View Full Version : Great headlight!!

04-20-2007, 02:59 PM
I just love the MiNewt headlight by Night Rider. http://http://www.niterider.com/prod_minewt.shtml It's incredibly bright (I am kinda night blind so this is a good thing. :rolleyes:) and so small. Overall, I think the light and charger weight about 8oz together. The charge lasts pretty long too at anywhere from 3-6 hours of continuous run time. I haven't even begun to kill it yet. It has flash, high and low settings. You can mount the charger on your top tube, on the bars or the stem and it's so small, it doesn't get in the way at all. It has an indicator light that lets you know when it's getting low. I bought the single version but there is a dual light system too.

I can highly recommend it to anyone without any reservations. Here are some pics of it on my bike. I put the charger on my top tube for now. I will probably move it to my stem when I get my new one on.


04-20-2007, 05:03 PM
NICE!!! I can see one of those in my future, when mine finally gives up. Thanks for the pics. It really does make the decision easier seeing it on an actual bike....

04-20-2007, 05:43 PM
Sounds like a great light for 'those of us who have some nightblindness'. Oh, Xrayted - love the color on your bike. :cool:

04-20-2007, 07:13 PM
I have one of these and love it. SK and her lovely husband recommended it.
I like the fact that its so small that you can mount it on your helmet as well. I havent used it that way yet (its only been on my road bike) but if I ever get up enough nerve to go mountain biking at night Im sure it will come in handy.

04-20-2007, 07:46 PM
I have one also - love the size.