View Full Version : the Tour on TV

07-01-2004, 05:14 AM
Ah, that time of year is upon us (Jo does a Happy Dance :D).

For those of you who don't already know, the Tour de France will be shown on US TV on the Outdoor Life Network (OLN). OLN is a part of various cable and satellite subscription plans.

Here's the OLN Tour coverage schedule. If you plan to tape the live early morning coverage, just know that coverage of the mountain stages (and many of the other stages for that matter) can go as much as an hour over the scheduled time slot.
[Edited to add: click on the button near the top labeled "TV Schedule"]

If you don't get OLN, now's the time to make friends with someone who has it.

- Jo, who will be in front of the tube at the crack of dawn every weekday morning for the next 3 weeks, sucking down Peet's French Roast*, THE official coffee of le Jobob Tour de Couch 2004.

(* Oh, and just so you know, my addiction to Peet's has nothing to do w. LA's plug for it on the Lance Chronicles ... Peet's coffee was what tipped the scales in my decision to move to the SF Bay area about 18 years ago. Still, I got a big kick out of the fact that Lance too appreciates great coffee :cool: )

Adventure Girl
07-01-2004, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by jobob
Here's the OLN Tour coverage schedule.
http://www.olntv.com/tdf04/That link also takes you to OLN's site that will have live coverage. If you're at work and can't watch TV, you can follow online and pretend to be doing your job!;)

07-01-2004, 07:15 AM
i can't wait!!!!

we actually "fired" the cable company last year over the tour de france! fortunately we we looking ahead of time for scheduling.. and found out the stupid cable company had dropped oln! *GASP*!

so i set out to do something hubby had wanted for a long time.. to get satellite!!! my only regret is that i went with dishnetwork over the other one (name escapes me) cuz now i see that they have fittv and we don't :mad:

i've already got the PVR set to record the live airings and lots of other stuff in between! woo HOO!

07-01-2004, 08:51 AM
Our cable company removed OLN, however you can pick 1 package and I ofcourse picked the sports package. Once the TDF is over with I change to another package. Though OLN is the only channel that carries cycling.

I get up at 5:10 a.m. to ride, so I'm just gonna hit record on the VCR, then go on my normal rid.

OLN usually repeats the TFD in the p.m. for those who can't get up in the a.m.

I have pictures of all the major players on my fridge along with the route and the conversion to miles. All next to my rolling stones and I love lucy posters.

07-01-2004, 12:13 PM

You crack me up with the le tour de couch...shamelessly, now that I am umemployed I will be doing the same!!! No matter what everyone thinks of Lance, (I happen to LOVE him, and think he's HOT) let's try to send him some good karma so an American can be famous for beating the french at their own game!


07-01-2004, 12:56 PM
I am totally enjoying all the TdF hub bub. Outside magazine had a bunch of stuff about it, including profiles of some riders. There's even a poster of Lance, although mine had already been pulled out, I never saw it. There are some web sites too. The tour itself looks tres challenging for Lance. I am so wishing i could be in France right now!

07-01-2004, 04:32 PM
I'm (happily) TV-free and follow cycling on cyclingnews.com (http://www.cyclingnews.com/road/2004/tour04/04index.php)

Iban Mayo is my man for Le Tour this year...love those climbers!

Adventure Girl
07-01-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by pedalfaster
Iban Mayo is my man for Le Tour this year...love those climbers! Just a quick thread hijack here: I met a guy riding a Euskaltel’s team issue Orbea last weekend. (Nice bike!) The guy wasn't much of a rider (I'm not being judgmental here; he admitted has lack of riding ability). Anyway, he didn't even know who Iban Mayo was!!??!!:eek: I though it was kind of odd. Maybe he just liked the pretty colors!:D

Biking Chick
07-01-2004, 05:40 PM
Count me in as a dedicated Tour DAY France junkie!

Can't wait to see the new Bob Roll commercials!

07-01-2004, 05:53 PM
I just wish they didn't have Al Trautwig co-hosting the primetime show w. Bob Roll - I find Trautwig's uber-dramatic style really annoying. Maybe Bob will drive Al nutz, one can only hope :p :D

07-01-2004, 05:56 PM
I'm (happily) TV-free and follow cycling on cyclingnews.com
and there's www.velonews.com and www.pezcyclingnews.com if you're looking for a little variety

07-01-2004, 06:06 PM
Oh yeah jobob...thanks for the links and how can we forget The Daily Peloton (http://www.dailypeloton.com/tdfmain.asp) with Crazy Jane's rundown of the hottest riders and the fashion-critique of team uniforms???

Let Tour-fever begin!!!


07-01-2004, 08:26 PM
D'oh! How could I have forgotten Crazy Jane?? Momentary lapse of conciousess, that's my only defense.

Biking Chick
07-02-2004, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by jobob
I just wish they didn't have Al Trautwig co-hosting the primetime show w. Bob Roll - I find Trautwig's uber-dramatic style really annoying. Maybe Bob will drive Al nutz, one can only hope :p :D

I agree ... not to mention the fact that on the final day of the Tour ABC pulled in all of their 'big guns' to recap the tour and show endless videos. I guess what really bugs me the most is the fact that ... while I could be wrong ... I don't think any of them (Sam Posey etc) have ever spent enough time on a bike to be considered a true 'biker'. Paul Sherwin has spent 1,000 times more time in a saddle than any of the other commentators. It smacks of reporters looking for a nice vacation in France on company time.

Guess I better get down off my soap box


07-02-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by jobob
I just wish they didn't have Al Trautwig co-hosting the primetime show w. Bob Roll - I find Trautwig's uber-dramatic style really annoying. Maybe Bob will drive Al nutz, one can only hope :p :D

i have this love-hate thing going with bob though... his hand gestures are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO distracting! :rolleyes:

Biking Chick
07-02-2004, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by caligurl
i have this love-hate thing going with bob though... his hand gestures are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO distracting! :rolleyes:

Must be a result of his having a residence in Italy :D

07-02-2004, 08:45 AM
Check out picture of Jan recently. He's a toothpick!!!! Looks diff from last year I think. Look out Lance.

Personally, I also love Iban. He's adorable.

07-02-2004, 08:46 AM
i'd like to see:


07-02-2004, 08:54 AM
1. Jan
2. Lance
3. Tyler
4. Iban
5. ?

07-02-2004, 09:04 AM
Yeah, what is that? He looks like one of those religious dancers from India! Still rooting for Tyler, but the winning is such a small part. Wonder why there are no big women riders ('cept freestylers)...

07-02-2004, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by kpc
Yeah, what is that? He looks like one of those religious dancers from India! Still rooting for Tyler, but the winning is such a small part. Wonder why there are no big women riders ('cept freestylers)...

i asked my hubby about this a while back... and he said women aren't strong enough for the tour (no.. he's not a chauvinist)

are there any women specific tours that are similar?

are there women in the other tours?

i'm gonna go do some researching now! :confused:

07-02-2004, 10:10 AM
They've had a womens version of the Tour de France for the last few year. It's run in August and only for 2 weeks instead of 3 and the stages are shorter.

Trouble is, they've had problems with the funding and it wasn't run last year when one of the major sponsors pulled out half way through the year.

Good news is though - a different organisation are now in charge of the race and have got a load of new sponsors on board and are relaunching the Womens Tour for next year!:)

07-02-2004, 10:38 AM
It's hard to get funding for female athletes ... look at what women's soccer has gone through in the US, even though everyone loves Mia Hamm and the US team has tons of fans ...

07-02-2004, 12:16 PM
The women's version of the Giro d'Italia (Giro D'Italia Femminile) started today, but you'd be hard-pressed to find any news about it.

07-02-2004, 12:18 PM
Go Tyler !!! :)

07-02-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by jobob
The women's version of the Giro d'Italia (Giro D'Italia Femminile) started today, but you'd be hard-pressed to find any news about it.

ta-dah! (http://www.cyclingnews.com/road.php?id=road/2004/jul04/womensgiro04/default)

I'll be watching (and cheering for) the women in the Giro right along with the men in the Tour.

p.s. NPR had a very interesting segment about men's vs. women's sports and pay vs. media coverage (tennis in particular) last night. I'll post a link later if I find it....

07-03-2004, 04:10 PM
Oh good, I was hoping cyclingnews wouldn't ignore it !

Thanks for the link, PF

07-03-2004, 09:40 PM
Oh wow, this guy has Al Trautwig down perfectly! :p



07-06-2004, 10:02 AM
So are there any women riding in le Tour at all?
I've always been a little unclear on the rules... does everyone ride with a team? i'd assume it would be pretty tough to finish without the support of your teammates.
i had heard that up until the 1960s/70s, women weren't even allowed to watch the finish of the race, let alone to participate.
i had heard of Le Tour Cycliste L'aude femenin (probably terribly misspelled...) but didn't realize that it was dropped last year :(
oh, and one more random question: does "tour" have the same meaning in French as in English? I know "le tour" can also refer to a tower (ie: le tour eiffel) but then again, i don't speak french :p

07-06-2004, 11:53 AM
caligurl wrote "i asked my hubby about this a while back... and he said women aren't strong enough for the tour (no.. he's not a chauvinist)"

...that and the fact it's hard for us to pee at the same time as we're riding...sorry gals, just had to throw that in, could not escape the thought.

Jo, I so like the Tour de Couch idea. Are there jerseys for that?

King of the Remote Jersey
Best Snacks Jersey
Best Young Couch Potato
Most Stages Recorded on DVR

07-06-2004, 12:08 PM
Prime for Fastest Sprint to the bathroom whilst commercials are on. : )

07-06-2004, 01:59 PM
ChainsOflove wrote
"Prime for Fastest Sprint to the bathroom whilst commercials are on. : )"

how could I forget the sprinters jersey!

07-06-2004, 07:33 PM
Today's stage was the most entertaining flat stage I have ever witnessed. Yes, even though my man Mayo got dropped hard I was impressed with what I saw (taped coverage at a friend's). Great team strategy at work. Gnarly crashes. Heartbreak. Amazing technical skill and sheer power. What a sport!


07-06-2004, 07:37 PM
Definitely an interesting stage. The whole road racing thing baffles me, though. It's like politics -- lots of temporary alliances among people who eventually will have to fight against one another

07-06-2004, 08:41 PM
It's interesting how people talk about who they want to win the tour and that is important, but not about the maillot verdi (green jersey). Now for the tour my fantasy results include Stuie O'Grady in yellow at the end, ah, but in reality i would be happy with Jan Ullrich. On to the important stuff - who's going to win green? Robbie McEwen and Baden Cooke are of course favourites having won it before, with Zabel and Petacchi being popular as well, but what about the famous sprinter Mario Cipollini? I thought he was supposed to be some great sprinter, but at this moment he is only on 16 points, 77 behind the leader - all that fuss about a man who does nothing and will probably yet again pull out of the tour the instant it hits the mountains. :rolleyes:

One last thing, today Robbie wears Green and Gold (yellow) - the colours of his country!!!:D And a sign of things to come in future years! :D

07-07-2004, 02:27 PM

I am going to truly date myself here, but I have to tell you that Super Mario was indeed that on the sprints. Mario has had a LONG and distinguished career...look him up sometime,you will be blown away. I hope your aussie boys get to achieve one half of what Mario has achieved in his career...and still have the ba!!s to wear some of the outfits that he does:eek:

On another note...that team trial today was amazing. When it was over I looked over at my son and all I could say was..."yeah
that's how you do that"...USPS was flawless...breathtaking...
dancing on the pedals...:D


07-07-2004, 04:29 PM
Ah, my beloved Posties. George and Eki, oh, and what's his name? :D

Cipo could eat crackers in my bed anytime.........;) What a gorgeous man, for an old guy :p (from someone 10 years his senior!)

07-07-2004, 07:03 PM
Ditto on the posties (cute name!). Looked like a snake the way they were so seemingly effortless. Almost dropped old whats-his-name off the back at one point. The boy had to get off the saddle & do some work!

Lance could eat crackers in my bed if he'd keep his mouth shut.

07-07-2004, 08:01 PM

Our boys might have a way to go before they achieve all the things that Cipo have, but they are relatively young on the scene - it was the 80s before an Australian cyclist won the maillot jaune in the tour. They will get there. I'm mainly saying though, that if Cipo pulls out when this tour hits the mountains as he has done in the past, then the question has to be asked what type of cyclist is he who is captain of his team and pulls out of a tour without injury because of mountains, when 100+ riders are suffering similarly yet have the guts needed to make it through the mountains and down to the Champs Elysees. They didn't allow Domina Vacanze into the tour last year for those reasons (the star of the team had pulled out too many times) and if he does it again he will only be proving such a decision correct.

As for looks, there are so many good looking men on the tour that it would be hard to choose between them!


07-07-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by ausgirl

As for looks, there are so many good looking men on the tour that it would be hard to choose between them!

Oh yeah!!! :D

Have to agree about the Australian sprinters too. McEwen's speed and his ability to put himself in the right place just amazes me!

I think we are coming to a point in the sport where the sprinters have to be good "all around" riders. Kind of like "climbers" had better be pretty darn good time-trialists to hold their own.

The importance of having a really really strong all-around team (cycling IS a team sport) was very well illustrated both yesterday (Mayo's climbing team wasn't strong enough to close the gap in a flat stage) and today in the team time-trial. Postal clicks along like clockwork.

07-07-2004, 08:45 PM
pedalfaster said that "cycling IS a team sport" and nothing could be more true. At a club level most people race as individuals and will make alliances on the day as suits them to be in the best possible position at the end, but at an elite level you race as a team. There are lots of great riders, but would they have been as great without such fantastic groups of riders behind them? Who knows, maybe, maybe not. It's the same for all the other riders - the hill climbers and the sprinters, well every sprinter needs a good lead-out man.

07-08-2004, 05:54 PM
Cipo's just in the race these days to pay the bills and to keep his sponsors happy he's such a great cyclist and he was the Lance of his day that no amount of rules could keep him out of it. Having said that if he does drop out again this year (which he probably will) I doubt he'll be allowed back next year as the refs can only turn a blindeye for so long without the press slating them.

I'm cheering for the only Irishman in the race Mark Scanlon. Having watched Stephen Roche when he won in 1987 and how we all got a day off work ;) I'm hoping we'll get another leprechaun on the podium before the end of the Tour.

07-15-2004, 11:35 AM
hope you don't mind my bumping this back up to the forefront with a funny dailypeloton article which I thought some of you gals might enjoy:


07-15-2004, 11:45 AM
Great article ;)

And men wonder why we are glued to the set when the TDF rolls around :D

I was also reading some of the "Sheryl Crow" posts. Here's a solution. Since I don't have TV I have friends record the live day-time coverage (bonus points for friends with TiVo!). I am enjoying a blissful commercial-, Kirsten Gum- , Al Whatshisname - AND Sheryl Crow-free TDF. All bike racing, all the time :cool:

07-15-2004, 01:57 PM
I have a tv, but no cable. I need friends lik that!!


Adventure Girl
07-16-2004, 02:30 PM
Today was pretty exciting to watch. But tomorrow's stage is a doozie! The final climb is 15.9km (9.8 miles) at 7.8%. That climb starts after they ride 190km (118 miles). Yowza!!!!:eek: Whew!!! I'm tired just from typing that!:D

07-18-2004, 11:27 AM
So what's the deal with Jan's teammates sprinting off & leaving him? Can you imagine what would happen if a postie did that to Lance?

Noticed that Sheryl is back. She does look like his Mom & his ex-wife! Cookie cutter almost!

07-18-2004, 05:01 PM
Yowza!!!! Whew!!! I'm tired just from typing that!
LOL, after watching stage 13 yesterday morning I felt so drained I couldn't drag my lazy carcass out for a ride.

But after watching today's "easy" :rolleyes: stage I felt energized and went out for a nice long one. At, I might add, my fastest-ever average speed for that particular ride.

( ... which must mean I'm one of those nits in the commercials who "dreams of riding like Lance" :p :p :p )

- Jo.

07-18-2004, 05:02 PM
Can you imagine what would happen if a postie did that to Lance? Said postie's next job would involve saying "would you like fries with that?"

07-18-2004, 08:00 PM
I thought I'd heard that if Jan continued not to do so hot, he was going to let one of his other team members take the lead anyway? So maybe that's the story?

07-19-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Dogmama
So what's the deal with Jan's teammates sprinting off & leaving him? Can you imagine what would happen if a postie did that to Lance?

Noticed that Sheryl is back. She does look like his Mom & his ex-wife! Cookie cutter almost!

Jan told Andreas Kloden to go, but T-Mobile luck and problems this year are strange to say the least. The worst was definetely the injury to Vinokurov, who last year caused huge problems on some stages with attacks so strong, no one could really respond. Remember it was Vino who was off the front, when Beloki took his tumble and LA went four wheeling in the farmers field.

Secondly, they did not name Cadel Evans to the team, who I think would have been helpful in many of the climbs.

07-19-2004, 07:03 PM
Thank you cycleaxa!

I totally agree! Cadel Evans would have been a brilliant inclusion on the T-Mobile tour squad, its just that after all his recent collarbone breaks (like last year) they were a bit nervous including him in case he crashed and broke it again which might have wrecked the rest of the season.