View Full Version : who would have thought...

07-10-2002, 06:40 AM
....that the crazy driver that I encountered was actually a member of the Nation's Capital's police force! Riding home from the market on a Friday afternoon, by boy-friend and I were taking home our groceries, and on our mtn bikes. As we had spent the earlier part of our day riding, we were not all prettied up on our road bikes, with matching gear, as most of the commuters in our area are. We were dirty and sweaty. Anyway, as we head home, we pause at a light before making a right onto a pretty busy street, where there are tourists who don't watch the lights or walk signals. Not a second passed, before there is a blare on a horn, so loud I thought I was going to pee myself. I ofcourse (being very lady like...:D ) flip them the finger and yelled a good old fashoined F-OFF....as the horn blew again. At this point we rounded the corner, and low and behold, there was a navy van filled with this HUGE police officer, who instead of perhaps pulling me over and giving me a ticket for whatever it was he said that I was doing to deserve being scared half to death, he instead, yelled obsenities at me through the open window, across traffic. AND, not only once...but twice....did I tell him that I was no longer interested in carrying on this conversation, if I had done something wrong, then he should write me a ticket. Funny....they drove off. Leaving me very angry, and shaken....not to mention, I took a different route home, as the police station is down the street from me, and I was not going to sit through repeated lights of them harrassing me.

Jerk :mad: !

08-05-2002, 04:59 PM
i would file a complaint immediately. what an ***!! aren't our police officers supposed to set an example?what a total idiot!!
good job about giving them the finger.

10-04-2002, 01:53 AM
:mad: I too got beeped ....for the first time this afternoon. I'm very new to riding & roundabouts scare me witless...but with perserverence I'm learning..however today I had to cycle after work so lots more traffiic & living in a holiday paradise in the middle of school holidays ...shoulda thought twice about going out .. but didn't. Anyway this moron in a hotted up car came up behind me ( I was hogging the lane because our roundabouts are deadly ... & there had been no traffic behind me ) anyway he just kept beeping me, like I was going to go where ? I got mad & cursed but by the time I got around the roundabout I could hardly peddle, my legs were like jelly. I ended up hopping on the footpath & heading home. I know I shouldn't let him upset me & that I'll sure as hell encounter more jerks on the road but it seems so unfair when your not doing anything wrong. My partner picks up his new bike tomorrow so at least I'll have company for a while. What a wuss !!