View Full Version : nervous-bike locker rental

03-02-2007, 06:36 AM
I have been wanting this since last year. I commute on the Long Island Railroad to Manhattan, taking the 6:30 am train.

Since it does not look like these lockers will be coming to my town, they are in the next town, at most a 3 mile ride. I inquired if any were available, yes there are, they sent me the agreement yesterday.

I know I will sign it, but I got this sudden surge of anxiety. How silly is that? It is a meek little 3 miles ride at that. I think it is the commitment, the rental begins on March 8th. I tell my dh I am not going to begin commuting from now, it still dark when I leave. He says Jo it is a less than 6.00 a month, start when you are ready.

I know after I ride it the first time, I will be fine after that, but I feel like the first day of school is approaching at the age of 51. Yes, I know I am being silly. Just not use to change.

~ JoAnn

03-02-2007, 07:29 AM
Can you ride to it on a non-work day and pretend it's a work day?

03-02-2007, 09:08 AM
yes....it is a regular route that I take for many of my rides. That is why I do not understand being nervous. I know it is just one of those things that I will get over once I ride it the first time. I am very structured especially in my morning routine on work days so I am sure that is contributing to this. The more I think about it the more I think how silly I am. :)

Thank you for your reply.

03-02-2007, 11:17 AM
I get very nervous the first time I do something "different" in my bike commute routine (well let's be honest, I am not good with doing things differently in about any mode in my life...I guess I don't handle change easily). Before I sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago, I was nervous about starting up my bike commute again. I quit riding to work when it got too cold. After I did the ride, I wondered why I was so nervous about it. Lots of negative vibes that I feed myself. Now, I am hoping my ankle will be strong enough so I can ride again next week...still apprehensive, again, but not as much as I was a few weeks ago. It is good to be cautious when you change your route, IMO

03-02-2007, 01:06 PM
It's been a goal of mine for a while to start bike commuting a few days a week this year. My company's bike locker rentals run for a year and start on April 1. (And no, we cannot get them prorated. :( )

Now that it's getting a bit closer, I am getting nervous! Can I do it (it's 9 hilly miles for me)? Will I forget things? Will I be dramatically late? Will I get hit by a car and die?

Maybe we could share our experiences as new bike commuters.

03-02-2007, 02:09 PM
9 hilly miles is a b*tch.

Maybe it was the build of my bike, or her weight, or a combination, whatever, she's a mtb, but my 10 mi hilly commute just about killed me, every day.

take good care and be careful

03-02-2007, 02:34 PM
I am lucky right now, because I can park my bike inside the office, near my cube. I would really like a bike locker. I think it is great if a company provides one. I would be happy to pay for the full year, whether I used it at that time or not. I just know that I would use it the majority of the year.
Offthegrid, I take all my work clothes to the office over the weekend. Again, lucky to have a fairly secure place to hang them. I make sure I have extra underclothes hidden in my desk if, heaven forbid, I don't have what I need. It took awhile to get all the stuff I need put together into a bag I have under my desk. We don't have a shower at work, so I do a sponge bath when I get to work. Luckily, I ride so early in the morning, I don't have any problem monopolizing the one "private" bathroom. It does mean that I have to make a trip up to work over the weekend. But, I have a birdfeeder at work and I go up there anyway to fill the feeder at least one day over the weekend.

03-05-2007, 10:22 AM
My commute will only be 3 miles one way with just an over pass to tend with.

I got the agreement in the mail Friday, but the DOT guy is coming to our bike meeting as a speaker tonight. I just want to be sure they are not putting the bike lockers in the town that I live in any time soon. If so, I would rather wait them.

Since my ride is so short, I will probably just wear my regular clothes. I really probably won't work up any sweat even in the hot weather as I will be leaving at like 6:00am if not a little sooner.

Listening to you other ladies I do not feel so silly anymore. Like you, once I do it once I will ask myself why I was nervous. It is just a change thing.

I would love to hear other stories of new commutors also. I will report when I make my first trip. Although I love that we will be having longer days beginning this coming weekend, my morning will be dark, so I will have to wait to make my first commuter voyage until I get morning light.

Oh, these lockers are yearly also, but begin when you sign the agreement, well a few days later as they put March 8 as when mine begins. It is $60.00 a year with a $20.00 key charge which they refund when you give up the locker. The months that I commute during the year will go by the morning sunlight.

A part of me is excited too, however. :)

~ JoAnn

03-05-2007, 10:50 AM
I have a headlight on my commuter bike. I really love riding in the early morning before there is much traffic about. The lack of noise (cars) is so pleasant and wow, the morning air is undescribable:) . The ride home means lots of traffic and noise. Good luck in your first commute.....

03-05-2007, 11:28 AM
thanks sbctwin....the headlight will be something good to think about once I am use to my new little venture.


03-05-2007, 01:55 PM
9 hilly miles is a b*tch.

Maybe it was the build of my bike, or her weight, or a combination, whatever, she's a mtb, but my 10 mi hilly commute just about killed me, every day.

take good care and be careful

Uh-oh -- you're scaring me! Fortunately I can start by taking a bus in and then riding home. Or taking a bus partway home and riding the rest of the way.

This is just the first job I've had where there is even the possibility of bike commuting, so I really want to make it happen if I can.

03-06-2007, 10:11 AM
offthegrid...have you ridden this route before? By your avatar it looks like you ride a road bike which rides so much different than a mtn bike Kitsun06 mentioned she road. Give it a try anyway, maybe on a non work day and see how it feels.

I see you live in Allentown. I love PA. Some of our favorite getaways are going to Jim Thorpe. We use to scuba dive in Dutch Springs where I also got certified, but since biking regularly for the past 5 years, we do not have the time for scuba anymore.

Anyway, keep us updated on your commute.
