View Full Version : "Flattest Century in the East"
04-29-2007, 05:18 AM
FYI: May 1st the Narragansett Wheelmen will release registration info on this ride. Last year they reached capacity of 1800 registrants before the end of May -- extremely popular. I have never done this, but am signing up with a couple of friends this year.
The Flattest Century in the East (TFCE): Sun. Sept. 9, 2007
Since so many have asked, note that TFCE registration opens on May 1, 2007. On that day, we'll release the printed brochure, and will also post printable registration forms online (linked from this page). Registration will be by US Mail only (sorry, no "online registration"). Have other questions? E-mail the official TFCE address: type this address into your email <>
05-01-2007, 05:05 PM
I registered today too!
This will be my very first century.
I am very excited.
05-02-2007, 02:14 AM
Hi Lynnette!
I am Louise's (quint41) sister...I have also entered TFCE, and it will be our first century...the minute I dropped my entry into the mail I thought "I must be crazy"...but this century is practically in my backyard, so I know where all the shortcuts are, should I start to fall apart...;)
What part of CT do you live in?
05-03-2007, 08:46 AM
Hi Carolyn,
Cool! Sisters that bike together.
I live in the eastern part of CT - about a half hour from Hartford.
I can get to Providence in just a little over an hour.
Are you or your sister interested in getting together to bike sometime? I have a friend that is doing the ride with me, and we bike together all of the time. She is a faster biker than I, but she is nice enough to circle back frequently, bike with me for a while, and then she takes off again. Sometimes, she just feels like a break, and will stay with me the whole time. :) Just a few weekends ago, we biked 50 very hilly miles together - she went 50, and I went 46, and we ended up finishing together. She came back at least two or three times for me, so that's how she got the extra mileage.
I am very slow, but can go for a long time. My friend calls me "Steady Eddie" LOL. But, seriously, I only bike between 9 and 12 mph, deending on the terrain.
If you would like to get together some weekend, please send me a PM. Maybe the four of us could meet somewhere? I wouldn't mind going down to your area and you could even bring us on part of the TFCE course for practice.
05-03-2007, 05:37 PM
Hi Lynette,
I tried to send you a private message, but can't figure out how to turn it on...I'm tired, so will try again in the morning...
My sister is currently on Martha's Vineyard, and I and a few friends are joining her tomorrow to ride in the MS Bike Tour on Saturday. I'm doing 32 miles, and she's planning to ride 64...
However, we'd love to get together to ride with you!
We grew up in Jewett City, and our mother still lives there, so we are frequently in Eastern Conn.
More later, when I figure out how to turn PM on!
05-06-2007, 03:34 PM
I completed the "Flattest" Century last year and have already registered for the 2007 event. To all will love it! The people are great and a spectacular course. It isn't completely flat but it is fun! I live within 15 minutes of the starting line and ride frequently in the area (Dartmouth, MA).
I rode it alone last year but I'm always interested in meeting other bike enthusiasts.
Have any of you done the "Crank the Kank" ? I'm doing that in about two weeks and a little concerned.
I did Mt. Wachusett yesterday. That was quite the expereince in itself!
05-07-2007, 05:32 AM
Hi Deb,
"Crank the Kank" sounds very challenging. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I am doing a sprint triathlon in two weeks in Marlborough, MA.
I'll PM you and send you my email address so that we can stay in touch.
05-07-2007, 07:29 AM
HI, Lynette and Deb!! I'm Trekin's sister!
Just back from the MS Bike Tour/Metric century on Martha's Vineyard. I can't even describe it ... almost like a religious experience! And, yes, I'm signed up for TFCE in Sept. How's that for a mid-life crisis!!
Lynette - I'm going to PM you. Unlike my poor, tired sister, I KNOW HOW TO PM PEOPLE!! LOL! :D :D :D
Deb, sounds like you might be a neighbor of my sister's .... has she found a new biking buddy???
05-09-2007, 07:53 AM
I just dropped my check in the mail for this! I did however circle the 68mile option - that is a Metric Century right? Lets see how training goes over the summer, maybe I will feel more confident and change that to 100! Yikes! I love having goals, and this will make me bike harder this summer!
Lynette, I too live in the Northeast Corner of CT - if you want to get together, let me know!
05-09-2007, 02:35 PM
I just got my registration confirmation in the mail. I am #750. And I sent my form back on the very first day that it opened. Wow - it really is filling up fast!
And I also have had a number of women PM me and say that they would love to get together to bike sometime. It sounds like we are all different ages and all different abilities. The one common factor is that we are all recreational road bikers and we are looking for some other women to bike with.
As soon as I complete my triathlon (it's in 10 days), I will send an email to everyone that has contacted me and we'll try to find a good time to meet.
This is fun.:D
05-23-2007, 04:58 PM
I got my conformation today - I am #1413 and I see via the website that they are full already!! WOW! I originally signed up for the metric century, but based on the progress I have made in just the last month, I am going to email them and change that to the full century! :) I am so excited, I love having goals like this! See you ladies on the ride!
05-24-2007, 03:53 AM
I propose a TE "practice ride" over part of the route sometime this summer, so we can all get to know one another. This is a very pretty route, and I believe it passes a restaurant that has stunning views of the Elizabeth Islands chain.
Who is interested?
05-24-2007, 08:49 AM
Hi Everyone,
I too am finally confirmed for the TFCE. Let me know when the practice will take place and I'll be there. If anyone is interested in a ride sometime other than the practice, let me know. I live in the Dartmouth, MA area and would enjoy meeting some of the "girls" sometime.
P.S..Did my first time trial last weekend. It was called Crank the Kanc. I wasn't very fast (OK) but the course was unbelievable! Began in Conway and ended in Lincoln (up the Kanckamangus Highway, NH). It was 21 miles of climbing. Hated and loved it at the same time. I'm definitely going to PR it next year!
05-24-2007, 04:27 PM
Wow, drijo, you sound like you are in a whole different stratosphere from me! I am a slow rider on a fast bike (Trek 1500 WSD) who hates hills...however, I envision this practice ride as more of a social event...I've ridden most of the route myself, but in segments, and I think we'll run the whole range of abilities if we all come together at the same time.
I'm thinking possibly a Saturday or Sunday in late June. What do you all think, ladies?
05-25-2007, 02:40 AM
I would be game for getting together! I will be attending the ride by myself, so it would be nice to see some familiar faces!:)
05-25-2007, 05:35 PM
I would be available on any of these dates:
Saturday, June 1st
Sunday, June 2nd
Sunday, June 17th
Saturday June 30th
I am also a school teacher and my last day of school is Tuesday, June 19th, which makes me available on weekdays after that.
So if a group wants to get together sometime other than the weekends, I would be available.
I am one of the slow bikers - I would probably bike around 10-12 mph, as long as it wasn't too hilly.
How far would people want to go?
05-26-2007, 04:55 AM
How is June 30th looking for everyone?
I'm looking at possibly 30 - 40 miles, with a stop for lunch at one of the small restaurants along the way, riding at our own pace with a couple of meeting places along the way (I'm no speed demon, myself)...
I think our abilities run the gammit...I want this to be a pleasant experience for us all...a chance for us all to meet, get to know each other, enjoy each other's company, share well as experience part of the century route...
I await your feedback!
05-26-2007, 07:35 AM
Saturday, June 30th works for me!
Count me in.
And the distance sounds great, as does the break for lunch.
I am very excited to meet everyone!:D
05-26-2007, 06:59 PM
I just made up a northeast CT cycling group in my email program.
In it I have the following people:
Louise (Carolyn's sister)
If anyone else wants to be included, just send me a PM with your email address.
I will send out an email letting everyone know that we are putting together a group to bike part of TFCE ride on June 30th, with a stop for lunch. Approximate distance will be 30-40 miles.
Hope everyone can make it.
05-27-2007, 10:48 AM
Hi all..
Saturday, June 30th sounds great! Just let me know the time and place to meet and I'm sure it will be alot of fun.. looking foward to lunch too!
Can't wait..
By the way....I'm definitely not in another stratosphere. I still have trouble with the climbs. It's the flats that I pick up my speed. It will be nice to ride with other women.
I just finished the NBW Uxbridge ride this about hills. I had to shorten the ride to 30 miles instead of 50! Anyone do it?
05-27-2007, 04:25 PM
Hi Deb,
I'm looking forward to biking with you on the 30th! I think we're all going to have a blast!
Last week I sent in my membership to NBW, but didn't want to do my first ride on a route like Uxbridge...Hills are a killer for me...I can move along pretty well on the flat, but even "rolling" hills can slow me down to almost I know I made the right decision! Actually, I'll be doing my first NBW ride on June 10th...the Scramble Metric that starts in Seekonk. They are having a beginner ride, and I figured that would be a good place to start with the club, as I have never ridden with a group before, except for the MS ride on Martha's Vineyard. I will also be able to gauge where I stand ability-wise. Will you be at that ride?
Bikeworks in Swansea (my LBS) is also putting together a women's group, possibly starting on Saturday, if you are interested.
05-29-2007, 12:29 PM
Hi Carolyn,
I won't be doing the 6/10 ride because I will be in the Pocono's for the Nascar - Pocono 500. I am a Nascar nut! One day I'd love to drive those cars.
I am hoping to do the Tiverton 50, I did it last year and it was a nice course.
Will you be joining the ladies group out of Bike Works?
I would be interested in it on another date but the next two Saturday's are booked. Let me know if you'll be doing the Tiverton ride.
Have fun, keep riding
06-30-2007, 03:02 PM
(This is also posted under the General Discussion, June 30 Ride Report)
A group of us got together today and rode part (41 miles) of The Flattest Century of the East (not), starting at UMassDartmouth, and meandering through Dartmouth and Westport. We are from Connecticut and Massachusetts, thus our team name MassConnFusion....had perfect weather, beautiful scenery, and did 3 rest stops: the Lloyd Center Nature Center, where we admired the view and said hello to the turtles, Bayside Restaurant, where we ate outside and admired the view of Buzzard's Bay and the Elizabeth Islands, and Wood's Veggie Stand, where my sister chatted with the chickens. We all rode at our own pace, chatted, laughed, got to know each other, and basically enjoyed ourselves. Oh, and all except one rider are TE members!
We were also joined by drijo and her friend at the start of the ride, but we didn't see them after the start...sorry...we were looking for you at the rest stops...
We are all signed up to ride the century in ought to be an interesting day! Here is a picture of us together: From left to right, Deb, Janlyn, Lynette, Bet, Carolyn, Louise
07-01-2007, 10:15 AM
Awesome photo, Sis! Except it really doesn't do our fitness and beauty justice! Tee hee! :D
It was an beautiful ride! I especially loved sprinting around the Dartmouth campus for an extra 4 miles. Do they run criteriums there? It would be a great race track.
Best part of my ride: When I passed the group of women on the hill and called out hello to each of them, and one of them said, "How do you do that?" YEAH, BABY!! That's what I'm talking about! It's been a long time coming!
And, here is my self-serving quote of the day. I hope all TE women get as much pleasure out of it as I do:
"I get tired just thinking about driving 45 miles, never mind doing it on a bike."
--- My ex-husband
07-01-2007, 04:14 PM
I think that we look cute!!!!
The ride was absolutely glorious. We coined a new phrase called "The Quint Sprint." You see, when Quint41 (aka Louise) is on the flats, she passes every single one of us!:)
I received mass quantities of enjoyment:D :D :D thank you
07-04-2007, 04:53 AM
Hi Zen,
Don't you have the "real" Flattest Century in the East in Maryland? If so, could you enlighten us? Maybe it's something MassConnFusion could aim for next year!
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