View Full Version : July 4th Ride
Hi all,
I'm going to do a Baltimore Bicycling Club ride on July 4th - any of you awesome Mid-Atlantic TE girls want to join me?
If you do, but don't know how to get to the start, let me know and I'll give you directions. Also (in case you don't know) the BBC rides always have cue sheets so even though there is a stated speed, we can go faster or slower. Also, you don't need to be a member of that club to attend the ride. I'm not a member. ZenC - we can arrange for ice cream afterwards!
Here's the details:
13/15 MPH - 9:30 am - 34 mi - lead by Rich Burns (410/433-4162,
START: FIF - Fifth District Elem. School
Loop to Westminster on seldom biked roads with lunch/snack stop options.
Susan O.
07-02-2007, 05:36 PM
Here's the details:
13/15 MPH
Hey, that's a speed I can handle! A bunch of us are doing an mtb ride on the 4th, but I'd be interested in trying a BBC ride in the future. Do they have a website, Whip?
07-02-2007, 06:13 PM
Hey, that's a speed I can handle! A bunch of us are doing an mtb ride on the 4th, but I'd be interested in trying a BBC ride in the future. Do they have a website, Whip?
I think I've seen folks from this club out in Howard County (HILLS, Tam!). That's my neck o' the woods, Whip....
I actually have a job interview on the fourth!
That sounds like a good medium speed and distance.
07-02-2007, 06:49 PM
I think I've seen folks from this club out in Howard County (HILLS, Tam!).
Grazie for the link, Regina. And I haven't given up on hills yet. I'm just taking a break for a while :rolleyes:
Zen: Good luck on the job interview!
Wonderful. I will definitely post some more rides like this - actually probably for next week - DO ANY OF YOU RIDE DURING THE WEEK DAY?
In the meantime, (and warning - I used to be a BBC member so I apologize if this sounds like a promo):
The Baltimore Bicycling Club's (BBC) web site is
All rides are posted on that site and if you join $20 per year, you can also be on their yahoo groups listserve and get notifications of new rides and reminders.
The club is very large and they have rides almost every day all over Maryland at varying speeds. You can pick just the ride you want and not worry about the speed of the group because they always have cue sheets and ride leaders.
You do not need to be a member to ride with them and, in fact, you never have to join. Although it is pretty cheap and a nice way to support them if you do end up doing a lot of their rides :)
The BBC has lots of women riders and would really love to have more.
By the way, some local racers just launched another great resource for race info and training ride info:
Have a great 4th - good luck on all job interviews!
07-03-2007, 11:20 AM
Makes me want to cross the river and move to MD. You gals seem to have the best places to ride. Unfortunately, my employer keeps moving folks out to new, improved (ahem, cough gag) buildings in the dreaded Dulles corridor. My commute is due to triple in miles in early August. I'm trying to find a safe bike commuting route from the W&OD to the new "wonderful" building. :(
I'm trying to find a safe bike commuting route from the W&OD to the new "wonderful" building. :(
Just curious how far you are or where you work is from the NIH. One of my teammates just moved down to Bethesda and woks at NIH and she may be looking for some women to ride with down there. Do you ride with a group?
07-03-2007, 11:35 AM
Just curious how far you are or where you work is from the NIH. One of my teammates just moved down to Bethesda and woks at NIH and she may be looking for some women to ride with down there. Do you ride with a group?
Right now, I'm working in Tysons. Can't bike commute there due to no safe way from the W&OD. Ostensibly, I could meet the ladies at NIH, but it would have to be after work. I get off at 3:00, and once I'm stuck with the horrible commute to Dulles, I will be lucky to be home by 3:30, feed the girls, and hightail it out for a bike ride by 4:00.
I'll tell my husband about the Balto ride. I love Baltimore---reminds me a lot of Pittsburgh, my hometown.
Are you doing the Civil War ride? We were thinking about it, but then my best girl died unexpectedly (my sweet golden, Agnes). I haven't wanted to commit to putting in long miles (50+).
Ah, the Civil War century - my favorite ride of the year! You should definitely do it. It's a challenge but lots of fun.
Whip - I was up your way 2 weeks ago for the Tri to Win sprint in Westminster. Were you there by any chance? That's another fun race. This was my 2nd year doing it. Those hills are tough! I bet you're in great shape from living and riding up there!
I'm doing the CWC but can't decide on 25 or 50 miles.
25 will be a familiar, easy ride. 50, not so much. I hate to sag but...
I think I'm gonna do the battle of North Valley's Hill ride too.
Too bad the Amici Veloci jerseys won't be out by then:(
07-03-2007, 03:23 PM
Thread hijack on:
Any of you folks - particularly those in No. Va - ride with these ladies?
They seem to do a lot of weekday rides and a lot seem to be in the No. Va areas.
Thread hijack off.
Whip, DH and I frequently run into - well, not literally! - BBC riders when out in Howard County and points north. I often tell him we should check out their cue sheet library and see where they're heading. There are some marks on the roads up there that are either their's or some bene-rides'.
I did get to Westminster in February for the big bike swap, and it did seem that there are a lot of places to ride out there.
07-03-2007, 11:44 PM
I used to belong to Babes on Bikes, but never could ride w/them since I work F/T. I believe most of them are stay-at-home moms. From what I remember, they usually aren't into weekend rides or rides after work.
Whip - I was up your way 2 weeks ago for the Tri to Win sprint in Westminster. Were you there by any chance?
I wasn't there - I didn't even know about it - but that sounds so cool. Do you do tri? How was it?
Here are the links for the BBC's Carroll County and Howard County cue sheets. Other counties are listed there as well.
There is tons of great riding in Carroll - lots of hills - and lots of low traffic roads. I got injured at the beginning of last race season and it's been a struggle getting back on the bike. I just started riding more two months ago and I'm going crazy riding by myself and I'm so excited about meeting new women cyclists.
I am going to do the CWC, but I'll probably volunteer in the morning and then do one of the shorter rides. That century is hard - and it's over 100 miles - unfair.
I did Tri to Win the past 2 years ( It's a sprint distance and lots of fun, great crowd support, and great atmosphere. The riding out that way is incredible! We do routes up and around Columbia, Ellicott City, and Sykesville - lots of tough climbs out there!
As for the CWC, it's a tough ride, but definitely do-able (I've only done the century distance, so can't comment on the metric or other distances.). We've done it the past couple of years and I can't wait to do it again this year. They recently sent out an email to get people to sign up b/c registration has been slower this year than past, so if you're going to do it, sign up so they don't cancel it!! I can't believe they would though b/c it's such a popular race (not as crazy popular as the Seagull Century though.....I think b/c of the hills).
07-06-2007, 06:02 AM
Just curious how far you are or where you work is from the NIH. One of my teammates just moved down to Bethesda and woks at NIH and she may be looking for some women to ride with down there. Do you ride with a group?
I work a few miles from NIH, at a National Cancer Institute off campus building (I used to be on campus back in 1994/5). If your teammate lives in the area she's probably not far from most of us TE-MD gals. She'd certainly be welcome to join us on rides.
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