View Full Version : Long( and less long runs) 2/19-2/25

02-19-2007, 09:23 AM
I hope I am not stepping on toes by starting the thread...please forgive me if I have....

But Nurse Ratchet allowed me to run today. No fever for two days, chest clear...head full of gunk, but who needs your head to run...begs the question

Why do we have sinuses anyway ?...

Sorry I digress...

5 miles for us today. I took it nice and easy. It is cold and windy, and the trails are a bit ice covered, but it was nice in the woods.


02-19-2007, 11:05 AM
Hey Ruth! Thanks for starting the thread!

I went and ran 5 miles at a hilly nature preserve today. Between the hills and wind gusts up to 35 mph, my speed was slow.

Although, it was a beautiful 68 degrees outside!

Great job on getting out doing your 5 miles. :D

02-19-2007, 11:23 AM
I did spend training today doing intervals. I'm still learning to use my Garmin but I think it really is pretty cool. The next 3 days are going to be pretty difficult to get much running in. Bummer!

02-19-2007, 11:54 AM
Why do we have sinuses anyway ?...

To annoy us, fill full of gunk and give us headaches! My colds generally turn into sinusitis which is why I hate getting them as it prolongs things. The decongestant stuff (pseudoephedrine?) makes me hyper as well if I have too much of it. :D I think my sinusitis is finally over though it will take another week or two for my nose to completely clear.

My ankle is getting progressively better and I am realising I want to be able to run again soon :) though I'm still too scared of damaging my ankle to go out and do it which is a good thing I think . In the meantime I have been working on my lower legs with a tennis ball and finding lots of trigger points :eek: Got a sports massage booked mid-March (soonest I could fit it in) so that should help.

02-19-2007, 01:50 PM
TF...I have come to the conclusion after reading your posts, that you and I are leading parallel lives on opposite sides of the pond. Your response the other day in the mt bike thread to the girl training for the 45 miler really hit home with me.

I too mt bike with guys, one of which is the DH. And "my guys" are fast. So every weekend ride is race day for me. Their normal ride speed is my race pace. They are wonderful, kind, gentle, patient, funny, fast guys. But the reality of my riding with them is that I am at my redline the entire time.

That being said, I have gotten faster and better from riding with them. It is at times, however, a self inflicted suffer fest.

I wish we lived closer so we could ride together!


02-19-2007, 05:46 PM
3 miles today whoo! And at my target pace the entire time... twas a good day.


roadie gal
02-19-2007, 06:11 PM
My training program called for a 45 minute run today. I went to run by one of our local lakes, the only relatively flat run around here. The run felt pretty good and when I measured it with the car on the way home, I had done 5.2 miles in 45 1/2 minutes. That may sound slow, but I have NEVER run 5 miles at a 9 minute/mile pace! I'm usually a 10 min/mile gal. Wooohoo!! I wonder what happened?

02-20-2007, 07:00 AM
Rocknrollgirl - I know exactly what you mean. I always knew I was working hard when riding with the boys but it wasn't until this Saturday morning that I actually realised how much. I took a few of my girlie MTB friends out on a girls only ride (our first ever) and the difference was unbelievable, partly because I am way fitter than them but also because there wasn't anyone continually riding hard away from us. I could ride at an easy pace (a truly easy pace) because I wasn't worried about people waiting on me and we had a relaxing time all round playing on stuff which you can't always do when pressured to keep up.

I was worried I would feel frustrated on the ride due to the fitness gap but I loved it as I (and they) can work on lots of other aspects of riding (finally nailing trackstands are first on the agenda) and they get to have a good ride without the worry of holding people up - we've already got the next two rides planned. Only snagette is that I will have to brush up my navigational skills when we venture further afield :D

02-20-2007, 11:05 AM
I've been running my head off (all things being relative) this winter and totally neglected swimming (which I dislike) so this morning I exchanged our short run for a swim. *sigh*

Swimming makes me look forward to speed work! It says it all!!!

02-20-2007, 01:00 PM
On the sinus issues, I have one of these (see link below) and use it to wash out the gunk in my sinuses when I feel stuffy (or if I feel something coming on). If I have a full blown infection, it will push gobs of stuff through, the goal being to activate your sinuses to be able to push out the bad stuff on their own rather than being so stopped up they are just crying for help.


(We call it the Nose-O-Rooter :))

02-20-2007, 02:44 PM
I have been using saline, and that seems to be working pretty well so far. That looks like a serious contraption!

02-20-2007, 03:08 PM
I have been using saline, and that seems to be working pretty well so far. That looks like a serious contraption!

Yeah, it's definitely a piece of hardware. ;) You stick a wand up your nose with a plastic tip and it pulses a stream of water (well, saline) into one nostril, through your sinuses, and out the other nostril. It feels kind of weird, but it really seems to work. Saline is pretty similar by itself, just not as fancy schmancy. ;)

A lot of the people I work with are of the "no drugs unless we need it" mentality, which lends itself to this kind of stuff. I never would have found myself buying a nose o rooter otherwise!

Get well soon :D

02-21-2007, 06:21 AM
Well, I ran about 1.75 miles last night. I was suppose to run and then swim.

The swim didn't happen. I just couldn't tolerate the freezing pool water. I need a wetsuit.

The insides of my lower legs were starting to feel all this running... and it's on the verge of me having to not run for a couple of weeks... if I don't back off. So, I am going to spin class tonight. We will see if I can run on Thursday.

02-21-2007, 07:11 AM
Well, IM training goes on. I had to do my hill workout on the treadmill yesterday (about 6 miles). My usual hill in a dirt train and it's been pouring rain for a few days now. Temps are dropping and they're talking about the possibility of snow at night over the next 4 days. Dang, I thought spring was here. :mad:

02-21-2007, 09:58 AM
another 3 miles at a good pace! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this thing!


02-21-2007, 05:30 PM
Just another 3-mile treadmill run (+ .75 mile fast walk), but I felt strong today, despite a trainer workout last night. Upped my speed to 5.8 mph too (slow for most but fast for me - up from 5.2 mph a couple of months ago...) :) I wore my HR monitor for the first time and found that I stayed in zone 2 for the entire run, which was good news -- most was upper zone 2, but I had been afraid I was in zone 3 for most of it, since running feels harder than riding. Fortunately, that was not the case.


02-22-2007, 04:25 AM
Decided to go out for a short easy run today as I realised I was treating my ankle normally (i.e pushing doors shut with it and bouncing on it). Did a nice easy pace and although I was "aware" of my ankle it didn't hurt at all. The rest of my muscles are all nicely relaxed from the rest and running felt really smooth. Was great to be out even if it was in the rain and cold. :D

I won't be doing long runs for a while but I'll do a few more 3 milers to judge how my ankle is, then build up to an hours steady running again. Fingers crossed. Found a yoga class I can attend and will be there tonight to get working on my tight calves.

02-22-2007, 09:55 AM
Did a 3mile run this morning - weather was perfect, in the 60s and sunny - what more could you ask for.

02-22-2007, 06:19 PM
Just another 3-mile treadmill run (+ .75 mile fast walk), but I felt strong today, despite a trainer workout last night. Upped my speed to 5.8 mph too (slow for most but fast for me - up from 5.2 mph a couple of months ago...) :)

That sounds great Emily! I know when I cruise on the treadmill... I do anywhere from 5.4 to 5.8. In my book, that is NOT slow! It's on the cusp of breathing too hard!

Oddly, I find that I run better and faster outside than I do a treadmill... you might find that as well.

Great run lady! And, I truly believe that cross-training running will make you a stronger cyclist. But I'm not an expert.

02-22-2007, 06:21 PM
Did a 3mile run this morning - weather was perfect, in the 60s and sunny - what more could you ask for.

Sounds heavenly!

This week I have been booked all through lunch, so I haven't been able to run outside. It has been 70-80 here in Dallas! I HATE being inside! I just dream of riding my bike...and getting some running in.

02-22-2007, 06:21 PM
I won't be doing long runs for a while but I'll do a few more 3 milers to judge how my ankle is, then build up to an hours steady running again. Fingers crossed. Found a yoga class I can attend and will be there tonight to get working on my tight calves.

Hey, 3 miles IS FAR to some people. :p Happy to hear you have been able to run on your ankle.

02-22-2007, 07:03 PM
You gals are all doing awesome. 3 miles is not insignificant!! Remember, you'e out there doing way more than most people. :D

As for pace, there's nothing wrong with 5.5 to 5.8 mph. You will tend to run faster outside. 6.0 is a 10 min mile, not bad.

02-23-2007, 04:52 PM
yellow's run this evening. yellow looooooooooves the snow :D :D :D

And yes, those are crazy doggie tracks everywhere. Pika loves the snow, too!



02-23-2007, 06:02 PM
Beautiful. the scenery and the dog.

Tri Girl
02-24-2007, 08:35 AM
Awesome pics, Yellow- although I'm getting chilly just looking at them. Beautiful pup, too!!!

So far I've only run twice this week: two 3 milers. Tomorrow will be 18 (hopefully).

And I'm sooooo glad that the weather is warming up, although with it is coming the wind- today sustained winds of 30-40 mph (with measly 50-60 mph gusts). That's why I'm planning my long run for tomorrow- only 15-25 mph sustained winds predicted. :p

Snow sure is pretty, but I'm so glad it's gone away (double crossing fingers and toes) for the winter...

Happy running, ladies!!!

02-24-2007, 11:10 AM
Yellow... what beautiful scenery and pup! Oh, and there is no way in HECK I would be running outdoors. You are too hardcore for me.

I ran 3 miles in 34 minutes on a treadmill today. This was after a 1 hour spin class.

The run was slow and I had to work on side cramps the whole time. Deep breathing alone didn't help. I had to keep running hunched over- it was so sad.

02-24-2007, 11:11 AM
And I'm sooooo glad that the weather is warming up, although with it is coming the wind- today sustained winds of 30-40 mph (with measly 50-60 mph gusts). That's why I'm planning my long run for tomorrow- only 15-25 mph sustained winds predicted. :p

I am in Dallas... and OMG! :eek: The WIND! :eek: It's crazy.

Between the threat of rain and that wind... I took my workout inside today.

02-24-2007, 02:09 PM
KSH, cold is...what you aren't used to! I'm sure if you lived somewhere colder you'd adapt. But you don't need to where you live now! I just LOVE running when it's in the teens to the 30s, and prefer running on snow to just about any other surface. I'm afraid that when it warms up to your temps I'll have a complete meltdown (physical and mental). We shall see.

I'm actually NOT looking forward to the end of snow for running purposes. Thankfully we're supposed to get a couple more storms this week.

02-25-2007, 06:41 AM
Got 18 miles this week, two easy runs and one day of hill run on the trail.
Keep running!

02-25-2007, 07:32 AM
Did 6.6mi run LSD this morning. Sunny out and warm but 20mph wind. KSH and TriGirl - those winds you gals are having make me glad I'm not in Oklahoma right now! I don't think I could handle it.

Yellow - boy that looks beautiful out there. Hard to run in, but gorgeous. And you're right about adapting - sometimes I feel so soft in regards to the weather I'll workout in compared to when I was in OK. People change!

02-25-2007, 04:54 PM
Today was pretty good! I was proud of myself, sometimes it's hard to make myself go run in the morning when I'm not at my house and I'm visiting my parents, but I woke up at 7 a.m. and went running shortly thereafter without a second thought, just put on my clothes and went out. I ran an unspecified distance around some nearby neighborhoods and on streets, it was my first time running on roads and it felt pretty odd... I'm much more comfortable on my bike on roads. I guess I feel less vulnerable with my bike under me. I ran the loop I had chosen in an okay amount of time, about 40 minutes, actually it was kinda slow, but I didn't feel at all tired at the end and could have continued at that pace forever it seemed. Drove the loop with my car later and it was 3 miles, so it was better than i was fearing and worse than I'd hoped!

Still, about 2 miles more than I had run the last time I ran in that area, and I didn't have to stop at all the entire time... it was a good way to wake up!

So that's 11 miles total for me this week! Woo!

02-25-2007, 05:59 PM
Today was pretty good! I was proud of myself, sometimes it's hard to make myself go run in the morning when I'm not at my house and I'm visiting my parents, but I woke up at 7 a.m. and went running shortly thereafter without a second thought, just put on my clothes and went out. I ran an unspecified distance around some nearby neighborhoods and on streets, it was my first time running on roads and it felt pretty odd... I'm much more comfortable on my bike on roads. I guess I feel less vulnerable with my bike under me. I ran the loop I had chosen in an okay amount of time, about 40 minutes, actually it was kinda slow, but I didn't feel at all tired at the end and could have continued at that pace forever it seemed. Drove the loop with my car later and it was 3 miles, so it was better than i was fearing and worse than I'd hoped!

Still, about 2 miles more than I had run the last time I ran in that area, and I didn't have to stop at all the entire time... it was a good way to wake up!

So that's 11 miles total for me this week! Woo!

Great job on getting up early and running! Sounds like you had a really nice run.

02-25-2007, 09:07 PM
Hi ladies! I went for a second run today. My first was at least a month ago. :) Anyway, I decided to try running for 1km to see if I could do it. I could! I was at work and had about 15 minutes to kill so I figured I may as well exercise. 3 1/2 laps around our school is 1km. I am going to join the school running club in the spring and run with the kids. Maybe I can get my son to join too. I'd love to be be able to do a triathlon someday....