View Full Version : Vermont 50 Mountain Bike Race

05-24-2007, 05:07 AM
Just a reminder for those of you who might be interested in trying to get a slot in the Vermont 50 Mountain Bike Race:


Registration is today, May 24, starting at 7:00 p.m. EST. Last year, all the slots ran out within an hour, so if you want to participate, you will need to be sitting at your computers right when it opens! People come from all over the US to participate and it is one of the best organized events that I have ever been a part of.

The bonus is if you participate, you will ride right past my house and be cheered on by a lot of people from our deck! :D

05-24-2007, 06:10 AM
I am interested in this very much!! Would a first time 50 miler love this race? Can you tell me more??

I suppose it would be great to go ahead and register tonight!!


05-24-2007, 06:26 AM
It is a pretty tough race, but very well supported. It starts off with mostly roads/ double track, but it does go into quite a bit of harder and some technical single track as you are approaching the 30 mile mark. So it actually gets harder as you get more tired! There is a lot of climbing with some significant grades, as well as technical up and downhill. It starts and ends at the Ascutney Ski area-

Everyone I know has had a great time at the race (maybe not the year that it was pouring rain and very very few actually finished)- but the same people will tell you that it is TOUGH and not to underestimate it.

Here are some picts:



And a race report from '06
