View Full Version : Took my bike swimming today

02-11-2007, 07:08 AM
In a rather wine fuelled conversation on Friday night I uttered the fateful words "I haven't fallen off my bike for a while".

Sets off on this mornings long ride (potentially 30 hard miles) and it soon becomes apparent to me that I have not actually gotten fully over my cold and wasn't up to full power yet, hoped we wouldn't be tackling the "extra loop" on the ride and would do the 18 miler instead. So somehow I managed to find myself trundling along in front humming away to myself. The track drops down through a stream then steeply up the otherside, the water is about a foot deep in the middle of the stream and is moving quite quickly so I can't quite see what the bottom is like, fairly standard for Lake District fords I thought. Heads down into the stream confidently looking at the line up the otherside when next thing I know the front wheel stops dead and I'm tipping up in the air. :eek:

Straight over the bars and right in the deepest part of the stream :D . The water was so cold (there were still some ice patches around) that it totally took my breath away. I scrambled out quickly in a bid to stop myself getting any more soaked leaving my poor bike in the stream. OH came along and picked the bike up and told me off for saving myself first! The frame was absolutely full of water (not good for a steel frame) and I was completely sodden all the way down the right hand side of my body. The boys rode through it taking a different line to me though gratifyingly had to work for it.

I had a spare set of gloves and a windproof fleece so I was all set to carry on once I emptied my waterproof socks of water but I'd completely knackered my shifter and only the smallest three cogs were available to me at the rear. We were about to head up Garburn Pass which is a long, rocky and at times very steep climb and there was no way no how I was going to get up it without my low gears. So we headed back to a cup of coffee and a slice of cake (bonus). I've decided it was god's way of telling me I shouldn't be riding today!

The guys have gone out for a local spin so at least they'll get some riding in. I've got a nice collection of bruises developing now.

Running Mommy
02-11-2007, 08:04 AM
Ohh Tattie!! As I read that I could feel the cold water!! Did you get your baby all dried off? Brrrr...
And yes, I think that was someone telling you that you should be home with a warm pot of tea (or coffee, or hot cocoa, or either w/ a nice shot of the liquor of your choice :p ).
I had to laugh when I read the word "knackered". Thursday I was dead tired from ironman training, but I headed out on my 20 mi ride anyway. As I was trudging up the hill, my quads mounting a protest along the way, I thought to myself "as those english girls on TE would say I'm knackered, or is it Knockered....." Well this conversation went on in my head for a good 10 minutes. hee hee :D
Then I said to myself "no, it's knackered... Knockered is what you do when you get fake boobs put on. You get knockered"... :D :D :D
Ahhh sometimes I crack myself up.
Anyhoo, hope the bruises fade soon. Though like a scar, they are a badge of honor you know!! ::D

02-11-2007, 08:14 AM
Well done, Well done. I always say if you are gonna go, go big!!! I have had some spectacular crashes, but never in a creek. Poor you and your bike. I hate getting my bike soaked.

You made the right move calling it a day and going home....tea, wine some other cozy beverage will soothe those bruises.

02-11-2007, 09:59 AM
Ah, tattie

Yes, I affectionately call her the trail goddess and she has sent me home on many an occasion! Often, she does it just to keep my pride in check! :eek: I alwasy think it best to listen to her.

I recall once that I managed to fall while climbing up rock steps with a cliff edge beside me. Knowing that I was going over, I somehow managed to jump off the bike before the bike went flying off the ledge, landing on a juniper tree. The others all seemed to think that I had thrown the bike, but I was just so glad it wasn't me!! Well, DH was a bit unimpressed that I would throw such a fabulous and expensive bike around....and I'm not sure he even understands today that it was either her or me, and at least we didn't have to take her to the hospital!! Honestly, I don't think she had a scratch on her. And, no, I really don't know how I managed to fall while climbing....

Hope those bruises heal well and soon!

Hugs and butterflies,

02-11-2007, 11:34 AM
"I haven't fallen in a while" are dangerous words! Sorry you got bunged up and cold to boot! I remember falling in a frozen creek when I was a kid while sledding. Never forgave my big brothers who were supposed to catch me. And here you had to ride out. Brrrrrrr. Thanks for the story!

02-11-2007, 01:46 PM
That sounds like a posatively miserable ride. :( Cold, wet and you still had to ride home. A ride worthy of the sufferfest title I'd say. I'm sorry you're bruised up and I hope your cold doesn't get worse. Is your ankle better now?

I had a similar fall once. Except in my case I did not fall in cold water, did not get hurt and my girlfriend and I laughed so hard I think I might have peed my shorts. I fell into a huge mudpuddle because I miscalculated the depth. The far side of the puddle was steep enough and slippery enough that I could not get traction to climb out. I kept pedaling and nothing happened until I finally fell over onto my left side. I was perfectly coated in mud down one side of my body from head to toe. :D :D Man I wish we'd had a camera.

02-11-2007, 05:05 PM
"I haven't fallen in a while" are dangerous words!

The only time I can utter them is if I haven't ridden in a while. :D

SO sorry about your fall, tf. That cold water must have stung! Hope you heal up really quickly (and your bike too).


02-12-2007, 12:49 AM
My ankle was pretty good yesterday, no problems at all pedalling (or jumping out of streams). The only thing that bothered it was when we were heading back, it was primarily descending on rocky tracks and as I was riding my hardtail the vibrations from the rear end were going up through my foot. I'm back at the chiro today for it and I'll also be getting him to check my hips as I fell quite hard on the right one. A few liberal applications of Arnica and my bruises are coming on nicely - I'm quite talented at bruising.

I woke up this morning with a bit of a runny nose (at last) which usually means that my cold is on its way out - yay!

Tri Girl
02-12-2007, 07:59 AM
Ouch- I'm glad you're OK from your fall (you're just beating the stuffing out of yourself lately, aren't you?). Sorry the water was cold- if it had been summer that cold creek would've felt so nice- too bad it was winter.

Rest up and keep yourself as well as possible!!!!

02-27-2007, 06:40 PM
I ate it pretty good today and not once but twice...I was like WTH the 2nd time. I started my ride kind of late-and there's a group of gals that left as I did and they let me go ahead and I endo'd and I seriously though I'd be walking our new Moto Lite back:eek: The handlebars had not been tightened by dh from him messing with something....I got them centered and passed the gals again-but I should stayed with them because no sooner did the bike slip out from under me going around a turn...I was slow today at 7.8...hoping to be 8.5 :( Just doesn't happen since Ill have a week break from riding at times with our family's hectic schedule.....landing in ice cold water would of really pissed me off but I could still relate...I hit my chest hard-but sigh...lots of padding and two bras it wasan't that bad...I was pissed about the bike! Got a little bruised up above my knees from the handlebars but...Im okay...just blew the rest of my ride:rolleyes:

02-28-2007, 01:06 AM
Glad your ok! Bikes need to be scratched and dinged until that happens you won't relax on it properly (still annoying when the first one happens).

My average speed for rides is generally about 8mph unless terrain is really easy. I don't get hung up on averages or miles when riding my MTB as they are so much lower than on the road for similar effort and terrain plays such a huge part.