View Full Version : Practice Crit

06-06-2007, 06:27 PM
The local cycling club sponsered a practice crit it was geared toward newbies and was a nice learning opportunity. First we practiced going through corners and riding in a pace line. Then we had a practice crit (10 laps of about 1 mile course four turns). I don't have a lot of experience riding in a pace line and riding close still makes me kind of nervous so I started off toward the back of the group for the "race." They had some "teachers" (i.e. experienced racers) riding with us and I was able to draft off of one of them for much of the "race' which seemed to work out and helped me feel more confident. I also was on my own for several laps too- that's hard!!! I ended up being in the straggler group or on my own- I was the only newbie gal the other two gals have been racing for awhile so I think I did pretty OK for my first time. Didn't get lapped. Had fun. I think I could have kept up with the front group if I had started out with them and was able to stay in the draft. Anyway it was fun. Might try a crit next time we have one.