View Full Version : Alc 6
Only 4 weeks away from the California AIDS/Lifecycle. The training is intense and the excitment growing. This is my third ride. I am always looking for good shorts, interesting jerserys at affordable prices. Ideas are helpful. The ride is emotional and very rewarding. I used to be a couch potato and now I am on my bicycle. I only wish Los Angeles was more bicycle friendly.
05-11-2007, 06:36 PM
I've decided to quit qualifying it so much and just say this is my 5th ALC. I crewed, once as a roadie, the other time as a TRL (training ride leader).
Crewing is harder I'll just say 5th from now on.
You'll be able to watch the webcast durng the ride there will be pictures, some video, updates uploaded daily. You can send a message of support to a rider or all riders during the ride from and they will open that up the day before ride start at
We won't have access to e-mail, even much phone use during the ride.
I love that, phone, e-mail, fax everything's off, just ride. But I will miss y'all on TE and especially Knott.
You'd be surprised though with 2,000 riders, 5-800 crew a girl gets lonely. Other than TE this is the most amazingly friendly supportive group I've ever encountered but you can't draft (well I don't know how to paceline :o :cool: ) you can't ride 2 up ... so the 544 miles can be lonely.
Since I'm slow my best chance is to get in and out of rest stops, I don't hang out there.
Anyway, our amazing crew prints out your message and we can read them in camp.
Keep it clean folks....everyone else can too.
Well off to pack.
I'll be wearing the red/green Amici Veloci vest every day on the ride unless it gets stanky and then I'll switch to Velo Girls Pink so you can watch for that.
05-11-2007, 07:04 PM
But I will miss y'all on TE and especially Knott.
Awwwwwww... *sniffle* :o
05-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Hey, where do we go on that addy to send messages? I couldn't figure it out. Or does it show up after the ride starts?
05-11-2007, 07:39 PM
Hey, where do we go on that addy to send messages? I couldn't figure it out. Or does it show up after the ride starts?
You're not 'puter illiterate, you are a jeenious. :D :p :D
And you're right, it'll "go live" the day before the ride. My bad, I shoulda said.
Also while I'll be off the board for the week I "traditionally" have found a way to make a call each day on the ride usually from wild rest stop 4.
I have a voice mail tree, list thing so if anyone here is in CA and has AT&T voicemail (not that &^% unified messaging &*^%, voicemail or the message center) at home or work I can add you and you'll get that.
Otherwise I'll give Knott directions on how to hack into mine :cool: :p and have her post to the group how things are.
05-11-2007, 07:41 PM
Oooh, I get to hack into AT+T from Verizon? Ooooh....
05-11-2007, 08:24 PM
Oooh, I get to hack into AT+T from Verizon? Ooooh....
Nothing that fancy :) :p Can you check my voicemail and then you'll hear the ride report and can post to TE? :)
Duck on Wheels
05-11-2007, 09:22 PM
Will you be sending greetings from UK too? And will my cell phone or Mom's be on your list? I may be able to post stuff for you two en route. I'll have my laptop along and at least some of our hotel stops claim to have wireless. At a couple spots we plan to intersect with the bike route, set up a cheerleader camp and watch for you guys to pass by. If we're fast enough with the shutter we might even get some pictures to post. :)
uk elephant
05-12-2007, 01:11 AM
Duck, will you check if your phone that I'm going to borrow works with that wind up charger? I'll be sending a short text every day just as a brief update, but only if I have enough battery. If battery power is limited, I think messages to BF will have priority. Sorry.
Getting a bit nervous about this ride now. Nervous and excited. Only 3 weeks to go!! So much training I should have done! I had better head out now on another ride and try not to panic too much.
Duck on Wheels
05-12-2007, 07:19 AM
Duck, will you check if your phone that I'm going to borrow works with that wind up charger? I'll be sending a short text every day just as a brief update, but only if I have enough battery. If battery power is limited, I think messages to BF will have priority. Sorry.
Getting a bit nervous about this ride now. Nervous and excited. Only 3 weeks to go!! So much training I should have done! I had better head out now on another ride and try not to panic too much.
This means your Dad has the wind-up charger? I'll check if it works with my US phone. Even if not, the phone keeps a charge for a week if you're only sending a couple of messages a day.
05-12-2007, 07:39 AM
This means your Dad has the wind-up charger? I'll check if it works with my US phone. Even if not, the phone keeps a charge for a week if you're only sending a couple of messages a day.
wind up chargers: unlike your house chargers which would need to be compatible with US electrical stuff or have the adapter for European, the wind up chargers only need to be compatible with make and model of phone.
This needs to go in the Dear So and So thread but:
Dear Cell Phone Manufacturers,
Do you think that making unique systems so that Nokia chargers don't work on Motorola phones which can't plug into Ericson ear buds which....makes us loyal to your equipment? Noooooo, we're frustrated that we gotta get new stuff and :eek: at all the tossing the old into land fill.
C'mon, just make it all work together. :confused: :rolleyes: :cool:
So basicly if the wind up charger has a _____ plug in and she has a _____ phone it should work.
But fully charging the phone the night before the ride and leaving it off unless in use, it's always lasted the week. :cool: :D
05-15-2007, 12:39 PM
Tylenol gel caps....check!
Tiger balm .... check!
Calcium/Magnesium pills (I'll try 'em, thanks TE for the idea) .... check!
OMG :eek: I don't have a thing to wear on Red Dress Day....perhaps this?
05-15-2007, 05:47 PM
I've got a red jersey, red shorts, red elbow length gloves and red fishnet stockings.
I can't wait!
05-15-2007, 07:32 PM
05-15-2007, 07:39 PM
I've got a red jersey, red shorts, red elbow length gloves and red fishnet stockings.
I can't wait!
what? :eek: No red SPD compatible pumps?
As for the Hill Slug jersey, it's the only one I see with the Team Estrogen logo .... on the back. Susan?
05-17-2007, 07:42 PM
you'll be able to watch the ride online, there'll be a "webcast" with pictures uploaded daily.
Day 1 I dunno what I'll wear but likely the AV vest over it all.
Day 2 I'll be in a Training Ride Leader jersey, probably still have AV vest on
Day 3 I'll be with my corporate team, look for an AT&T jersey
Day 4 oh, I dunno what I'll wear :confused:
Day5 I think is red dress day. Team Estrogen Hill Slug jersey :)
Day 6 Velo Girls Pink
Oh, who knows what I'll ride in on day 7 in....probably the AV vest over whatever it is :)
05-18-2007, 11:21 AM
Day 1: 89.9 (10.6 more than last year)
Day 2: 105.4 (same as last year)
Day 3: 77.3 (0.1 more than last year)
Day 4: 94.7 (1.0 less than last year)
Day 5: 45.2 (1.7 more than last year)
Day 6: 85.5 (1.4 more than last year)
Day 7: 61.5 (0.7 more than last year)
Duck on Wheels
05-19-2007, 04:16 AM
Day 1: 89.9 (10.6 more than last year)
Day 2: 105.4 (same as last year)
Day 3: 77.3 (0.1 more than last year)
Day 4: 94.7 (1.0 less than last year)
Day 5: 45.2 (1.7 more than last year)
Day 6: 85.5 (1.4 more than last year)
Day 7: 61.5 (0.7 more than last year)
Is there that much slippage along the San Andreas fault? Is LA now 14.5 miles further away from SF? :eek:
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