View Full Version : Potential women-only ride in/near Seattle - help wanted!

06-20-2007, 04:30 PM
Hi Seattle folks -

A friend of mine who is an agent for a large real estate company in Seattle (ReMax) told me that the company is looking for a sports-oriented way of marketing themselves in the area. He knows about the Cinderella womens' ride down here in California (from moi) and suggested something similar to his associates.

Well, seems the idea is taking off (I'd drive up!) and he's been asked to come up with a rough draft plan for such a ride. As he's way too busy to handle it himself, he's asked me to tap into the TE pool to see if anyone is interested in getting involved in organizing this ride, to be something similar to the Cinderella Classic or the Little Red Riding Hood. I've suggested "Rapunzel" as a ride name. :D

If anyone is truly interested in helping out, and more importantly would be committed all the way to the day of the event (i.e., no jumping ship halfway through the planning/permitting process), please PM me and I'll put you in contact with him by email.

Thanks bunches!

p.s. He's stated that ReMax will generously provide the financial backing for the event, which is a big first step. :)

06-20-2007, 06:00 PM
Name it the Rapunzel Ride and I am so there. :D

06-20-2007, 10:13 PM
If he wants to get together with some folks who have a lot of experience organizing big rides in the area I would suggest contacting the Cascade Cycling Club (www.cascade.org). They do a number (at least 5 a year I think) of organized rides in Seattle and the surrounding area so they would know the ins and outs and what types of permitting, insurance etc that you would need - and could probably suggest good routes.

I'd be happy to pass the word around to the women's racing teams too to see if any of them would be interested in helping out.

06-21-2007, 11:38 AM
Although I am a bit too far from Seattle to help organize, I would definately be interested in attending.
The only comment I have is that it would be really unique to have an all women/girls ride that is not decked out in Pink!!

06-21-2007, 11:41 AM
I'd sure try to make this ride!

El Hombre
06-21-2007, 11:49 AM
Ok, I'm the guy who has been tasked with trying to get this off the ground. As BikeMomma noted, I'm familiar with the Cinderella ride. At this point the name is going to be the Rapunzel Classic and a target of July/August of next year is set. Anyone who would be willing to help volunteer to organize this thing would be much appreciated. PM me for contact details and we'll see what we can do to launch this.

06-21-2007, 02:29 PM
I think an all women's ride would be awesome! I would definitely ride it! :D I think I will email Cascade and let them know about this posting.

06-21-2007, 03:01 PM
Hi El Hombre! Lots of interest, as you can see. :D

Come on grrrlz --- let's make this happen!

06-21-2007, 03:13 PM
We'll do it up Northwest Style :D

We can do this.

El Hombre
06-21-2007, 04:30 PM
We'll do it up Northwest Style :D

With trash bags as rain jackets?:D

06-21-2007, 04:38 PM
With trash bags as rain jackets?:D

As long as they aren't pink!!:p

06-21-2007, 04:40 PM
I dare you to hand out banana keepers instead of t-shirts! I would attend just for that!!

06-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Oh yes. Banana Keepers with a logo on it :D

They DO protect from premature ripening.

El Hombre
06-21-2007, 04:53 PM
Rapunzel Classic - check.......
No pink garbage bags - check
Banana keepers - I'm not much of a banana guy, can't stand the things really. Anyways, I just googled banana keepers and:eek:


06-21-2007, 05:04 PM
Rapunzel Classic - check.......

Banana keepers - I'm not much of a banana guy, can't stand the things really. Anyways, I just googled banana keepers and:eek:



Here is the website, I'm sure they have some sort of deal if you buy in bulk.
So many of us who bike do eat a lot of bananas and I think these are not only practical, but hilarious as well. No better gift for a women only ride!!

06-21-2007, 05:10 PM
Maybe I do want to be involved in planning this thing. Let me know if I can help from over here in Port Townsend.

06-21-2007, 05:13 PM
What if the banana keepers are pink?

06-21-2007, 05:14 PM
What if the banana keepers are pink?

:confused: I'm not sure!:D

El Hombre
06-21-2007, 05:45 PM
PM's inbound.

06-21-2007, 08:05 PM
Y'know, Banana Keepers would be pretty cool.

Double-dog dare ya!

(I'd do the Rapunzel, too.)

06-21-2007, 08:13 PM
Name it the Rapunzel Ride and I am so there. :D

subtitled "let down your hair"? :p

registration could benefit this group


06-21-2007, 08:20 PM
Oooh, Trek, you are SO AWESOME!!!!!

If Locks of Love were a beneficiary, it might be a good idea to get a hold of Team Survivor Northwest (which has a very strong biking contingent) to help. Children's Hospital could benefit, and maybe haul out some of their huge volunteer base. (and Fred Hutchison, and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance)

06-21-2007, 08:26 PM
Thank you :p

"Bring minimum 6" of hair, registration is free" :p

06-21-2007, 08:29 PM
They can't use hair that is 6-10 inches, they sell it to help pay for their work.

For Locks of Love to use the hair, it must be 10 inches minimum.

Free registration with 10 inches of hair would be pretty cool.

06-21-2007, 09:06 PM
OK then , "bring 6" of hair and get a free banana keeper" :)

El Hombre
06-21-2007, 11:44 PM
Thanks for the ideas ladies, keep them coming. Locks of Love will be contacted.


East Hill
06-22-2007, 12:00 AM
If we can start bright and early in the morning :D ...

No pink! Except for perhaps the bikes (hey, I've got a dusty rose mixte, and the salmon and white Centurion Ironman :p ).

But I'm not giving up my hair, even for a good cause :eek: !

East Hill

06-22-2007, 09:07 AM
Well, I don't think my hair would be any help--it's a mess from dye abuse, and currently cut into a mohawk--and I don't think my introverted techie nerdiness would be much help with planning, but I'd be all over doing a ride like this. (And trying to cajole friends into pulling their bikes out of their garages and start riding again.)

06-22-2007, 11:15 AM
Not to be a party pooper, but Locks of Love is a commonly misunderstood charity. I've done a little research into them because so many people ask me why I do not donate to them. I'm not saying they're evil, but they're not all they're cracked up to be, either.

The wikipedia entry for Locks of Love (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locks_of_love) sums up my concerns with them, namely that the amount of hair donations they receive does not correspond to the amount of wigs they produce. I would just hope that potential donors are well-informed prior to donating. If someone is comfortable donating even knowing that their hair may be discarded as unsuitable or that it may be sold at fair market value and end up as expensive human hair extensions used in salons, then they're making an informed choice.

It saddens me to see people buying into the hype of Locks of Love "As seen on Oprah, Montel, etc" and donating because they are sure that their donation is going to be used to make a wig for someone. Granted, I suppose if you're going to chop your hair off anyways, you might as well donate it rather than throw it away. If supporting cancer charities is what you want to do, you'd be better off auctioning the ponytail on eBay and donating the proceeds of the sale to the cancer charity of your choice.

Not to mention, wouldn't it be a little ironic to call it the Rapunzel Ride and then encourage women to cut off 10" of hair? :confused:

06-22-2007, 07:43 PM
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, cut off your hair."

06-22-2007, 11:03 PM
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, cut off your hair."
*snerk* :p

06-23-2007, 06:06 AM
I would love to have a ride like this in the Seattle area. I don't think I could take on major organizing responsibility, but I know I'd be happy to help in small ways along the way to organizing this. My hope is that many of us volunteering in small ways can help get the job done. And thanks for offering to start this ride up!

El Hombre
06-23-2007, 02:00 PM
I'm working on setting up a time and place so that we can get together and get the ball rolling. Anyone who is interested in helping out, PM me and we'll sort out the details.


06-25-2007, 09:23 AM
subtitled "let down your hair"? :p

registration could benefit this group


Trek -

Have to tell ya....this is an awesome idea. My best friend's ten-year-old daughter donates her hair to this organization. When it's long and ready to cut, it's gorgeous, but she selflessly gives it all to this great cause, and I'm SO proud of her for it. I'm not sure I could do the same, plus I look DORKY with short hair (no comments, El Hombre!!). :p

So, your idea has some personal appreciation from my end, and I just wanted to say thanks for your contribution. ;) :)


06-25-2007, 09:24 AM
I'm working on setting up a time and place so that we can get together and get the ball rolling. Anyone who is interested in helping out, PM me and we'll sort out the details.


Shall I start driving now??? :p :p :D :D

El Hombre
06-25-2007, 12:57 PM
Shall I start driving now??? :p :p :D :D

You drive a hell of a lot slower than I do, so yah, maybe so:D Come to think of it, everyone except Michael Schumacher drives slower than me. Once you get up around Red Bluff, the CHP comes out in droves. Keep it under 80. Oregon is so-so with lots of troopers going through the bigger towns. Washington is teh sux. State troopers have undercover unmarked cars. I've seen an undercover Volvo Wagon:eek: Another fun one is they'll put a trooper on a tractor mowing the median with a radar gun and he radios you in to the coppers up ahead. Cruise control is your friend in WA.

06-25-2007, 02:43 PM
State troopers have undercover unmarked cars. I've seen an undercover Volvo Wagon:eek: Another fun one is they'll put a trooper on a tractor mowing the median with a radar gun and he radios you in to the coppers up ahead. Cruise control is your friend in WA.

Serious? :eek:

I'm a relocated California driver. I'm forever frustrated by the people in the fast lane up here going well below the speed limit....I guess I'm lucky I haven't been caught. Cruise control just feels so, well, slow :D

Sorry, threadjack over. Back to the ride!

El Hombre
06-25-2007, 04:21 PM
(MAJOR threadjack)

Yup, back in the day I used to know most troopers from Seattle to San Diego on a first name basis:D I grew up in Merced and CHP is VERY laid back compared to up here. From Seattle north, it just gets worse. Lynnwood to Marysville is a cash cow for the State. I've seen the mower several times up that way. +10mph and you will get nailed. I was trying to convince SWMBO that I should get a motorcycle to save money on gas and she correctly pointed out that A) A Ducati is not any way to "Save" money, and B)That the tickets and insurance would bankrupt us forcing the Duc to be sold anyways so why go through all the pain and agony? Why do you ladies have to be so RESONABLE?:confused:

El Hombre
06-25-2007, 04:23 PM
I'm thinking the Starbucks at Greenlake would be a good place to meet for those who can make it so we can get the ball rolling. Maybe next Saturday ?

East Hill
06-25-2007, 09:43 PM
What time?

East Hill

El Hombre
06-25-2007, 11:11 PM
Earlier works better for me. 9am?

06-25-2007, 11:26 PM
(MAJOR threadjack)

Yup, back in the day I used to know most troopers from Seattle to San Diego on a first name basis:D I grew up in Merced and CHP is VERY laid back compared to up here. From Seattle north, it just gets worse. Lynnwood to Marysville is a cash cow for the State. I've seen the mower several times up that way. +10mph and you will get nailed. I was trying to convince SWMBO that I should get a motorcycle to save money on gas and she correctly pointed out that A) A Ducati is not any way to "Save" money, and B)That the tickets and insurance would bankrupt us forcing the Duc to be sold anyways so why go through all the pain and agony? Why do you ladies have to be so RESONABLE?:confused:

Bigger Hijak here...
the last guy I knew who managed to convince his SO that he needed a Ducati ended up in double arm casts about two weeks later, needless to say the insurace did not buy another one.....

I just got back from a big stage race, so I haven't had time to contact anyone about this, but I'll be spreading the word around the women's racing community (getting women interested in riding is the first step towards getting them interested in racing!) that you are trying to put this ride together. I'll PM if I get a response from anyone who is interested in helping.

06-28-2007, 07:41 AM
Don't know how much I could do but if you need a dryside liaison in Spokane I'd love to help. bikerHen

06-28-2007, 12:45 PM
Bigger Hijak here...
the last guy I knew who managed to convince his SO that he needed a Ducati ended up in double arm casts about two weeks later, needless to say the insurace did not buy another one.....He must not have had a reasonable woman like El Hombre has. :D

I just got back from a big stage race, so I haven't had time to contact anyone about this, but I'll be spreading the word around the women's racing community (getting women interested in riding is the first step towards getting them interested in racing!) that you are trying to put this ride together. I'll PM if I get a response from anyone who is interested in helping.Thanks for spreading the buzz Eden! Word of mouth is crucial both before and after the ride. One, to get people to come to a first-year event, and two, after a (hopefully) successful first year, word of mouth of how great it was, or even feedback on how it can be improved, will bring even more riders next year. And you're totally right about getting new riders to do these fun rides. We all have to start somewhere, and even though not everyone has that competitive drive it takes to race, these female-only rides give gal riders an arena to gauge their skills against others and go from there. Builds a great foundation for comraderie and moral support that you don't necessarily get from riding with the guys all the time. I'm SO for these kinds of rides.


06-28-2007, 01:28 PM
I won't be able to attend on saturday due to a work commitment.

If minutes are taken, please feel free to forward them to me and I can at least catch up with what happened :)

06-28-2007, 03:40 PM
Yes, please, I would also like an update after the meeting. Could you please, maybe, create an email list of those of us who PMed to offer help? That way you could keep us posted. I am in NY until Sunday because of a family loss, but definitely will want to help after I return.

El Hombre
06-28-2007, 11:49 PM
I'll take notes but it might be myself at this rate. Maybe there is a better time that would work? I'm available Sunday after 5pm if that is better.

One thing we are in need of is someone with some web skills. The domain has been reg'd, now we just need to get the site up and get a forum going. Anyone up to the task?

06-28-2007, 11:54 PM
I've never set up a forum, but web skills I have.

06-29-2007, 08:20 AM
I'd love to help you with some graphic design (logos, flyers, etc)

El Hombre
06-30-2007, 10:57 AM
Ok we'll try again to meet next Saturday if that works for everyone. I have an office in Lake City that we can use. Please pm me with a time that works for you.


06-30-2007, 03:49 PM
Hey El Hombre, we're all out riding on the weekends when the weather is fine. pick a rainy day.

06-30-2007, 07:25 PM
I think we need to pick a meeting date and time. This next Saturday morning would work for me.

06-30-2007, 07:30 PM
I'll be racing next Saturday! (as I was today p.s I won!)

El Hombre
06-30-2007, 09:22 PM
Hey El Hombre, we're all out riding on the weekends when the weather is fine. pick a rainy day.

I don't blame anyone for not showing up today. Was it awesome or what? I got a nice sunburn taking the family to the beach.:D

07-01-2007, 08:28 AM
This coming Saturday I'll be out riding. Finally got insurance again, so dammit, I'm gonna ride no matter what the weather! Rain? Hah! Fog? I'll ring my bell alot. Sun? That's what clothes and sunblock are for. Snow? Hey, I wear wool. Hail? Oh, look, a helmet to protect me. Tornado? Don't get them here much. Wind? Just makes me stronger. Lightning? Ummmm...


And a steel bike.

Ok, if there is lightning, I'll be at the Rapunzel meeting.

07-01-2007, 12:06 PM

And a steel bike.

Ok, if there is lightning, I'll be at the Rapunzel meeting.

Just keep riding, unless they are steel belted tires are a poor conductor of electricity I think :rolleyes:

Just kidding, that is not the right safety advice for lightning. :rolleyes: :cool:

07-02-2007, 12:10 AM
Could the people who are interested in meeting provide some day/time suggestions, if Saturday won't work?

07-02-2007, 05:47 AM
Saturday evening. Like after dinner.

El Hombre
07-02-2007, 07:12 PM
Saturday evening. Like after dinner.

Works for me.

07-04-2007, 09:37 AM
Having dinner with my 87-year old father in law THIS Saturday night. Happy to schedule further in advance, though.

07-11-2007, 10:22 AM
id like to get involved. but i dont have any experience with planning stuff like that. never been on a ride like this, what exactly is involved? how many miles?

El Hombre
08-07-2007, 09:44 AM
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the planning meeting has been put off until the weather sucks.:D

08-07-2007, 02:04 PM
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the planning meeting has been put off until the weather sucks.:DSpoken like a true cyclist -- putting off productive work because of good weather. Go ride! :D

El Hombre
08-08-2007, 09:17 AM
Spoken like a true drunken sailor/shooter/stay @ home dad --- putting off productive work because of good weather. Go ride! :D


Bike is collecting dust this week :mad:

El Hombre
09-03-2007, 10:51 AM
Ok, time to start getting this thing back on track. Any volunteers interested in meeting mid-week during the day?

East Hill
09-03-2007, 12:22 PM
I'd love to, but I seriously doubt many will be up to the challenge of meeting around 6.00 am or so.

Hey, what do you expect from someone who gets off work at 4.30 in the morning?

East Hill

09-15-2007, 02:45 PM
I'm guessing most of us work and can't meet midweek during the day. I sure can't...evenings or weekends better for me.

El Hombre
09-23-2007, 08:06 PM
How about a small co-ed ( :eek: ) group ride on the Centennial Trail to get to know everyone one and start the planning? I've been scouting potential routes up in that area.


East Hill
09-24-2007, 05:42 AM
What day and what time?

East Hill

El Hombre
09-24-2007, 06:25 AM
Weekdays between 9am and noon or Sundays which are pretty much wide open. I could also so Saturdays with a bit of planning. Would that work?

09-24-2007, 06:29 AM
Saturday morning I am available! (also Sunday)

El Hombre
09-24-2007, 07:41 AM
Ok, pending weather we'll say 10am Sunday at the start of the CT in Snohomish.


East Hill
09-24-2007, 12:57 PM
Mmm, I'll try to make that :) .

No promises, though.

East Hill

09-24-2007, 01:05 PM
pretty far north, isn't it East Hill. want to car pool ?

09-24-2007, 01:23 PM
Who benefits from this ride (aside from the health of the riders)
If I recall correctly, this is to advertise for a real estate company?

El Hombre
09-24-2007, 01:55 PM
Who benefits from this ride (aside from the health of the riders)
If I recall correctly, this is to advertise for a real estate company?

My partner and I in the office will be doing some advertising. A local mortgage office has stepped up as well. I'm currently speaking with a local bike shop to gauge their level of interest and to see if they would be willing to help out with the pit stops, etc. Others that are being considered are the Susan G Komen Foundation and Locks For Love. If there are any other groups out there that all of you think should be included, let me know. Also, I'll be making a personal donation to the fine folks at Banana Keeper :cool:


09-24-2007, 03:06 PM
Others that are being considered are the Susan G Komen Foundation and Locks For Love. If there are any other groups out there that all of you think should be included, let me know. Also, I'll be making a personal donation to the fine folks at Banana Keeper :cool:


groups that are being considered hmm...'considered"

The producers of the Banana Keeper are a commercial entity and don't need donations.

So as it stands, this is a big advertisement for a real estate mortgage company.

09-24-2007, 03:43 PM
Hi, Dan. Can't ride Sunday but am very much still interested in helping to organize.

What about an MS organization? Then it could be an Amici Veloce ride too.

09-24-2007, 05:15 PM
groups that are being considered hmm...'considered"

The producers of the Banana Keeper are a commercial entity and don't need donations.

So as it stands, this is a big advertisement for a real estate mortgage company.

Zen, his comment about the banana keeper is in reference to the last thread where some of us INSISTED that banana keepers be one of the goodies you got for participating in the ride.

09-24-2007, 07:57 PM
How about Team Survivor Northwest? www.teamsurvivornw.org

Outdoors For All? www.skiforall.org

Bike Works? www.bikeworks.org

All three are local groups.

09-24-2007, 08:20 PM
How about Team Survivor Northwest? www.teamsurvivornw.org

Outdoors For All? www.skiforall.org

Bike Works? www.bikeworks.org

All three are local groups.

Yes, great ideas!

09-24-2007, 09:08 PM
Glad to see this is moving forward, guyz & galz. Have fun on your ride Sunday.....hope you get some of the route nailed down. Sounds like fun "work." :) Salsa, Knotted, Mimi, & East Hill (& others farther down the thread) -- thank you very much for your help on this. I wish I were closer to help out, too (...but 1000 miles is a bit hard to breach :rolleyes: ). I'm not totally positive that I'll be able to come up to see the fruition of all your efforts, but I'm sure going to try.

groups that are being considered hmm...'considered"

The producers of the Banana Keeper are a commercial entity and don't need donations.

So as it stands, this is a big advertisement for a real estate mortgage company.
Now Zen --- I must ask -- what have you got against this ride? Why all the negativity? The people who benefit are the riders! Sure, the companies who pitch in the dollars to make it happen get advertising, but they can pay for advertising on ugly billboards too. But instead, they are choosing to invest those same dollars into something that people will actually enjoy looking at -- at bunch of fun ladies on bikes, dressed to the nines, who (yes!) ARE healthy and trying to raise money for others who aren't. Think of the charity organizations that have been mentioned already that could REALLY benefit. That alone should make anyone jump on board. I wish you would. ;)

Thanks, all!
~BikeMomma :)

09-24-2007, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the good wishes, BikeMomma.

I would like to ask a favor--if you want to discuss with Zen how she feels about this ride, could you all please do it on a separate thread, or through PMs, or some other mode that will let those of us who want to plan this ride continue to do so?

I would so appreciate it if this thread could stay focused on its initial purpose-- the planning of a ride for those of us who live here (or live elsewhere but would come here for the ride) and are interested in developing this ride. Thanks.

09-24-2007, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the good wishes, BikeMomma.

I would like to ask a favor--if you want to discuss with Zen how she feels about this ride, could you all please do it on a separate thread, or through PMs, or some other mode that will let those of us who want to plan this ride continue to do so?

I would so appreciate it if this thread could stay focused on its initial purpose-- the planning of a ride for those of us who live here and are interested in the ride. Thanks.I agree, point taken. Just trying to moderate the thread, I guess (since I introduced it). Zen, please PM myself or El Hombre if you would like to continue your questioning. Let's keep this thread on a forward note.

Let the planning continue....:)

East Hill
09-24-2007, 10:50 PM
pretty far north, isn't it East Hill. want to car pool ?

Sounds as if that might be an excellent idea. I'll get back with you later on about that so that we can make it work :) .

East Hill

09-25-2007, 05:31 AM
<Knot raises her hand> Can someone give me a landmark I can mapquest? Thanks!

El Hombre
09-25-2007, 06:09 AM
Driving instructions to the CT (http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Parks/Information/Park_Directory/Regional_Parks/Centennial_Trail.htm)

09-25-2007, 06:19 AM
oh fooey.. this weekend my cousin is arriving at my house at 9am!

(that's why i originally said Saturday.... sigh...)
Mimi is not able to attend.

East Hill
09-25-2007, 07:11 AM
oh fooey.. this weekend my cousin is arriving at my house at 9am!

(that's why i originally said Saturday.... sigh...)
Mimi is not able to attend.
Ah fooey...I'll still try...

East Hill

09-25-2007, 07:22 AM
Now Zen --- I must ask -- what have you got against this ride? Why all the negativity?

When I know they are committed to giving money to charities I won't have a problem.
As it stands I see women being used to make it look like this company is doing something for the greater good and using a women's forum for the purpose. Until I know that someone will benefit, I stand fast. You can ride whenever you want and benefit yourself, you don't need someone to organize a ride.
If he wants to organize, he can create a yahoo or google users group.

09-25-2007, 07:24 AM
Zen, please PM myself or El Hombre if you would like to continue your questioning.

Don't know "the man". he's set to "ignore'

09-25-2007, 11:11 AM
I'm down in Portland, not too far from you as the crow flies. Would love to do a ride like this. The cinderella was a hoot this year. I'd be willing to help out somehow. Gonna be up in that area in Oct for a TE dinner. Those of you who will be at both can maybe fill me in when I see you. :)

Side note: I'd really like to see a woman's ride do a daughter/girl ride-along kind of thing to encourage young ladies to cycle and be part of a good thing like this. Not sure how so it's safe for them... maybe their own very short route with some bike angel volunteers and then back to the start for some bike games/information for young riders while the main pack is out on the streets? Just a thought. It might be a little too much for a first ride like this.

09-25-2007, 11:20 AM
How about supporting some of the regional/national children's summer camp programs such as:

Camp Good Times West (http://www.cancer.org/docroot/COM/content/div_Northwest/COM_5_1_children_s_camps_11515.asp?sitearea=COM) for pediatric cancer patients and their siblings

Camp Erin (http://www.providence.org/everett/Hospice_and_Home_Care/Hospice/e50Erin.htm) that help children and teens cope with the loss of a loved one

And because I have a personal interest:

Camp Phoenix (http://www.burnchildrenrecovery.org/) for pediatric burn survivors which is one of many camps sponsored by the IAFF Burn Foundation (http://burn.iaff.org/burncamp.shtml)

09-25-2007, 11:31 AM
Side note: I'd really like to see a woman's ride do a daughter/girl ride-along kind of thing to encourage young ladies to cycle and be part of a good thing like this. Not sure how so it's safe for them... maybe their own very short route with some bike angel volunteers and then back to the start for some bike games/information for young riders while the main pack is out on the streets?

I imagine it could be like the short ride that was added a couple of years ago at Bridge Pedal. How fun!

09-26-2007, 07:59 PM
At this point, I don't know what I can contribute, but I would like to do the ride this Sunday. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I let it be known to some other cyclist that a women-only ride was in the works. A couple of people have expressed interest but I haven't heard back about them joining us this Sunday.

El Hombre
09-26-2007, 09:25 PM
At this point, I don't know what I can contribute, but I would like to do the ride this Sunday. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I let it be known to some other cyclist that a women-only ride was in the works. A couple of people have expressed interest but I haven't heard back about them joining us this Sunday.

Cool, thanks! The more, the merrier:cool: Just remember, this sundays ride is CO-ED (:eek:) on the CT. It will be VERY laid back ie, not a race. I have a hang-over scheduled that morning. More of a meet and greet type ride to get the ball rolling. Men interested in joining the Knights of the Rotund Table are more than welcome:D

Now I have to figure out where all my cold weather gear is..

09-27-2007, 12:01 AM
It will be VERY laid back ie, not a race. I have a hang-over scheduled that morning. More of a meet and greet type ride to get the ball rolling. Men interested in joining the Knights of the Rotund Table are more than welcomeKnights of the Rotund Table will be the guys behind the scenes organizing everything for the Rapunzel riders.....I told Dan that was a fun name for the guys helping out on support (his idea). Cute, eh?

Don't know if this will help out for ideas, but here is the Cinderella Classic's website: Cinderella Classic (w/'08 link!) (http://www.valleyspokesmen.org/cinderella_classic.php#cinder2008). As you can see, they post lots of info, pics, etc. Dan, I'm pretty sure you said you have a website started for the Rapunzel, right? Last year, they added a full-century route for the first time with 2000+ feet more climbing, and I hear it was a great success (I did the metric). But, for a first year ride, I'm not sure you guys want to try a 2nd route for the adults. I agree, that mother-daughter route sounds like a good idea, if you can find a route the girls can manage. Isn't it sorta hilly there?

Hope you have a good turnout for the ride Sunday. Take care of that future hangover, Dan. :p

09-27-2007, 06:36 AM
I'm down in Portland, not too far from you as the crow flies. Would love to do a ride like this. The cinderella was a hoot this year. I'd be willing to help out somehow. Gonna be up in that area in Oct for a TE dinner. Those of you who will be at both can maybe fill me in when I see you. :)

Side note: I'd really like to see a woman's ride do a daughter/girl ride-along kind of thing to encourage young ladies to cycle and be part of a good thing like this. Not sure how so it's safe for them... maybe their own very short route with some bike angel volunteers and then back to the start for some bike games/information for young riders while the main pack is out on the streets? Just a thought. It might be a little too much for a first ride like this.

Fill me in too! It's too far north for me to drive (again). I was up in Skagit County 3 weekends ago doing the MS 150 with my daughter. Great weekend and ride by the way! But I am doing a local ride this weekend with hubby.

Also, I love the daughter/girl ride suggestion Xrayted! I'm all for that!

Ok, report Sunday night or Monday morning!

Have fun . . . oh and take a few pictures for us!

El Hombre
09-28-2007, 08:25 PM
Chance of rain stands at 80%. Now I still have to find the fender and change tires.. So much for summer:(

East Hill
09-29-2007, 12:09 AM
All right, so update and reminder:

Sunday, October 1st.
10.00 am at the start of the Centennial Trail in Snohomish.
Driving instructions to the CT (http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Parks/Information/Park_Directory/Regional_Parks/Centennial_Trail.htm)

East Hill will do her best to be there.

East Hill

09-29-2007, 06:28 AM
I won't be there. I have a family thing to do.

09-30-2007, 11:59 AM
El Hombre,

Thank-you for a most enjoyable ride. I hope that I was able to contribute something even in some small way. Like I mentioned before, I don't know what I can offer. I don't have the marketable skills required in making this happen, but I would definitely like to help out in anyway I can. Also, Mr. KiltTiger may have some useful contacts for you, especially regarding the Naval base.

Side note: I'm kinda slow so it took me awhile 'til I got your handle. I was halfway home when I was thinking I got to meet "the man," then... well, you can guess the rest. Hehehe. Clever! :D :cool: :p

East Hill
09-30-2007, 01:28 PM
You were braver than I to go out today. Well, not braver, because I did get out in the rain, but driving all the way to Snohomish was not my idea of a good time!

Who else managed to straggle up there?

East Hill

09-30-2007, 02:33 PM
It was just El Hombre and I. And I'm definitely not braver, I live on the outskirts of Bothell just bordering Mill Creek. So for me it was a short 15 min. drive. Normally I would just ride out there, but I'm still trying to get over some lung funkiness that I've had. I don't think I'd have gone if I had to brave traffic through Seattle. Why is it with as much rain as the PNW gets, drivers act like they're learning how to drive in wet weather all over again? :eek: :(

East Hill
09-30-2007, 03:58 PM
I think it has to do with the slickness of the roads after a good rain, when all the oil comes to the surface. That's why I didn't want to drive up there...it's all right once it's been raining steadily for a week or so, because the oil's been washed off the roads.

East Hill

El Hombre
09-30-2007, 08:03 PM
El Hombre,

Thank-you for a most enjoyable ride. I hope that I was able to contribute something even in some small way. Like I mentioned before, I don't know what I can offer. I don't have the marketable skills required in making this happen, but I would definitely like to help out in anyway I can. Also, Mr. KiltTiger may have some useful contacts for you, especially regarding the Naval base.

Side note: I'm kinda slow so it took me awhile 'til I got your handle. I was halfway home when I was thinking I got to meet "the man," then... well, you can guess the rest. Hehehe. Clever! :D :cool: :p

That was fun. Thanks for the ideas. I haven't ridden in the rain since BikeMomma and I's hammerfest with the Sierra Nevada boy and the gimp gang from Cali. At least there was no 45 mph decent in a downpour with a nice crosswind blowing us into oncoming traffic:D

WARNING: GRAPHIC photo of the this rides carnage :eek:


all that slug bits and goo got all over the bike. I'm not even gonna look up under the fender. After about a mile I gave up trying to avoid mowing them down.

Thanks for the idea about the Naval base! Now what we need to do is come up with a couple of routes in the area by November 1st. Does anyone know of any good 35-70 miles loops in the Everett-Sno area?

Maybe in two weeks we can do another ride. This time ending at McMenamins in Mill Creek. That way we can all warm up with a tasty adult beverage.

09-30-2007, 08:25 PM
So...what's the Naval Base connection?

Slug goo will either really help your traction or...come to think of it..huh. OK. Never mind.

I may be able to get some Everett-Snohomish route suggestions from someone, but it'll take a couple of weeks, I think.

El Hombre
09-30-2007, 08:55 PM
Slug goo will either really help your traction or...come to think of it..huh. OK. Never mind.

No, go ahead:D

I may be able to get some Everett-Snohomish route suggestions from someone, but it'll take a couple of weeks, I think.

Well, my simple brain forgot that we're gonna need a TON of parking and room for this and then I remembered that the Cinderella uses a .mil base for it's operation. Sgtiger mentioned that Boy in a Kilt might have access to Everett Naval and that they often rent out mess halls etc to the public. I've been scoping out routes up around Snohomish and the CT but maybe we should be lookng around Everett? Maybe somewhere between the two?

09-30-2007, 10:19 PM
I've done a modified version of this route (http://www.seattlebiketours.org/members/maps/mccollum_snohomish_everett.pdf). I like the parts through Snohomish and the Everett Marina (takes you past the Naval Base). But the last part is though the Interurban Trail. Yuck! Parts of the trail is essentially sidewalk and there's some awkward manuvering through traffic and the mall parking lot.

The only drawback for many is that it's not very hilly. I'm sure that many will want something a bit hillier.[Not me BTW, I'm the BIGGEST hill wimp.] Of course, the part through Snohomish could be rerouted to the hillier roads. Maybe for the longer route?

Anyhow, I got the cue sheet off the Seattle Bicycle Touring Club (http://www.seattlebiketours.org/members/library.html) website. The last links on the website list some great resources for route ideas. Don't forget the Rondonneur's website for routes too.

10-01-2007, 05:38 AM
Well, my simple brain forgot that we're gonna need a TON of parking and room for this and then I remembered that the Cinderella uses a .mil base for it's operation.

Used to, this year they used the county fairgrounds. Cinderella never said why the mil base did not renew the agreement and it was down to the last minute. Maybe they feared all us militant women on bicycles would be a security threat. :rolleyes:

10-01-2007, 06:22 AM
omigoodness. people rode! SGTIGER, you're amazing!
I sat in my warm dry little house and drank tea with Raleighdon's cousin.

but i rode today... on the cleaned roads.

10-01-2007, 08:17 AM
Mimitabby, don't be too impressed we didn't ride for very long. I think just under an hour and the Centennial Trail is in great condition. Well, other than the squished slugs. Icky!

It was wet but I was ready for it. I had on layers of wool and rain gear of course. Some of the rain did get through, but the layers of wool kept me nice and toasty. I should have changed out of my wet shoes and socks afterward, because they felt sloshy on the drive home. But the toes were warm nonetheless. Maybe some shoe covers are in order. :rolleyes: Know of any good ones?

10-01-2007, 08:21 AM
Maybe some shoe covers are in order. :rolleyes: Know of any good ones?

Sugoi ones are great!! (neoprene ones like gator skins are nice too, toasty, but they don't keep your feet dry). Of course NO shoe cover will keep your feet dry unless you can seal up around the cleat on the bottom.

10-01-2007, 09:07 AM
Thanks, Eden! I'll give those a try. I'm not expecting my feet to stay bone dry, but not having water slosh around would be most excellent.

10-01-2007, 09:16 AM
These are the Sugoi booties. I also use them and like them much better than neoprenes. They keep you reasonably dry for a long time.


10-01-2007, 09:23 AM
Yup - those are the ones I have and I love them

El Hombre
10-01-2007, 11:29 AM
Mimitabby, don't be too impressed we didn't ride for very long. I think just under an hour and the Centennial Trail is in great condition. Well, other than the squished slugs. Icky!

It was wet but I was ready for it. I had on layers of wool and rain gear of course. Some of the rain did get through, but the layers of wool kept me nice and toasty. I should have changed out of my wet shoes and socks afterward, because they felt sloshy on the drive home. But the toes were warm nonetheless. Maybe some shoe covers are in order. :rolleyes: Know of any good ones?

I had my Carnac covers on. Pretty much any neoprene covers work wonders but your feet will still get wet. I drilled a couple of extra holes in the bottom of my cleats to let water out. I also throw in a hand warmer or two into them if it's really cold:D

10-01-2007, 11:37 AM
I had my Carnac covers on. Pretty much any neoprene covers work wonders but your feet will still get wet. I drilled a couple of extra holes in the bottom of my cleats to let water out. I also throw in a hand warmer or two into them if it's really cold:D

hmmmmm have you been up here for a winter yet? You'll probably want some booties that keep your feet dry (at least for a while) once it starts getting colder and raining. I've sealed around my cleats with silicon sealer and it works for a while (but I wear mt bike shoes in the winter too, so its a little easier to seal up around the cleat). Hand/toe warmers do work wonders if you can fit them in your shoes.

El Hombre
10-01-2007, 11:54 AM
hmmmmm have you been up here for a winter yet? You'll probably want some booties that keep your feet dry (at least for a while) once it starts getting colder and raining. I've sealed around my cleats with silicon sealer and it works for a while (but I wear mt bike shoes in the winter too, so its a little easier to seal up around the cleat). Hand/toe warmers do work wonders if you can fit them in your shoes.

I was here for last winter. 6 days of no power..:mad: I didn't ride much last winter, I was too busy shooting. This winter I'm going to ride. I'm going to invest in some serious winter boots. I had a pair of Sidi winter boots that I liked but somehow, my feet grew so I need a new pair. I'll have to get a pair of those covers, they look pretty snazzy. Costco has deals on handwarmers about this time of year. I'm SERIOUSLY tempted to get a new Cross bike but I think SWMBO might object..

10-01-2007, 12:01 PM
Costco has the handwarmers now - I've got my box :D :D :D at $15 for 40 pairs its a deal that can't be beat. If my feet weren't too small I'd be all over a pair of those winter boots - but no one makes them in a 37....... I make do with mt bike shoes, storm socks, wool socks and shoe covers. Between the storm socks and the Sugoi booties I can actually stay pretty dry.

Put your old Sidi's up on Craig's list right about now and I'll bet they'll go in a minute.

10-01-2007, 09:57 PM
... I haven't ridden in the rain since BikeMomma and I's hammerfest with the Sierra Nevada boy and the gimp gang from Cali. At least there was no 45 mph decent in a downpour with a nice crosswind blowing us into oncoming traffic:D Was that really the last time you rode in the rain? Geeeez, Dan the Man! You need to get out and ride more often! :rolleyes: That WAS a fun ride, er - I think. Except for almost getting blown off the road about 50 ba-jillion times and feeling like I was in a hurricane with rain-driven sheets of rain pelting my frozen cheeks, plus having to squeeze water out of every last piece of clothing I was wearing, sure -- it was fun. :p Ah, fond memories....

Used to, this year they used the county fairgrounds. Cinderella never said why the mil base did not renew the agreement and it was down to the last minute. Maybe they feared all us militant women on bicycles would be a security threat. :rolleyes:
Thanks for mentioning that Trek...'ya beat me to it. :D So, that's another idea, just in case the naval base doesn't work out: fairgrounds. There was plenty of parking for all the participants down here at the Cindy, and the hall they used had plenty of room for the after-ride eats. The horseracing track on the fairgrounds was an added personal bonus. Bikes & horses together in one place -- made BikeMomma very happy. :p

Another idea El Hombre: get local sports/hiking/bike shops, Pearl Izumi or Nike etc. outlets, frame builders (i.e. Vanilla), nutrition bar & other sports-oriented vendors (ahem....TE??) together and have a mini sports/bike expo. Also, bike jewelry makers are a hit at these things. All you need to do is set aside an area for all the sales tents, give them power for their cash registers, laptops, and credit card swipers, and let 'em have at it. ;)


El Hombre
10-02-2007, 06:38 PM
Was that really the last time you rode in the rain? Geeeez, Dan the Man! You need to get out and ride more often! :rolleyes: That WAS a fun ride, er - I think. Except for almost getting blown off the road about 50 ba-jillion times and feeling like I was in a hurricane with rain-driven sheets of rain pelting my frozen cheeks, plus having to squeeze water out of every last piece of clothing I was wearing, sure -- it was fun. :p Ah, fond memories....

Thanks for mentioning that Trek...'ya beat me to it. :D So, that's another idea, just in case the naval base doesn't work out: fairgrounds. There was plenty of parking for all the participants down here at the Cindy, and the hall they used had plenty of room for the after-ride eats. The horseracing track on the fairgrounds was an added personal bonus. Bikes & horses together in one place -- made BikeMomma very happy. :p

Another idea El Hombre: get local sports/hiking/bike shops, Pearl Izumi or Nike etc. outlets, frame builders (i.e. Vanilla), nutrition bar & other sports-oriented vendors (ahem....TE??) together and have a mini sports/bike expo. Also, bike jewelry makers are a hit at these things. All you need to do is set aside an area for all the sales tents, give them power for their cash registers, laptops, and credit card swipers, and let 'em have at it. ;)

My favorite memory of that ride was after we turned around and began the LONG SLOW slog back up hill. I was so cold I remember very seriously wanting to just lay down and take a nap. I'd probably still be out there. I remember getting home, pouring water out of my cleats and drilling drain holes in the bottoms :eek:

A local shop has been contacted and we'll work on a few more vendors.

boy in a kilt
10-02-2007, 07:27 PM
I'm not sure how good of an option the Naval Station will be.

There isn't really a big, empty lot we could use, particularly now that the Lincoln has moved back in from PSNSY.

I can find out what National Guard Armories are in the area and see which, if any would be suitable.

The questions we probably need to answer are

1) Realistically, how many riders can we expect?
2) What are the local regulations regarding permits, coordination with local authorities?
3) Insurance requirements? Where can we get it, how much will it cost and who will foot the bill up front?
4) Schwag. Can't forget that
5) Advertising
6) What sort of ride will this be? Competitive or just a fun ride? (probably should be question number 1).

10-02-2007, 08:40 PM
I might be able to help you with the insurance requirements. I've found out recently that you can get event insurance if you register as a club with USACycling and it is extremely resonable $2 per person (can be rolled into the registration fee) and $25 for the event. It sounds implausible, but they make it work. That is for a race - it might even be less, considering that it is a fun ride. You do have to register a club with USACycling, but that is fairly simple and only costs $150. I can look up more information on this if you'd like.

El Hombre
10-11-2007, 03:19 PM
Anyone up for a ride and planning meeting on Sunday?

03-13-2008, 10:45 AM
Is this ride still in the works or has it bonked already?

03-13-2008, 11:14 AM
You know, at the expo i saw some gals advertising a woman's only ride that went around Lake Sammamish...

03-13-2008, 11:24 AM
You know, at the expo i saw some gals advertising a woman's only ride that went around Lake Sammamish...

I missed the Lake Samm one...but saw the vela bella women's ride - the one that's associated with the alefest ride out of Leavenworth...it's up around or near Lake Wenatchee, I think, but it's in August, so it conflicts with when I'll be in NY.

03-14-2008, 04:39 PM
I'll just sent an email to Dan to tell him you gals want an update (heck, I do too!). The last I heard, he said that the first year would be starting off alot smaller than first thought, mainly to work out any unforseen bugs before inviting masses of riders. After that, they may go bigger with the second year. Understandable and wise, I think.

That's pretty much all I know, sorry. I'm still wanting to drive up, I know that!

BikeMomma :)

03-14-2008, 04:46 PM
Well, I'm really alert...I missed BOTH the Lake Samm and the Vela Bella stuff. Arghh.

03-14-2008, 05:09 PM
I'll just sent an email to Dan to tell him you gals want an update (heck, I do too!). The last I heard, he said that the first year would be starting off alot smaller than first thought, mainly to work out any unforseen bugs before inviting masses of riders. After that, they may go bigger with the second year. Understandable and wise, I think.

That's pretty much all I know, sorry. I'm still wanting to drive up, I know that!

BikeMomma :)

Thanks...just thought I'd check, as I saw that the last post was in October...?

El Hombre
03-17-2008, 03:48 AM
I'm still game to get this launched:). I guess what we need to do first is pick a date and start planning around that date. Does anyone have any preferences for a date?

03-17-2008, 08:14 AM
I'm still game to get this launched:). I guess what we need to do first is pick a date and start planning around that date. Does anyone have any preferences for a date?

Starting small is good and re: a date - I'd suggest checking on those other women's rides that are planned, so as to not conflict date-wise. I think that the one near Leavenworth/Lake Wenatchee area - the Vela Bella - is planned for sometime in August, and I'm in NY doing the AIDS ride then, so I had already known that I wouldn't be participating.

If the first year will be starting small, how about 1 short route and 1 a bit longer, so the need for SAG vehicles, multiple rest stops or anything other than minimal, is necessary? Minimal doesn't mean no or poor support, just should be able to be done well and then build on it for future growth?

El Hombre
03-17-2008, 07:33 PM
August is out for sure. I'll be at the Worlds Aug. 14-17. I was thinking sometime towards the end of July. How does that work?

03-21-2008, 07:51 AM
sure, July works and we can count on good weather, generally then, too. Best to firm up the date as soon as you can, so that it can be publicized and people can note it on their calendars.