View Full Version : Update on Trigirl Quest for riding companions...

06-08-2002, 06:01 PM
Hey Club!!!

Guess what? I have finally found a group of women riders...yup all gals...super bunch....been trainging with them for 2 winters now...each person has their own agenda, but respects each others quest for the best....we have ridden together 5 times now...today reaching a 80 km trip working up to 100km...as some are ironmen bound for Lake Placid...it is so super!!! I am so grateful after riding on my own for so long....gals all I can say is be bold and look around you for the women who ride and form your own group...its wonderful...the social aspect is obviously the best...but we do kick butt....and are learning to ride close together....if you have a group already lets hear about it....we can share ideas and experiences..

06-09-2002, 05:28 PM
I agree - let's hear!!
I belong to a local club that is trying to start a monthly women-only ride - and make it a social event at the same time. Generally, though, I ride with a girl friend as it seems like most of the club members are men....