View Full Version : Favorite cycling shorts and gloves
04-01-2007, 06:31 PM
Hi ladies. I am going to need some new cycling shorts (need to have adequate padding for 30+ mile rides (my commute is going to be 16 miles each way a few days a week on weekends, I ride farther). What is a good deal (low cost is great but it has to be quality). And same deal for gloves- what's your favorite. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
04-01-2007, 06:40 PM
my fav gloves are full fingered Pearlizumi gel-lite not real expensive, but
so nice that when my finger went through in one place, I darned it back together again.
my favorite shorts are Terry short legged shorts. not cheap.
My favourite gloves are ... those that fit me. Hard to come by, for some reason.
My favourite shorts are Mountain Equipment Co-Op Rapide shorts, which seem to be similar to Trashy Cat Satin shorts. 8-panel, 8-inch inseam, nice molded chamois, for my taste anyway.
04-02-2007, 04:24 AM
Thanks for the input so far. Also if I'm looking to buy online, can you also recommend who carries the product you are recommending (especially if they have a good price)? Thanks!!! I need to get the shorts soon, mine are starting to wear out! Not to mention my gloves are quite ratty too!!!
04-02-2007, 04:36 AM
Dunno where you are but i'll put my .10c in as we don't have .01 here..
I like Groundeffect products mainly because well they're a down under company :)
I've no idea if the shipping is expensive to where you are but I find them reasonable.
04-02-2007, 05:33 AM
If you look under the "Apparel" category in the TE forums, you'll find LOTS of threads discussing people's favorite shorts and gloves. Plenty of info there for the reading! :)
04-02-2007, 05:35 AM
Stay away from Performance-brand shorts (or clothes in general). They fit poorly, the chamois is crap (and their "gel" one is like wearing a full diaper. Yuck). Don't be tempted by cheap closeout prices on their house brand. They are okay for getting Pearl Izumi stuff on sale, however.
Try for closeouts. I have some Canari shorts from there that are okay for shorter (<30 mile) rides, but for longer rides, I go with my Castelli bibs or Hinds (which I got at Title9, but they don't seem to carry them any more. Pity. I love 'em.).
I got some Nike gloves from my LBS. Not sure of the model name, but they are surprisingly comfy. I like them a lot.
04-02-2007, 07:26 AM
you might start checking TEAMESTROGEN.COM for your clothing needs.
Fantastic customer service, good prices, and fast delivery.
04-02-2007, 08:34 AM
This is one of my favorite pages of TE to look at:
And the first thing in the very loooooong page that I see is a pair of gloves for $12. Bellwether has always been good to me, I might have to get a pair of those gloves.;)
Scroll down, and as you go thru the brands you might find something you like. And if it doesn't fit, TE is great with returns and phone support to help you find something that does. (I love TE, one of the best online shopping experiences!)
04-02-2007, 08:44 AM
I so agree on Performance being crap! Team Estrogen has great sales, so does Sierra...did I just read that somewhere??? :p I love Sugoi shorts and I found some gel gloves that were $9 no-namers after my 5th pair of P.I's gloves unraveled. I must be hard on gloves, but now I look for double stitching and gel right at the base of my palm.
04-02-2007, 06:16 PM
Wow, I appreciate all the feedback! Thanks a lot!!!
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