View Full Version : Home-cooked imperial century

07-01-2007, 08:25 AM
:D In a country governed by the metric system, imperial centuries are a rare animal.

So today we managed on our own, supported by power gels, bars, a coke, a stopover with one non-alcoholic beer, an espresso and a cheese sandwich as well as "nut croissants" (that's a pastry with a moist nut filling - very nutritious).

170 K plus 1850 meters elevation gain. Phew. The last 60 were flat, thank the gods. But with headwind, pulling became hard work.

Average 21.5 kph - total ride time, with stops, 9 hours. The minute we entered our neighborhood again rain came pouring down, so talk about utilizing opportunity when it's there.
My butt hurts. I need a fattier "bottom ointment".:o

Yep, our most epic ride so far. :cool:

07-01-2007, 09:14 AM
Congrats on it and the oomph to do your own!

07-01-2007, 09:30 AM
:) good job!

07-01-2007, 11:08 AM
Nut croissants!!!! Yum!!!

It is always wise to go into longer rides with good fuelling options. :D

And good job on the ride - I was just really distracted by the food....

Pedal Wench
07-01-2007, 12:27 PM
I ended up doing a 120-mile ride yesterday, and unfortunately, there were no nut-croissants. I didn't properly fuel at all and I'm paying for it today - tired, listless, unmotivated, and hungry!

Tri Girl
07-01-2007, 06:19 PM
Alpine- Wow! Congrats on completing your self-supported century!!!! I, too, was distracted by all the food... sounds yummy!!!! Kudos to you! :D

and PedalWench- you did 120 miles???? :eek: Why??? ;) Just kidding- that's iiiiiinnnnncredible!!!! I'm in awe and amazement! :)

So proud of you both!!!

Pedal Wench
07-01-2007, 07:36 PM
Ha! Mine was really a mistake -- I only thought we were doing 100. Ooops! Should have done the math first. It was especially bad since I should be recovering from Ride the Rockies. And a bruised/broken rib. Ooops!:o

Tri Girl
07-02-2007, 04:10 AM
Ha! Mine was really a mistake -- I only thought we were doing 100. Ooops! Should have done the math first. It was especially bad since I should be recovering from Ride the Rockies. And a bruised/broken rib. Ooops!:o

...wow :eek: - you're a stud.... (that's all I can say)