View Full Version : Have you tried the padded undies?

03-20-2007, 10:01 PM
Just wondering if anyone has tried the padded undies for commuting. If it works it seems simpler than bringing a change of clothes if you can jsut bring a change of undies.

Course my commute is only 3 mi one way...

03-21-2007, 03:50 AM
My commute is a tad over two miles each way. Mostly downhill to work, so I just wear regular clothes and don't work at all on the way to work. It's like strolling, but on your bike. :p

Coming home is a different story - uphill and the afternoons are much hotter. Impossible to not sweat.


03-21-2007, 06:12 AM
DH wears them, they have always cracked me up to see him wearing long white underwear.. The last ones he bought were black though. He swears by them.

03-21-2007, 08:28 AM
When I got my zoic capris they came with removable undies... but I haven't worn them with anything else. 7 miles isn't enough for me to need padding (especially riding the Gazelle).

03-21-2007, 09:20 AM
I don't think a 3 mile commute calls for particular gear if it isn't raining? Come on, your butt can take it! It's gonna get hardier for the real rides!

03-21-2007, 10:19 AM
I don't think a 3 mile commute calls for particular gear if it isn't raining? Come on, your butt can take it! It's gonna get hardier for the real rides!

I agree!

BUT although I'm fine for distances below 10km (or even 20 round trip) on my city bike with a rather big (and quite uncomfortable) saddle, I wouldn't be on my tiny road bike saddle. I have a very narrow-nosed saddle and it is hell if I have to sit on it with jeans and normal undies even for 5 minutes. But I wouldn't take that bike to commute 3 miles either.

03-21-2007, 11:35 AM
I don't think a 3 mile commute calls for particular gear if it isn't raining? Come on, your butt can take it! It's gonna get hardier for the real rides!

Oh, I don't know ... but maybe I'm more of a delicate flower*. ;) I bought my first pair of padded shorts for commuting on our road bike. (2.5 miles each way!) It was partly psychological. That was the bike we used with the trainer and my butt hurt SO MUCH after the first half-hour ride I would never get back on the trainer withough two terrycloth dishtowels over the bike seat.

If you're sore after commuting and the padded undies would make you want to commute more, I say go for it!

* No one has every considered me a "delicate flower." "Subtle as a speeding train" is how it's usually phrased.

03-21-2007, 03:09 PM
I just bought a pair from TE; tried them on and the undies fit, although they fit like "mom" undies, but the pad is huge! I bought smalls, since the size chart said x small (the size I wear in bike shorts) undies were an 18-23 inch waist :eek: I'm pretty sure the xsmalls would be too small in the butt and the pad would be the same. I bought them because i am converting one of our old mountain bikes to a commuter for short trips into town (3.4 miles), but I also might go further, like 10-15 miles to do errands in the next town. I cannot even go a mile without cycling shorts. Last summer I rode to our community pond on my mtb, with a woman specific seat in my bathing suit. Ouch!
I will try them under my regular shorts or capris, but i think I will probably wear my cycling specific capris with a light pad or a skort for most errands.