View Full Version : My First Run

02-24-2007, 07:31 AM
Thom said I should just bite the bullet and give this running thing a go.

A few years ago I had gone to reputable store to get running shoes. They analyzed my run, so I think I have a decent pair of shoes. They were kind of dusty when I put them on this morning.

It was 39 degrees out. My last foray into running, I had taken notes on what to wear at different temperatures. The coldest I had been before was 48. Happily, my outfit today worked out just right, a full length bra top, windpro long sleeve shirt and tights. I must say a buff is great. I started off with it as a sort of ear warmer thing. When I warmed up, I turned it into a headband.

Here are my numbers.

3 miles
32 minutes
avg. pace of 5.6 miles

I carried my GPS and wore my HR monitor. The first two miles weren't bad. But when I turned around I realized I had had a tailwind. I saw a couple of my students out running with their karate class.

I had to run all the way to the top of our hill to get three miles. That was hard. Coffee is not the best thing to have before running a hill.

It was fun and not terribly hard. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow, if not sooner!


02-24-2007, 07:57 AM
Well done!

That was similar to me when I went for my first run last year after years of cycling. If your not extremely sore tomorrow then I'll be jealous!

Three miles is actually quite far for a first run even though your cardio system won't think so your legs will say otherwise. :D

I find running as addictive as cycling but I don't have the time to do both thoroughly so cycling wins. I really wish for an eight day week sometimes (with three day weekend) might manage to fit it all in then.

Tri Girl
02-24-2007, 08:30 AM
Congrats on your first run!!! :)
Sounds like you had a good time, and don't give up even if you're sore tomorrow. Your pace was fantastic! Keep it up, girl, and you'll be running 5K's, 10K's, half marathons and marathons before you know it!!! :D
Great job!!!!

02-24-2007, 10:05 AM
V - That's great for a first run. Nice pacing and 3 miles is a good training run. If you add a mile a week you'll be at Oly distance in only a month!! I would stick to 2 to 3 mile runs once or twice per week and one longer run on the weekend, adding 10 to 12 min (that works out to about 1 mile) each weekend.

Have fun and I hope that you're not too sore. It's not easy to run in the hills.

02-24-2007, 11:09 AM

Shoot, I've been running steady since Nov 06 (3.5 months) and I ran 3 miles in 34 minutes today- on a treadmill! Your run was much harder I am sure.

Looks like you are going to be a speed demon. :D

02-24-2007, 12:00 PM
That's excellent going Mz V.

02-24-2007, 02:02 PM
Welcome to the dark side! :D

You may not be all that sore. I never got sore at all last fall when I started running again. Fatigued legs, yes. Sore, not really. You're already so strong, I'm sure you'll be popping off 8 minute miles in no time!