals. Tried to keep the HR under control, but the heat makes it hard.

Thanks for keeping me inspired ladies- I can't wait to be running again with you here regularly. :)

07-11-2007, 09:37 AM
I managed a 7 mile trail run this morning--training for the X-Terra. It was brutal. Up and down sand dunes for the first 6 miles. I had to walk about half of the hills. I averaged 11:40 minute miles.

My hams ache. My quads ache. My calfs ache. And I'm starving.

07-11-2007, 10:16 AM
Wow, limewave, you rock.

I plotted out a 5K route around the neighborhood and ran it for the first time last night. It took me 30 minutes on the nose. I felt pretty good about that, since it's my longest run yet.

07-11-2007, 11:32 AM
Limewave...that sounds about the right pain level for Xterra training! All kidding aside, keep up the good work. How many weeks until the race?

07-11-2007, 11:34 AM
One of these days I"ll remember to bring our lil' diggi camera to take pictures along the route. It really is beautiful.

07-11-2007, 12:06 PM
This morning was my last run before my first sprint tri on Sun. Very slow, 45 min, probably just over 5k. 64 degrees to start, 65 to finish, a little humid, but I'm enjoying our cold front with some respite from the relentless heat we've had. Did a new trail/path this morning, had to run about 10% on concrete and asphalt, knees staged minor protest at finish, but not too bad. Unfortunately tri route is all concrete, bleh. :(

07-11-2007, 01:18 PM
My friend, you go out and you run, therefore you are a runner! Sorry, you can't hide it! It's really not THAT bad. Say it out loud:

I am a runner! :D

And it only gets better!

Thanks :D

Some days it's easier than others. Today I only ran about 1.5 miles. I'm sore from cycling (46 miles on sunday and 24 miles of hills on tuesday) and other gym related activities. I didn't feel much of a runner and I think I walked far more than normal.

I see people gliding along like it's invigorating and easy. I plod! I feel like I'm going SO much slower than any other runner I've ever seen but maybe that's just my perception.

One of these days though it'll all come together. In the meantime, I just try to build a base so I can actually do things like intervals or more distance.

07-11-2007, 03:10 PM
Thanks :D

I see people gliding along like it's invigorating and easy. I plod! I feel like I'm going SO much slower than any other runner I've ever seen but maybe that's just my perception.

Hey, let me run beside you... you will feel FAST! Shoot, I had some kid run by me last night with sandals on... and he kicked my butt.

Here is my running in heat and humidity saga from last night:

1h 55m
9.70 miles
11m 52s /mile

WOW! What a run I had today. I started out OK. It was so hot and humid. VERY HOT.

My shirt was soaked with sweat 1.5 miles into it. Not a good sign.

Overall, my body felt good. No lower leg pain, no inner leg pain, no side cramps, no knee pain... I just felt TIRED.

I would start to run and feel pretty perky... then about 1 minute into it, I would feel drained. I think it was the heat.

I took in a gel 1 hour into the run. That helped some, but it didn't fix how tired I felt.

Oh yea, let's just say there was a lot of walking. Short spurts of running... walking... back to running. You get the picture.

Towards the end of the run, it cooled off. It was so nice, but I only had 6 minutes left. Oh well.

Driving home I went through some pretty nasty rain, so I suspect my run ended at the perfect time!

07-11-2007, 04:57 PM
Cedar water is the color of iced tea because of the tanin from the cedar trees. People think it is dirty because of the color, but that is not the case. It is really common here in the Pine Barrens. I will take a picture next time I am running at my local park.
I learned something today!

But, I still do STOOPID things like go running when the air is so smoky that you can't see more than about 8-10 miles across the city. :rolleyes: I ran at 5:30 before the sun was up so I really couldn't tell what the air was likewhen I took off (plus I was still half asleep and having Garmin issues that I couldn't solve because I was half asleep), but as the sun came up and everything glowed deep yellow/orange, it was apparent that today was not the day that the smoke was going to blow out. My eyes only stung a little bit. :p

At least it's only supposed to be in the low to mid 90s tomorrow!!

07-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Well, it was a gorgeous day here today. Finally. The short but violent thunderstorms we had last night took away the last of the humidity, and left the day sunny and bright. It was the kind of day where you look out a window and everything is just CRYSTAL clear and the sun is so brilliant that you have to squint the minute you get outside. I was jonesing to get out all morning, and then work got crazy until finally I just said ENOUGH. And went and did my run. I hadn't gotten a chance the last three days, and I refused to let it go another day. So I went out during lunch and the frustration from work carried over to my run, causing me to run faster and more furious than usual. It felt great, until about halfway into the run when I realized that the rest of the run was mostly steep uphills. Ugh. My legs felt like lead and despite the cooler temps I was getting overheated, but I made it back without stopping!

Then stupid me decided to not do my usual cool-down because I was rushed to get back to my desk, and got a shower as usual. So now I'm sitting at my desk with cold chills running down me and I'm still sweating and its gross.

Lesson learned: ALWAYS take time to cool down properly.


07-13-2007, 04:41 PM
I got back up to 5k distance today for the first time since my ankle sprain. My pace was pretty good, too.

07-14-2007, 09:40 AM
Got nothin'. Today was my longish day (for me it's 45 minutes) so I set my alarm early. I woke up, the cat wanted to snuggle, and I fell back asleep. I am now at work with no run. I don't get off until 8:30pm and we have tickets for Harry Potter. My workout week starts tomorrow with riding so, grrrrrr.

07-14-2007, 01:02 PM
Third leg of my practice triathlon: 1.65 miles @ 8:28

07-14-2007, 01:31 PM
Third leg of my practice triathlon: 1.65 miles @ 8:28

wow. That is good!

07-14-2007, 02:33 PM
I deliberately kept it short. Now, I wish I had pushed it to 3.1 to have a better idea of what it will all feel like.

07-15-2007, 12:35 PM
MD - it doesn't matter. You can cover 5K. Race mode will make you finish.

I ran 3 times this week totaling about 25 K.

Today was hot. I waited until 8pm to go out. Had my water belt with a new smaller bottle and it was kind of ok to carry. Just you can't really handle it in running. Have to stop to get it back in. On my regular route there are 2 fountains anyway but today I was glad about the occasional sip.

Only Wednesday my hip hurt a bit. I think it may be hills and possibly cold that makes it worse? It's confusing and worrying, but anytime I can run and I don't feel it I am less worried.