View Full Version : I made a friend!

08-19-2004, 07:43 PM
Yaaaaaay! All I can say is yay! For two reasons, actually. The first is because I was out trying find some new shorts so that my oh my gawd that's expensive Craft shorts can take a rest. Boy, I'm gonna miss that chamois though, I'm purdy spoiled. Well anyway, the store I bought my bike at is kinda into the general outdoorsy thing, so all they sold were baggies and these so not cute Fox grey shorts.

So finally Hutch's suggested I go to, get this, oh it makes me giddy, the Pearl Izumi outlet store!!!!! Oh my gawd, insert self control here. Anyway, I went there and while I was bummed they're selling *my* habanero pepper sauce jersey (hello, I bought it on ebay so I was unique), I was stoked that I met the coolest chica there.

Yaaaay! We're going riding on Tuesday and I can hardly stand it! Plus, she's meeting with some other girls tomorrow and they're trying to start a chicks MTB race team. Yaaay! She's so nice, and mellow, and we groused about what jerks guys can be on rides. Ooooh gonna be so fun!!!

love and cookies

08-19-2004, 08:39 PM
Hooray for friends and girls riding bikes! It's always nice to find more ladies to ride with.

"How about some more info. on that Pearl Izumi outlet store?", said the selfish girl. :D It might be worth a long road trip.


08-20-2004, 12:19 PM
Pearl Izumi outlet store??? Now THAT would get me to the mall.

Adventure Girl
08-20-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Trek420
Pearl Izumi outlet store??? Now THAT would get me to the mall.There's one at the Gilroy outlets (if you ever get this far south). Some good deals, some not so good.

08-20-2004, 12:43 PM
That sounds wonderful. It gives me another excuse to go shopping. So far the only other girl cyclist I know of besides you guys is myself of course the only guy cyclist I know is the guy I ride with and the three I met at the group ride the other day. Either way I would like to be in your position. Enjoy!


08-20-2004, 02:06 PM
Adventure Girl advised "There's one at the Gilroy outlets (if you ever get this far south). Some good deals, some not so good."

I do venture out that far, gotta wear out the stuff I have first...ride to shop, shop to ride...

08-20-2004, 02:19 PM
For those in the southeast US, there's also a Pearl Izumi outlet at the North Georgia Premium Outlets in Dawsonville, GA, just north of Atlanta.

Biking Kitsune
08-20-2004, 02:53 PM
where IS that oregonian outlet? mmmm squishy Pi Chamois....

08-20-2004, 04:47 PM
now see, I thought the best part was making a new biking contact....

what was I thinking, where is that Sale?



Pedal Wench
08-20-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by skibum
For those in the southeast US, there's also a Pearl Izumi outlet at the North Georgia Premium Outlets in Dawsonville, GA, just north of Atlanta.

Oh my! I completely forgot about that place!!! Haven't be up there since they closed The North Face Outlet store. Gosh, we cleaned up at that place! Yippee--- I'm going shopping!!! Does the store have good deals? I went in there once right when they opened, but I wasn't much into cycling at that time. Worth the trip from Buckhead?

I met a great woman out on the Silver Comet trail a few weeks ago. She just rode up next to me and we chatted like sisters for about 30 miles. It was great, but I don't know if I'll ever run into her again. She was so outgoing and friendly, and we seemed to ride about the same pace. I have no friends that ride where I live (BF lives 600 miles away:( )

08-21-2004, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by skibum
For those in the southeast US, there's also a Pearl Izumi outlet at the North Georgia Premium Outlets in Dawsonville, GA, just north of Atlanta.

And here I was feeling sorry for myself because there aren't any near me. Thanks for the info thats only a 30 minute drive from my house!


08-21-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Audio-A
Does the store have good deals? I went in there once right when they opened, but I wasn't much into cycling at that time. Worth the trip from Buckhead?

It's hit or miss. Some good deals, some stuff seems to be retail price. But definitely worth the drive to check it out.

08-21-2004, 11:31 AM
This is a link to one particular group of outlet centers:


Some of them have PI stores. (not the ones in my area :mad: )

08-23-2004, 07:39 PM
Making new friends is awesome...my husband and I went on our first organized ride this weekend, met some wonderful people with whom we will train for the tour de tucson...how fun!

I completely feel for you and finding your unique jersey was on sale for all to see :) I saw a really nice Dos esquis jersey I loved...I saw a biker with it this weekend (How dare he! and in my own city!) hehehe at least nobody had my Jelly Belly Jersey at the ride!
