View Full Version : Nice light system for night commutes

05-13-2007, 03:16 PM
check this out! I like it, and can see getting one if I end up commuting in the dark.

talk about being visible from all directions! The question becomes "what color?"

I think green would be spiffy.

05-13-2007, 03:53 PM
Those were originally designed for Xtracycles - a bit pricey and I'm pretty sure they aren't waterproof!!
I find that extra "decorative" lighting is significantly helpful at night. When I took down my Christmas tree from the bike I noticed drivers just didn't see me as well - I put back some of those strings of lights, even if I didn't put the tree back.
There are some "glo-stick" lights (but battery-powered, not the temporary chemical reaction thingies) that are pretty cheap that do a nice job. I have a red and a blue one on the back and I think people automatically think "authority!" and back off and slow down ;)

05-13-2007, 05:13 PM
I waaaaaaant an Xtracycle.

05-13-2007, 11:49 PM
Way cool! I'd like blue, I think, a pool of blue light sweeping along the road with the twinkle of assorted reflective bands and blinkies above sounds nicely spooky :D