View Full Version : Long and Less Long Runs: 5-7 to 5-13

05-08-2007, 06:50 AM
Thread got started late. Ooopsss!

I ran yesterday for 3 miles on the treadmill. It has been raining off and on here for a good week. I also had to do weights.

Overall a decent run. No side cramp.

Now, I'm just praying that the rain stops by Thursday- 8 miles on a treadmill sounds dreadful. Although, I did make 6.25 miles on a treadmill... and I do figure it's mental training!

05-08-2007, 08:58 AM
Great job on the no-cramp run KSH!

Had a small recovery run from the half-marathon this morning, about 5 k. Did not feel too terrible, and mentally it was good to be out there. I shall keep running on some weekday mornings until the fall, but no more long runs!

05-08-2007, 09:09 AM
I did 2.75 miles on the treadmill this morning at a slower pace than normal. I probably should have pushed it more, but it was 5:30 in the morning. LOL :D

05-08-2007, 09:23 AM
I decided to time myself today on my 5K loop - just on 30 minutes (perhaps 32 I did not wear the stopwatch) and it ended up as 5.5 K according to Google earth!

I had side cramps today. I managed to get them out though.

05-08-2007, 06:36 PM
This week is more of the same, Monday strength, Tuesday 5 miles (3 miles run + 12 mi bike commute), Wednesday 45 min tempo, Thursday 3 mi + strength (usually I skip the run and commute unless I have extra time), Friday rest, Saturday 5 miles, Sunday 11 miles.

18 days to my HM (running on my birthday even!). Getting ready to transition to full time hardcore tri training. Lake is up to 55 degrees... ;) (Good thing the pool is warmer!)

05-08-2007, 08:02 PM
Did a 5-mile run yesterday evening. I'd been planning on doing 8 miles over the weekend but the weather wasn't cooperating. We've had lots of t-storms off and on. No tornadoes here, though, so no complaints. We're 100 miles from Greensburg. The destruction out there is unreal.--

Our area's big 10K is this weekend. It's a lot of fun - looking forward to it.


05-08-2007, 09:07 PM
Feeling much better this week. Ran 3k with the kids at school. It was hot. First time I've run in the heat - not sure I will be able to handle real heat. Maybe it was just because I was at work and couldn't shower after...

05-08-2007, 09:57 PM
Feeling much better this week. Ran 3k with the kids at school. It was hot. First time I've run in the heat - not sure I will be able to handle real heat. Maybe it was just because I was at work and couldn't shower after...

I don't like running in the heat either. This morning it was just 11C (at about 7am) and I had shorts + light long sleeve top. I found myself too hot, and that was quite unpleasant. I'll have to run earlier and earlier during the summer! (Or less and less, until it starts raining and being cold again, which will come soon enough!!!)

05-10-2007, 06:07 PM
My longest run to date!

1h 33m
8.01 miles
11m 37s /mile

Climb: 253.00 feet

It didn't RAIN! WOO-HOO! I got to run outside.

I made sure to pace myself and to not go too fast.

I kept the side cramp away too.

Around mile 3-4 ish, my back started to hurt. I stretched and ran... and it finally went away.

Probably around mile 5ish, all I could do is feel the gel insert under my foot on the right foot. It hurt. Annoyed me. I kept going.

Now, when I stopped... OUCH! I can barely walk now, thanks to the pain in my lower legs. I'm hobbling around.

Might not make the 6 AM swim on Friday. Oh well, if I miss a workout for rest and recovery, a swim workout can be sacrificed.

05-10-2007, 07:03 PM
Whoo hoo KSH! Congrats on your longest run!

I did another 3k with the kids at school again today. Couldn't figure why I was so slow until I rode the 1k route after school found out it was really 1.2km. That bit of info turned my 6:30 min km into a 5:40 min km - yay me! I couldn't get a satellite connection in time to use the Garmin today so didn't get any HR data. I'll wait till next week I guess. It was pretty hot (22 degrees) and although I felt good while running, I got all shaky and dizzy when I sat down for lunch afterwards. I drank a litre of water and ate some lunch, put an icepack on the back of my neck and felt better in about 15 minutes. Interesting....

05-10-2007, 07:08 PM
Whoo hoo KSH! Congrats on your longest run!

I did another 3k with the kids at school again today. Couldn't figure why I was so slow until I rode the 1k route after school found out it was really 1.2km. That bit of info turned my 6:30 min km into a 5:40 min km - yay me! I couldn't get a satellite connection in time to use the Garmin today so didn't get any HR data. I'll wait till next week I guess. It was pretty hot (22 degrees) and although I felt good while running, I got all shaky and dizzy when I sat down for lunch afterwards. I drank a litre of water and ate some lunch, put an icepack on the back of my neck and felt better in about 15 minutes. Interesting....

I wish I knew the metric system!

All I know is that a 5K = 3.2 miles. Yep.

Well, great job on running with the kiddos again. I bet they think it's really cool that you run with them.

Pretty hot... uuummm... not sure how hot 22C is. It was 80F here. Although it was overcast so it was very pleseant with a nice breeze blowing.

05-10-2007, 07:28 PM
Way to go KSH!!

My running has been pretty lacklustre. I did 8 miles on Tues with intervals in some heat that really slowed me down. I rode Tues night and had a spill on y MTB, I've got a nice bunch of abrasions and a swollen and bruised elbow to show for it. Yesterday I was supposed to ride and swim. Skipped both because I was wiped. Rode today and couldn't get into it, I was supposed to do hil repeats at a Z4 to 5 and I ended up doing a pretty casual ride for 1:40. Didn't run based on how I felt riding.

So, what the heck. I'm low on energy and motivation. Maybe it's my allergies, maybe it's my diet (I've been thinking that I may not be getting enough carbs), maybe I just need to rest a bit. No matter, I'll keep playing it by ear. I'm way ahead on my training in comparison to the last time I did IM, so I'm not getting anxious at all. Just another day.

05-10-2007, 09:26 PM
3k = 1.8 miles (is that all?? km's sound better. :rolleyes: :D

3.6k = 2.2 miles

6 min per km = 9.6 min mile

5:40 per km = 9 min mile

My current 5k time is about 30 mins. My goal is 25 minutes.

22 C = 72 F

The next 5 days it's supposed to be 75-80 degrees.

05-11-2007, 02:11 AM
slow day yesterday. 8.5 k in 1h. I am hatching a head cold somehow but it is not really coming on. I went running anyway and felt much better during and afterwards, this morning I feld odd again. Stomachache too from swallowing sinus drainage.

My hamstrings are a bit tired from the fast run Tuesday. Funny how that uses them more.
But anyway the run went fine, I am playing it by my breathing rythm these days instead of the polar all the time. Slow is 4 steps in / 3 out.

I passed a guy - twice. He was a slug so there's not much glory but it still made me smile :rolleyes: . I passed him the second time because I did a little detour to get to a drinking fountain.

Hip is not acting up anymore, I've been stretching well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

also I think I am losing a bit of fat although I've been eating like a horse.

05-11-2007, 06:27 AM
I haven't run at all this week :eek:

05-11-2007, 07:20 AM
I've been kind of a slug this week. Got the 5-miler in on Monday vs. the 8 miles I'd meant to do, and then I did 2 miles yesterday morning. The 10K is tomorrow morning so I'll either be well rested for it or I'll be tightened up and dragging. Oh, well. At least the weather is supposed to be good so it'll be fun.

The good news - I got a new toy! :D I bought a Garmin Forerunner 205 yesterday. I'd ordered one through Amazon about three weeks ago and UPS lost it. I never got it.-- Finally found one locally yesterday. More expensive, but no shipping costs or worries. Can't wait to try it out. :)


05-11-2007, 12:34 PM
I have been sick all week. I have not ran since last saturday when I ran 9.6 miles with by buddy who is running the Ogden Marathon. I think I should have called in sick and tried to recop, but I didn't.

I hope to get the energy to ride and maybe run some this week end. It is warm but breezy.


05-13-2007, 10:04 AM
Did the 10K race yesterday. It went well and was fun, but man was it hot - about 80 degrees, humid and no wind whatsoever. It's too early in the year for that - nobody was used to it. People were walking more than usual and the leaders looked like they were struggling when they passed as they were heading back.

The first half of the run felt pretty good. Although it was warm, there was a fair amount of shade and at the time splits I was ahead of my goal pace. The second half, though, I had to walk several times because of the heat. There were plenty of water stations and they were busy. I usually don't drink a whole cup at the water breaks but I did this time except for the little bit I splashed on my face. Managed to finish almost two minutes better than last year - and just 15 seconds short of my goal. I didn't expect that with all the walking, but it sure felt good - especially against the heat.

DH, son and I went for a short 10-mile bike ride this morning to ride our big training hill and do some sprints. Will do some more running and riding this week - maybe the annual 50-mile ride next weekend, if we're ready.


05-13-2007, 10:45 AM
another 1h run (8.5k) yesterday which brings me up to 2.5 hours for this week.

That stupid cold still hasn't broken out for real except for making me feel miserably tired.

I had plans of either a short ride today or a swim but when I came home from a sunday of singing (http://www.nickomoandrasullah.com/harmonic-temple/index.htm), I dropped to bed. I would have either fallen asleep on my bike or in the pool (with more likelihood to be saved in the pool as there are lifeguards)

05-13-2007, 12:59 PM
Brick day!

1h 21m 44s
23.67 miles
17.38 miles/hr

Went and rode around the lake. Did my best to sprint 10 miles of that. 5 slow/5 sprint/5 slow/5 sprint/3 slow.

My legs were TIRED today. Oh, and my butt hurts so bad from yesterday! OUCH! (I did a 65 mile/100K ride yesterday, for the second time this season.)

After the ride went to run.

33m 30s
3.00 miles
11m 10s /mile

This time my goal was to pace myself and NOT get a side cramp. Done.
I ran the entire way.

05-13-2007, 01:00 PM
3k = 1.8 miles (is that all?? km's sound better. :rolleyes: :D

3.6k = 2.2 miles

6 min per km = 9.6 min mile

5:40 per km = 9 min mile

My current 5k time is about 30 mins. My goal is 25 minutes.

22 C = 72 F

The next 5 days it's supposed to be 75-80 degrees.

Ah, thanks for the conversions.

Yea, I have been riding and running in 88-90 degree heat here. And that's not as hot as it gets. During the summer we ride in 100+ degree days.

Your 5K time looks great!

05-13-2007, 02:30 PM
This week is more of the same, Monday strength, Tuesday 5 miles (3 miles run + 12 mi bike commute), Wednesday 45 min tempo, Thursday 3 mi + strength (usually I skip the run and commute unless I have extra time), Friday rest, Saturday 5 miles, Sunday 11 miles.

Thursday 12 mi bike commute + strength, Friday rest, Saturday 5 miles (about 45 minutes), Sunday 11 miles (about 2 hours, minus the time I spent giving my doggie some water, which was about 10 minutes, and various parts we had to walk or stop for other doggie reasons). A little slow, but I'm trying to take my weekend long runs easy. It was windy! On our return trip, we were passed by a couple of casual people on bikes that would stop and take a break, we'd catch up, they'd get ahead, stop and take a break, we'd catch up... I just hope they learn the "on your left" mantra, I had no idea there were people behind me because of the wind.

I bought myself a couple of jugs (not sure of a better term ;)) of Hammer raspberry and banana gel, and I mixed some of each together in a container that stores 5 or 6 portions. MMmmmm, tasty. The Hammer gels taste more like fruit than Gu. Once I get the hang of it, I'll be able to take it in faster without stopping than the packets, AND with less waste.

05-13-2007, 03:14 PM
I bought myself a couple of jugs (not sure of a better term ;)) of Hammer raspberry and banana gel, and I mixed some of each together in a container that stores 5 or 6 portions. MMmmmm, tasty.
Other great combos...raspberry + vanilla, orange + vanilla, raspberry + orange. Mmmmmm tasty! (well, as tasty as gel can be) I should own stock in Hammer. :p

I really haven't been running much since I've been cycling (both road and mountain). I did 2 long-ish runs this past week: 8.5 on Tuesday and 7 on Thursday. Other than that riding, mtn biking, yoga-ing, and recovering. It's been record-setting-temps warm here, so my heat sensitive self needs to get out early. I'm going to try to get in a long run tomorrow AM before it heats up (though it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow).