View Full Version : Where did my time go?

08-24-2004, 09:28 AM
GROAN.......This teacher is back to work. Actually I started last Wednesday. I have not been on my bike for a week. Too far to commute, too dark before I leave in the a.m. Do you other teachers have trouble readjusting your schedule? I don't get home until 5 p.m. usually. Kids, dogs groceries, planning and exhaustion have taken the place of riding. I work my second job on tuesday nights so I know I won't ride tonight. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Wednesday right after work, but just before guitar lessons!!!!

I sure hope I adjust soon, my bikes are growling at me from the corner!!!!!!

08-24-2004, 12:11 PM
I know exactly what you mean, a had to move my bike (because i cant stand his growling) from my room to my basement. I must learn for my exams and cant afford to spend couple of hours on riding my bike :( In fact, your're in better position than me - you simply can't find the time, but I have plenty of time, I'm home all day long, and yet I must force myself not to go out... imagine how hard is that, especially when the sun is shining all day long

08-24-2004, 03:43 PM
I just began my semester of student teaching last week, and I've since realized that I won't be able to ride anytime soon. It's very discouraging knowing that I can't find time to get a ride in, especially since the days are getting shorter. Maybe I'll get a trainer soon, that might help. In the meantime i'm trying to keep my spirits up and think that next spring will soon be here with plenty of ride time.

08-24-2004, 05:55 PM
I actually got to ride tonight!!!! I got home around 7:30 from job 2, fed the dogs and blew out the door for a quick 6 mile ride. Better than nothing, right? No chance for a ride tomorrow but I WILL ride on Thursday night!

08-24-2004, 06:15 PM
We have three days of training, a work day and then the kids start next Mon. We put Thom's bike back in the trainer last night, so I can do a tape before work. We ride the same size bike, which is very handy. :D We get up at 4:30 every day. We're both morning people. He plays the piano and I go to the gym, or do a Spinervals tape. I stick to contract hours at work, so I can ride some afternoons. I also commute on my bike. I bring stuff home an do it after I ride.


08-24-2004, 06:57 PM
We went back to school on Aug. 2nd. Here in Phoenix, there are thunderstorms almost every evening, so it's not a good time of year to commute. Evening rides are too risky. It's hard to get in long rides, but sometimes I go out at 4am to get in some "cool" (85 degrees) miles. I get in such good shape over the summer, and I always vow to keep up some kind of regular workout schedule, but teaching is amazingly time consuming!

08-24-2004, 07:17 PM
After a particularly stressful year, 4 years ago, I decided to stop devoting so much of my time and energy to my job. I can't tell you how much happier it has made me. The thing with teaching is that it's like dishes or laundry - there's always more to do. I love teaching, but it's no longer how I define myself and I walk out 30 minutes after the kids to make time for me.


08-25-2004, 07:20 AM
V- I'm right there with you! I leave at the contract time, except for staff meetings (yuk) and one weekly I go to my second committee meeting that I am contracted to take on. The third night is my second job night. That means I am basically left with thursday nights and the trainer (ugg). I have a love/hate with my trainer.

08-25-2004, 10:16 AM
This is my second week back to school. Fortunately as a school nurse I don't have to take "work" home with me. I did that for 3 years as a high school biology teacher and decided to get into nursing instead. However I did volunteer to be the first aid person for my daughter's marching band, 270 kids and counting. I get the "priviledge" of riding the bus(actually about 6 buses) on Friday nights to away games. Fun, fun, fun making sure "couples" aren't making out, etc and taking care of the first aid also. Were we ever that young?

It is hard to find time to bike. Right now I've dropped to just weekends and walking/exercising at the gym during the week. Also it's still so hot in the evenings to 10 PM that I just can't bring myself to ride/walk outside, not to mention the Texas sized mosquitoes that seem to love making a feast of my body even with spray on!

Hopefully by the end of September my schedule, my daughter's schedule, and the weather will be in sych and I'll ride more often.

Take care. Donna :D

08-25-2004, 10:36 AM

you all go back early. My kids don't start till Sept. 1st. But, then again we have endless winter here and often they are in till the end of June to make up snow days.


08-25-2004, 04:13 PM
Barb do you use a workout video when you're on the trainer?

I really like the Spinervals series. They're all about 45 minutes long, but you work hard that 45 minutes!

We have staff meetings once a month! Committee meetings are once a month. A lot of stff gets done at lunch time. We tend to meet as a grade level then.


08-26-2004, 10:36 AM
I haven't gotten any tapes yet but I do want to try some. I hope I am just overreacting! I think jsut the rist of the week will be busy and the rest should go well. Keep yer fingers crossed!

BTW- I am on prep right now and my room is a muggy 87 degrees!!!! Hmmmm my dogs are lazing around my house with the A.C. on. There is something wrong with that picture!

08-26-2004, 03:20 PM
We have air conditioning in our school - but it often breaks down! The first week or two I never work out as much as I would like. But I know I feel better when I've got all my eggs in a row at work.

Good luck and have a great year!


08-27-2004, 06:53 AM
I went back this Monday and haven't been on my bike since last weekend! sigh . . . I am the Library Media Assistant (library secretary) at the local Junior High School and I am also the building computer tech. The tech job is the one that has been causing me "no riding pains". It seems every staff member has something wrong with their computer (computer is becoming a dirty word in my vocabulary this week) . . . my e-mail doesn't work, could you install my new printer, I can't access Ed Access, and on and on and on! LOL BUT tomorrow (Yippee, jumping for joy!) I am doing an 85 mile road ride and on Sunday a nice group mountain bike ride with some friends. It will refresh me for next week . . . da da daaaaaaaaa . . . first day of school for the students! The librarian and me still have to upload students into the library computer (Alexandria) and we also have to get AR and STAR up and running, too. I see a huge migrane coming up next week!


I forgot to mention one important thing . . . the librarian I had been working with for 5 years has moved. I will be starting this school year with a new librarian. A teacher with 12 years of teaching in a classroom experience. She just got her librarian certification and this is her first year as a librarian! It should be interesting. She is very nice (we met this first week back) and I think it will be fine. I think we will be running smoothly by October. We have to adjust and fine tune. I'll keep you posted!