View Full Version : Must share my spectacular Artie Johnson

09-11-2004, 01:44 PM
I was on a ride with our club's road riding academy this morning, heading back along Old Santa Cruz Highway along the Lexington Reservior out by Los Gatos.

I dropped my chain just as I was starting a semi-steep uphill grade, altho I didn't realize it until I came to a dead stop, pointing uphill. I unclipped the right side in time, but not the left, and naturally I tipped over to the left. I must have landed on *exactly* the right spot, the flabbiest part of my tush, and since I was on an uphill I started rolling over. I ended up flat on my back with my bike on top of me, wheels pointing up. No bruises, no scratches, and Pokey was unscathed. Alas, no cameras were present to document my marvelous grace and form, however the requisite number of witnesses were present. The East German judge gave me a 10. :D

{ Artie Johnson was a character from a TV show called Laugh-In which aired when I was, ahem, very young... a recurring gag on the show was when Artie would ride around on a tiny tricycle, and suddenly stop and tip over. }

09-11-2004, 02:57 PM
jobob ~

"{ Artie Johnson was a character from a TV show called Laugh-In which aired when I was, ahem, very young... a recurring gag on the show was when Artie would ride around on a tiny tricycle, and suddenly stop and tip over. }"

vedy interesting ;)

09-11-2004, 03:07 PM
Glad you're OK. I'm at work, and everyone is wondering why I'm laughing out loud...:D

09-20-2004, 11:56 AM

Well, I've done the Artie Johnson thing myself. The first time I rode my bike -had only purchased it two hours earlier, went riding with my hubby and we came back and I crashed right in my driveway. The seat was too high and I was on an incline, so when I went to put my foot down- no ground. I fell on my hand, and although the dr said it was only a very bad sprain, 9 weeks later after a bone scan and an MRI, I am now wearing a cast. Have two fractured bones in my hand. But to tell you how much I love my bike. That happened on a Friday evening and late Sunday afternoon, I was back on the bike- wrapped swollen hand and all, riding. It really hurt my hand to ride for many weeks, but wouldn't admit it to my husband, or he would have told me to not ride. THAT WASN'T AN OPTION FOR ME! I just tell everyone that you know your going to have a crash when you get a new bike, so I just got my out of the way in the beginning. Have had a few more close ones, but have learned how to dismount even for sudden stops. What is that phrase- no pain no gain! Well, been there done that - haha!
Glad no neighbors were outside-only hubby and he doesn't tell tales about how graceful I'm not!

Keep on Riding!!!!!