View Full Version : Under saddle bags
03-12-2007, 09:58 PM
Two questions:
1. What do you put in your saddle bag (ie. one or two tubes, which tools, mobile phone???) for solo road training rides of around 50 - 80km (35-50M).
2. What is a good small but big enough wedge style under saddle bag to fit the essentials? I have largeish thighs so assume that if I get one too big that could cause problems? I have a Selle Italia Gel Flow Lady saddle.
I always take my cell phone, some money and my identity card (cause it can be used as my health card in emergency cases),sometimes I like to take one or two energy bars and my lip balm. And that's it!
You should also take spare tire and, of course, pump. I don't take it cause my darling has it always with him, and we usually ride together on rides that are longer than 50km.
In seat bag for any ride:
1 spare tube
1 patch kit
1 CO2 adapter
2 CO2 cartridges (the big ones)
2 tire levers
1 multi tool (which includes hex keys, philip and flat screwdriver, more tire levers, chain breaker, and other stuff) and the diagram explaining the tools I never use on the multitool, in case I need something that I can't recognize.
I should add a $20 bill in there.
In my jersey pockets:
If it's a winter ride, another spare tube and another CO2 cart, and another pair of gloves
A spare pair of gloves
Whatever food I think I'll need, + 1 unit for the eventual bonked rider I'll meet
I also have a frame pump with a pressure gauge.
And two water bottle cages with assorted drinks (usually water + lemonade if a long ride).
03-13-2007, 08:57 AM
In my road bike's saddle bag is a spare tube, a patch kit, and 2 tire irons. I like to keep ID, cash, and cellphone in my jersey pocket, in the unlikely and unpleasant event that I am physically separated from my bike. For longer rides in your mentioned range, I'll throw a gel or two in my pocket. Maybe a Cliff Bar or something more substantial to gnaw on.
Oh, and the saddle bag is a Pedros bag - made from recycled inner tubes. Very small, very minimalist, and I quite like it.
03-13-2007, 09:34 AM
My wedge is small because I've also got large thighs and a small saddle and the wider ones do rub. I ride alone a lot, so I carry all of the following at all times.
In the wedge:
spare tube
tire levers
multi tool
air pressure gauge (pump is on my frame)
bug repellent wipes
sunscreen stick
lip stuff
photo copy of DL and insurance card
excedrin & advil
bandaids (2)
I carry my cell, my food and my road ID on my person. If I am riding before or after dark, I also carry an extra 'flasher' and pepper spray somewhere (usually a pocket).
(yes, my wedge is a master of space conservation ;) )
03-13-2007, 09:46 AM
Two questions:
1. What do you put in your saddle bag (ie. one or two tubes, which tools, mobile phone???) for solo road training rides of around 50 - 80km (35-50M).
2. What is a good small but big enough wedge style under saddle bag to fit the essentials? I have largeish thighs so assume that if I get one too big that could cause problems? I have a Selle Italia Gel Flow Lady saddle.
I have a very small under saddle bag. I put into it:
Inhaler; two or three CO2 cartridges; my small bike multipurpose tool; tire irons; small patch kit (with patches and glue).
I have found that if I carry a tube in the bag, it always eventually gets a hole in it (from rubbing in the bag I think against the zipper) so I never put my tubes in my bag. I carry those in my back pocket.
I put my food, id, any extra clothes or clothes that I take off during ride in my back pocket.
I am a minimalist on the road. On the mountain bike, I do not have an under saddle bag (gets in my way), I use a camelback so I can carry a little bit more - but I still don't carry that much unless I'm on an epic journey (longer than 3-4 hours) or if the weather is really iffy I'll carry more.
I have found that if I carry a tube in the bag, it always eventually gets a hole in it (from rubbing in the bag I think against the zipper) so I never put my tubes in my bag. I carry those in my back pocket.
Good point. I forgot to mention that my "hardware" is in an old sock so they don't make a hole in the tube. Now that you talk about the risk that the zipper makes a hole in the tube, maybe I should the tube in the sock and the rest loose in the saddle bag...
03-13-2007, 10:44 AM
The above list are pretty thorough. I carry a couple of medical type gloves and have my tube in one of them. That way, the tube is protected and if I have a rear flat or mechanical problem, you have the gloves.
But I've managed to get my pretty new tape dirty anyway. :mad:
03-13-2007, 01:47 PM
Oh yeah...I forgot about that tube rubbing thing. Mine is wedged in there pretty good so I can't imagine it rubbing on anything, but just to be safe, it is wrapped in a piece of an old sheet (a sock was too thick!). :)
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