View Full Version : Home made energy drink

07-10-2004, 04:34 PM
I have been reading studies that say endurance athletes do better if their carb drink has a bit of protein in it. It helps muscles recover faster, (the carb helps drive the protein into the cells) and cyclists were able to perform at a higher level on subsequent rides when compared to the carb-only cyclists.

I think there is a drink out there (Accelorade?) that has protein in it. But, alas, I have a big container of Cytomax to use. So, I put my level scoop of berry flavored Cytomax and 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder in one of my bottles today.

It tasted pretty good. The protein powder cut the sickenly sweet cytomax & made it more like a smoothie. The BEST part was, I did not get that sugar rush that I usually get when I have straight cytomax - it seemed to seep into my cells at a slower rate. I was faster up my usual hills too! Felt pretty good post ride (it was a hard, two hour hill climbing ride in the heat). No soreness or fatigue.

Sing along with me..."You put the lime in the coconut and you'll feel better.. "

07-10-2004, 04:37 PM
Ah...just toss a steak in with the gatorade...ride over some cobblestones
that'll give you a protein shake!!
<big grin>

jus' kidding...
that'd be a big ol' powerful ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!


but not surprised if SOMEBODY has tried it....

07-11-2004, 08:39 AM
I jus read an interesting idea in an ad in Runner's World. They say that you can make your own gu gel type thing. Take a small baggie and put in "2 tablespoons honey, and 1/8 tsp cinnamon, 1/8 tsp nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Bite off a corner of the bag abd squeeze when needed. Studies show that honey provides just as much, if not more energy than many commercial gels." love hiney and very clean, no weird chemicals. Worth a try.
And they have an interview w Lance's ex, Kristin! ( see other posts)