View Full Version : The politeness of men...

08-10-2004, 01:47 PM
Thom's working from home today and I just got in from a ride with a friend. He says, "Don't take this the wrong way, but are you going to shower soon?"

I guess the romance is gone. :p

I got passed going up the mountain by this really good looking older guy today. I had just turned to check for people behind me and he asked if he was breathing so loudly that I could hear him from that far away. We chatted for a bit at ranger station than I headed back down the other side of the mountain to meet my friend. We saw him again later and he yelled hello across 4 lanes of traffic.

On the other hand we were stopped at a light and as it turned green a guy zipped by us and said nothing. I took off after him. He was doing about 22, and once the traffic cleared a bit I said hello. He grunted and upped his pace to 24. I stayed with him for about a quarter of a mile and then looked back for my friend and she wasn't with us. She had gotten stuck at a light. Now if he had just said something as he passed us the first time, he wouldn't have gotten my dander up. But it was kind of fun to zip along that fast. :D Usually I coast once at 20 - don't want to work that hard you know.


08-10-2004, 01:58 PM
I find that most men, especially younger ones, just HATE it when I pass them. I'll give them a cheery, "Good Morning!" and...no response. Can't they leave their egos at home? Does it bother them that much that they're being passed - usually uphill - by a 50 year old woman? <VERY evil grin!>

C'mon, I've been riding since some of them have been in diapers. They need to get over themselves.

08-10-2004, 06:49 PM
I'm with you mama. Generally boys hate to be passed by a grrl, but especially a 'mature' grrl. I don't think the yunguns leave home without their egos... it would be tantamount to separating them from their 'little heads'.

by the by... do you race? Does anyone here race? I'm hoping to take this year to get back in shape (BIG challenge) so I can race again in 2006 (haven't raced since '75).

ride safe, spazzdog

08-10-2004, 07:38 PM
I've been riding this summer with a visiting collegiate racer(male). I'm old enough to be his mom (I have a daughter in college) and it's rather amusing to ride with him. The first time we rode together he kept getting dropped on climbs.
Now I think he'd rather die of a heart attack than let me beat him up a climb :rolleyes:

It's funny to watch, because he will just really bury himself from the get-go, and if the climb goes on a little longer than he anticipates, I'll nip him near the end. One thing I have at my age is patience ;)

Oh and another guy-story.
The other day we were riding in heavy rain and came to a hairy descent. I was in front, but knew that I had three strong (male) riders behind me. I kept thinking "where are they?", expecting them to whip around at any minute...at the bottom of the hill they finally came along-side. "Oh we figured we'd let you go first in case it was dicey because you used to race mountain bikes".

Errr, thanks. I think. Ladies first, huh?

Now if he had just said something as he passed us the first time, he wouldn't have gotten my dander up

Oh yeah. In that situation you just have to chase!

08-11-2004, 08:32 AM
I love to ride hills, and am rather proud of this.

I often take a route on weekends that entails a very hilly 3 mile section of almost straight climbing.

What I love doing the best? Riding the 3 mile flat straightaway, getting passed by a bunch of male riders on pricey bikes in pricey gear, who don't say hello and don't even warn me they are coming. They go past me like bullets. Then when the straightaway starts to climb, passing them up and saying 'hello' as they continue to huff and puff.