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01-07-2019, 07:19 AM
an unofficial resolution of mine is to be more active in cycling communities.... I'm back on our club's board as of next week's annual partie.
Mostly my 13 mile commute as far as riding goes but I've also set goal to ride 100 non commute miles in January and I've already done 25. That's of course weather dependent but ... so far the weather has been mostly ridable (freezing drizzle last week NIX!)

north woods gal
01-07-2019, 02:48 PM
Good for you, Sue. Weather was always a factor when I lived in Illinois, too, as far as how many miles I could ride in January. Go for it.

01-09-2019, 10:59 AM
Good for you, Sue. Weather was always a factor when I lived in Illinois, too, as far as how many miles I could ride in January. Go for it.

Well, yesterday I rode because it wasn't windy yet in the a.m. and... it abated t0 17 mph (and tailwind, rah :)) by 5:00.

It was the weather being kind to me, tho', because it picked right up in thenight and this morning it was 23 with gusts over 30 so... handy dandy bus pass. (Okay, temp also 23 compared to 41 yesterday).

We'll see about tomorrow -- snow in the forecast for the weekend but then back to "climate change indicative" warmth.

01-12-2019, 05:09 AM
Happy New Year, Sue.

Crazy Daizy
02-25-2019, 06:53 AM
Share your plans for this year, please)
And at the end of the year we will tell what we managed to achieve)

I plan to buy a new bike!

02-27-2019, 05:58 PM
Happy New Year, Sue.

Plans? They’ve narrowed down to that I plan to help my wife kick cancer’s azz and then back to whatever I was doing before then. Oh, I’d just retired, planned to go back to school then do some other kinda work while getting in shape.

But who wants to take Algebra when they’re over 60 anyway? :rolleyes:

03-03-2019, 08:13 AM
Howdy, and best wishes for a great 2019. pretty cold right now..meaning -28 degrees C with -32 degrees C wind chill.

03-03-2019, 08:15 AM
Plans? They’ve narrowed down to that I plan to help my wife kick cancer’s azz and then back to whatever I was doing before then. Oh, I’d just retired, planned to go back to school then do some other kinda work while getting in shape.

But who wants to take Algebra when they’re over 60 anyway? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry your partner has cancer. I haven't been here for ages. Well, my partner is using his algebra for financial modelling for his son's butcher shop...he loves supporting his son's biz in his retirement.

03-03-2019, 09:55 AM
I'm sorry your partner has cancer. I haven't been here for ages. Well, my partner is using his algebra for financial modelling for his son's butcher shop...he loves supporting his son's biz in his retirement.

There’s an actual practical use for algebra? That’s motivating. I thought it was just a required class. Good to know.

Knott is making good progress. We’re cautiously optimistic. She just had a mid chemo blood work up and cat scan. The “cancer markers” in her blood tests are way the heck down, the metastisis in her liver has almost dissapeared and the tumor is down by 25%. She has 4 more chemo sessions :( but it makes the process somehow more tollerable when you see it working.