View Full Version : We go running! L&LLRs May 21 - 27

05-22-2007, 11:15 AM
New week girls.

I went out for a totally intense trail run with the guy that owns my fav coffee shop this AM. It was total luck that we hooked up and I had a blast. 1 hour of up to Z5 running, complete with mud and everything. Aaaaaaahhhhh. To have someone to run makes all the difference in the world. I have no idea how far we ran. Don't care either.:D :D

05-22-2007, 11:31 AM
Sounds like it was fun! That's good!

05-22-2007, 12:47 PM
Yesterday was supposed to be a nice easy zone 2 for 40 min. I've been working on increasing my long run time 5 - 10%/week. However my heart rate was really high, I had a hard time keeping it down, I ended up running soooo, sloooooow. About 13.5 min/mi. I felt like I could have been walking faster. My theories on why my hr was so high: a) stress, b) heat (I'm used to running in 55 - 60 degree weather, yesterday afternoon it was 78), c) not yet recovered from mountain half century on Saturday, or d) all of the above. It was discouraging to say the least. I'd started seeing some real progress in my pace for the same heart rate the last few weeks, this felt like a set back. Oh well. I accomplished my time goal, hopefully next time out will be better. :rolleyes:

05-22-2007, 12:58 PM
Hey HappyA. don't stress over your bad run. Sometimes, we just aren't feeling it, for whatever reason.

Shoot, 1 weekend I do a brick and I can't even run further than a mile (out of 3)... and then 2 weeks later I do the same brick and run faster than ever. Who knows why.

Don't let it get in your head though. Next time, you will have a better run.

05-22-2007, 01:52 PM
Yesterday was supposed to be a nice easy zone 2 for 40 min. I've been working on increasing my long run time 5 - 10%/week. However my heart rate was really high, I had a hard time keeping it down, I ended up running soooo, sloooooow. About 13.5 min/mi. I felt like I could have been walking faster. My theories on why my hr was so high: a) stress, b) heat (I'm used to running in 55 - 60 degree weather, yesterday afternoon it was 78), c) not yet recovered from mountain half century on Saturday, or d) all of the above. It was discouraging to say the least. I'd started seeing some real progress in my pace for the same heart rate the last few weeks, this felt like a set back. Oh well. I accomplished my time goal, hopefully next time out will be better. :rolleyes:

Heat will make a huge difference on the HR. You still need to respect your parameters, you're body is stressing, just for a different reason. It is likely all of the above. You did the right thing to slow down and like KSH said, it'll be getter next time.

05-23-2007, 08:59 AM
Thanks ladies. :) I went outside after work yesterday and it was 51 degrees, should have run then instead! I tested my resting heart rate this morning and it was 10 bpm higher than normal, so something's going on . . . I don't feel like I'm overtraining. But I am overstressed due to other life issues at the moment. I hope this passes quickly.

05-23-2007, 09:55 AM
32m 20s
3.13 miles
10m 20s /mile

3.13 miles from office - Climb: 49.00 feet

Went and ran at lunch. I was feeling pretty good, so I went with the speed.

I did a great job!

Gosh, it is so humid these days. The amount of sweat I produced out there was impressive!

05-23-2007, 05:34 PM
Wahine, I always say that if you get muddy, it was a good run!

Ran an easy (well, as easy as 2200' of up can be) 9.2 this afternoon. I was shooting for a time goal and not a distance goal but ended up turning around about 5 minutes early, and of course what took me about 55 minutes to get up only took me about 40 to get down. So I didn't make 2 hours but oh well.

I might run on Friday but it'll be easy because I need to rest up for my White Rim (http://www.utahmountainbiking.com/trails/whiterim.htm) ride this weekend!!!!:D :D :D :D

Happy running, ladies!

05-23-2007, 09:16 PM
I might run on Friday but it'll be easy because I need to rest up for my White Rim (http://www.utahmountainbiking.com/trails/whiterim.htm) ride this weekend!!!!:D :D :D :D

Happy running, ladies!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Are you doing the *whole* thing? As a semi-professional know-it-all, I feel obligated to say that it might be too big a jump in your mileage.:rolleyes:

I did a sprint tri workout with some of the big wigs around town. Got my butt kicked. But it feels good to be getting a push. The run part was 3 miles.

05-24-2007, 12:44 AM
That White Rim ride looks so cool (actually it looks hot and dusty), what a great place to ride! Not sure I'd want to do that whole thing in a day, the most I've ridden offroad in a day was 50.5 miles (that 0.5 was very important at the end) with about 7000ft of climbing, my legs were toast.

I had half decided yesterday I was going to run this morning however my calf muscles are now protesting at Tuesdays hill repeats, not too bad, but still a little tight and tired which is good as it means I did some work. I was also riding offroad last night and put my flat pedals back on my hardtail which just makes things much harder, I generally have to ride everything a gear or two higher than I would choose if clipped in just to stop my feet flying off the pedals, its a good strength workout but the quads are paying for it today so I decided not to run. My plan is to run tomorrow lunchtime at a nice steady pace as I want to get a trail run in this weekend and I thnk I'll want frisky legs for that. My new trail shoes are by the front door and I can't wait to show them some trail, they feel very low to the ground, almost slipper like, a very different feel to my road shoes.

05-24-2007, 03:46 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Are you doing the *whole* thing? As a semi-professional know-it-all, I feel obligated to say that it might be too big a jump in your mileage.:rolleyes:
Gawd, no, not in one day! 2+ days, and on a mountain bike, not feet. :p We actually have a permit for 2 nights, 2 support vehicles, and a lot of water. Should be a blast! :)

05-24-2007, 09:17 AM
I am jealous of Wahine's muddy run. My run this am was in the rain, but it was a city run, so no mud :mad:
42 mins
4.5 miles
9m 33s /mile
avg HR: 150 (entirety of run: one long downhill, then one really long uphill)

Still testing out my new pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS, but I think it's a keeper.

Ran hard enough to decide against getting right onto the bike to commute, today.

05-24-2007, 06:27 PM
Last run before my race on Monday!

1h 7m
6.00 miles
11m 10s /mile

Well, it was raining when I got off work, so I went to the gym and got on the treadmill.

Ran the first 3 miles in 34:30.

Then I had to use the little girl's room.

Finished off the last 3 by doing intervals of .25. Made the miles go by quick. I did the last 3 miles in 32:30.

My legs feel pretty good, a little tight and sore though.

I feel STRONG though! Strong and ready!

05-24-2007, 06:56 PM
Good luck on your race KSH!

I finally got out for some exercise - first time since Sunday! I tried to do a run on Tuesday but only got thru 1km and came in. Thought the same thing might happen tonight so I started out slow and aimed for a 6:30km. Felt pretty good and decided to keep going. Ended up doing my longest run so far 5.5km in 34:11. Probably could have kept on going but didn't want to overdo it.

My goal this week was to do two 5k and one 5.5 k run. Then next week, increase the one longer run to 6k and then to 6.5 the following week till I work my wayup to 8-10km once a week. We'll see how that pans out....

05-24-2007, 07:02 PM
good luck KSH.

Nice work KG on your longest run ever!!!

I didn't run tonight. I was supposed to run tonight but I blew it off. Rest week and I had a very long work day. Not to mention that I've had 2 pretty intense runs this week already.:D :D

Happy running everyone!

05-25-2007, 03:22 AM
Last night was my first post race run. We did about....4.5 ish.....we ran for 41 mins.
It was HOT, and my legs were a bit heavy, but nothing hurt and they felt soooo much better than on the recovery ride the night before.
Today they are feeling pretty good. It is supposed to be really hot here today, so this afternoon, I am taking the DH open water swimming. He is thrilled....NOT.

Oh and I forgot, I did an ice bath yesterday post run. About 10 min soak time. It works...brrrr

05-25-2007, 05:08 AM
Good luck on your race KSH!

I finally got out for some exercise - first time since Sunday! I tried to do a run on Tuesday but only got thru 1km and came in. Thought the same thing might happen tonight so I started out slow and aimed for a 6:30km. Felt pretty good and decided to keep going. Ended up doing my longest run so far 5.5km in 34:11. Probably could have kept on going but didn't want to overdo it.

My goal this week was to do two 5k and one 5.5 k run. Then next week, increase the one longer run to 6k and then to 6.5 the following week till I work my wayup to 8-10km once a week. We'll see how that pans out....


Isn't it odd how sometimes you can run and nothing is going right... and other times everything is just clicking and you feel like you are running like the wind.

Good job on your longest run ever. It only increases from there!

05-25-2007, 09:16 AM
Great job Kelownagirl on your longest run ever! Not too shabby a time either.

Ran some intervals this morning on the track. My heart rate while warming up was much better (lower) than on Monday, I was very relieved. Intervals went well, finished up feeling good. I'm ready for a long weekend of cycling.

Good luck on Monday KSH! :D

05-27-2007, 01:06 PM
This last week has been nuts for me. I left on Thursday and went to the east coast for 3 days, flew to Vegas and did a conference for 4 days. Straight from a schedule where I felt "off" the entire time due to the time zone difference into one where I was on my feet almost all day answering questions and eating and sleeping when I got a chance. I got home late Thursday night, was totally useless at work on Friday, yesterday helped sod my backyard (thankfully my dad understood and assigned me mostly the watering job, though it was super sunny), and today ran my half marathon. I did get my last week of running in, except my last long run which was supposed to be Sunday (seems weird to do 12 miles 7 days before the half marathon, but I guess the last distance I trained for was the marathon so it's all different).

I'm not sure how I expected to recover from 7 days of travel in 2 days, I guess I was being optimistic. I ordered a size S shirt only to find I needed an XS but they wouldn't trade until today (at which point they were all out :(). I got up this morning and felt tired, but I figured it was just from getting up early. An hour later, in the car, I was still yawning (bad sign). I somehow got it in my head that the run started at 8:00, but it actually started at 7:30 (hooray for chip timing, it didn't really matter, I just started 15 minutes after everyone else). I felt tired until mile 7, and my heart rate showed it, too. I lost my hammer gel flask (http://www.e-caps.com/za/ECP?PAGE=PRODUCT&CAT=ACC&PROD.ID=3981&OMI=10079,10047&AMI=10079&uir=product.category,ACC,Accessories) around mile 6, but didn't realise it until mile 10 when I wanted some more. :(

On the upside: my late start didn't really matter, I caught up to a lot of HM runners, the last 6 miles felt really good, and I tried to carry another tired runner through the finish (she almost made it with me, just 10 steps to go, when she couldn't push any harder). I also learned a valuable lesson about my capacity for recovery from tiredness. ;)

I finished in something like 2:20... 10:41 miles. Slower than I expected, I think I really would have rocked it if I wasn't still beat from the schedule. And hey, not everyone can say they ran a half marathon on their birthday. ;)

05-28-2007, 03:10 AM
OK..I do not know if I want to follow Colby's post...holy cow, you should get a T-shirt just for keeping up with that schedule. Great Job!

I did a good solid brick yesterday. 90 mins of mt biking, 42 min run. The run felt hard. It was the first time we did a whole loop at the park where we ride, and it is kind of hilly.
I was cruising until I hit about 30 mins, and then my legs went...OK enough, but I finished. The run at my next off road tri is longer, so I am just getting ready mentally. I know I can run the distance, but mentally, I need to know I can do it on tired legs.

05-28-2007, 09:26 PM
So what does it take to work your way from 5k to 22 k? Do you need a good solid of year of running under your belt to do those kind of distances or can you do that in one season?

05-28-2007, 09:50 PM
So what does it take to work your way from 5k to 22 k? Do you need a good solid of year of running under your belt to do those kind of distances or can you do that in one season?

As long as you do it right, sure you can. You'd want to ramp up slowly, but most half marathon and other distance training plans are over 10-16 weeks. This plan, for example, is 12 weeks and assumes only that you can run 3 miles (about 5k):

12 weeks from now would be sometime around September, there are plenty of fall events you could look forward to, or you could choose a shorter distance like the 10k if you're not comfortable training for a half marathon this season. :)

05-29-2007, 10:03 AM
I finished in something like 2:20... 10:41 miles. Slower than I expected, I think I really would have rocked it if I wasn't still beat from the schedule. And hey, not everyone can say they ran a half marathon on their birthday. ;)

Proof that I finished, for reals!


The "what's that up there?" look before I realise the answer is "a photographer" (about a mile from the finish):

The second one isn't really very flattering. ;)

05-29-2007, 08:21 PM
Thanks Colby! I should have thought to look for a plan online. There is a half marathon here in October. I can't even believe that I am even thinking about it. 3 months ago I couldn't run a block. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I rode 34 km after school then came home, had supper, waited for it to cool down a bit, and then ran 5km. I was tired but felt ok. My legs still hurt from the century ride on Sunday and a recovery 30k yesterday. BUT I did it. 32 minutes. Not fast but I did it. :o